
·November 2006 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं

  • Female, 34 years old
  • Adelaide, Australia
  • Favorite TV Show: The Office! Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, Pushing Daisies, 30 Rock, Flight of the Conchords
    Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean/Juno/Lion King/Enchanted/10 Things I Hate About You/Sweene Todd/Atonement
    Favorite Musician: कोल्डप्ले / The Killers / The Living End / Silverchair / Green दिन
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, His Dark Materials, The Sally Lockhart Mysteries, Eragon, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice
मोज़ेक सूची

मेरे क्लब्स

Dedicated Fan in 20 clubs Dedicated (20) Die-Hard Fan in 13 clubs Die-Hard (13) Fanatic in 2 clubs Fanatic (2)

मेरी दीवार

big smile
keelawinchester कहा …
Hey! will आप शामिल होइए my सूपरनॅचुरल brotherly moments spot? link पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
melikhan कहा …
Sorry for bothering but I was wondering since आप like the book "Host" ,would आप शामिल होइए one of its character's club?

It'd be great if आप do ,it's okey if आप don't want to,I understand :)
link पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
NinaDobrev13 कहा …
link पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना