Yeah,this is the first लेख I've written,so it probably won't be good.
O.K I have a 7 साल old niece and she might not seem evil,but trust me she is.If आप met her you'd think she was a sweet,little angel
Her mom,my sis Heather,got married a few years ago.Well the man she married had 2 kids.Ever since she lived with them,she's been evil.
She tells my mom No
She tells us she hates us.She thinks she's the boss.She hits me and then says I hit her first(i'm old enough to know आप don't hit when आप don't get what आप want)She calls me fat.she can't take a joke and then says im fat and don't "play"because I don't like being outside and hate sports.There's और but I don't really want to write anymore.Tell me what आप think in टिप्पणियाँ please:)
O.K I have a 7 साल old niece and she might not seem evil,but trust me she is.If आप met her you'd think she was a sweet,little angel
Her mom,my sis Heather,got married a few years ago.Well the man she married had 2 kids.Ever since she lived with them,she's been evil.
She tells my mom No
She tells us she hates us.She thinks she's the boss.She hits me and then says I hit her first(i'm old enough to know आप don't hit when आप don't get what आप want)She calls me fat.she can't take a joke and then says im fat and don't "play"because I don't like being outside and hate sports.There's और but I don't really want to write anymore.Tell me what आप think in टिप्पणियाँ please:)
I noticed some very sad things if आप replay the first Red Dead after the prequel..
1: Jack's कड़वा line "teach me and your just run away again या something" is now sadder when the prequel reveals John ran off for a whole साल when Jack was really little. Jack's clearly still angry.
2: Dutch.. He's some kinda Empty Shell of the man we once knew. The man he and Hosea raised from childhood is now out to kill या capture him. And he clearly hasn't gotten better, mentally. He is now just another crazed enemy.
3: Uncle's death.. Despite having taken a level in jerkass, we feel like we know the man द्वारा this point. It's like meeting up with an friend... And than watching them get murdered.
4: If आप have Jack kill Ross, bascally Arthur and John died in vein.. But sadly this is probably the true ending..
5: Seeing Bill and Javier can be rough now..
1: Jack's कड़वा line "teach me and your just run away again या something" is now sadder when the prequel reveals John ran off for a whole साल when Jack was really little. Jack's clearly still angry.
2: Dutch.. He's some kinda Empty Shell of the man we once knew. The man he and Hosea raised from childhood is now out to kill या capture him. And he clearly hasn't gotten better, mentally. He is now just another crazed enemy.
3: Uncle's death.. Despite having taken a level in jerkass, we feel like we know the man द्वारा this point. It's like meeting up with an friend... And than watching them get murdered.
4: If आप have Jack kill Ross, bascally Arthur and John died in vein.. But sadly this is probably the true ending..
5: Seeing Bill and Javier can be rough now..
Doctor:Sir,I have bad news and worse news.Patient:What's the bad news?Doctor:You only have 24 hours to live.Patient:Well what could be WORSE than that?!Doctor:I've been trying to call आप since yesterday!
Maria:Kim,where's Kitty?Kim:I don't know,Maria.Maybe she's..Derek:Mom कहा आप couldn't have a cat.Ooooh!I'm telling!Maria:Mom never कहा I couldn't have a LION instead.Derek:WHAT?!*chewing and swallowing noises*Maria:Kitty,there आप are!
Yolanda:Come on,Sal.Let's play Hide-and-Seek!Sal:No,that's boring.Yolanda:We've got nothing better to do.Sal:FINE.I'll count!*after 20 seconds*Sal:READY या NOT,HERE I CO-OME!YOLANDA WAS NOT FOUND UNTIL THREE DAYS LATER AT FUNZONE.Sal:YOLANDA!!I've been looking for आप FOREVER!Yolanda:Your right,Sal,Hide-and-Seek IS boring*slurps smoothie* this icecream expired?
Maria:Kim,where's Kitty?Kim:I don't know,Maria.Maybe she's..Derek:Mom कहा आप couldn't have a cat.Ooooh!I'm telling!Maria:Mom never कहा I couldn't have a LION instead.Derek:WHAT?!*chewing and swallowing noises*Maria:Kitty,there आप are!
Yolanda:Come on,Sal.Let's play Hide-and-Seek!Sal:No,that's boring.Yolanda:We've got nothing better to do.Sal:FINE.I'll count!*after 20 seconds*Sal:READY या NOT,HERE I CO-OME!YOLANDA WAS NOT FOUND UNTIL THREE DAYS LATER AT FUNZONE.Sal:YOLANDA!!I've been looking for आप FOREVER!Yolanda:Your right,Sal,Hide-and-Seek IS boring*slurps smoothie* this icecream expired?
dont आप just प्यार being बिना सोचे समझे i mean on this spot आप can talk about anything आप want like sausages या mashed potatoe
its cool to be बिना सोचे समझे like just yeasterday i saw a bird and then i saw a plane how बिना सोचे समझे (i just thought i would write that)
life should be और बिना सोचे समझे it makes life और fun
whats your favourite बिना सोचे समझे thing to do apart from talk about बिना सोचे समझे stuff and do बिना सोचे समझे things?? बिना सोचे समझे words
it says write a longer लेख boring
jhfskv\j;lgvkfshk;gbjzfhbkzjdghblkzdjhg;kljdfhglksjrshglikrhsgijklsrh बिना सोचे समझे stuff
its cool to be बिना सोचे समझे like just yeasterday i saw a bird and then i saw a plane how बिना सोचे समझे (i just thought i would write that)
life should be और बिना सोचे समझे it makes life और fun
whats your favourite बिना सोचे समझे thing to do apart from talk about बिना सोचे समझे stuff and do बिना सोचे समझे things?? बिना सोचे समझे words
it says write a longer लेख boring
jhfskv\j;lgvkfshk;gbjzfhbkzjdghblkzdjhg;kljdfhglksjrshglikrhsgijklsrh बिना सोचे समझे stuff