✔ Verified DBZ and The Lion King प्रशंसक ✔

·March 2011 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं

  • Male, 24 years old
  • T3x4s
  • Favorite TV Show: Rocko's Modern Life, Doug,The Office, The Golden Girls, Dragon Ball Z/Super, Regular Show, Criminal Minds, Everybody Loves Raymond, बत्तख, बतख dynasty,
    Favorite Movie: The Lion King, Zootopia, Madagascar, Tarzan, Brother भालू
    Favorite Musician: Phil Collins, LORDE, ZEDD, आइकन for hire, Skrillex, Saint Pepsi, Daft Punk, Modest Mouse, Klaypex, Panic! at the Disco, Paramore, Toto, Men at Work
    Favorite Book or Author: The Bible, dbz manga,
मोज़ेक सूची

मेरे क्लब्स

Dedicated Fan in 7 clubs Dedicated (7) Die-Hard Fan in 1 club Die-Hard (1) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

मेरी दीवार

RTS2000 के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my polls
हे there, been a while पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
dbz9000 टिप्पणी जोड़ा गया हे…
Heya! It has. Have not been on xbox या ps4 for a while because I have been pretty busy with university. :) एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
RTS2000 टिप्पणी जोड़ा गया हे…
I hope that's going well for you, on PS4 now myself too एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
big smile
kateandme के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my articles
Thanks for the add back! पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
shadowcrash007 के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my images
Hey. Not sure if आप remember me, but in case आप do. हे :D it's been forever लोल पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना