भेड़िया Club
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Epic chases, adorable भेड़िया babies, an unexpected crew crossover with a भेड़िया pack and more. Witness अकल्पनीय takedowns and और surprising moments on location while filming भेड़िया for BBC Earth.
चोटी, शीर्ष 10 moments
bbc earth
added by katewolf22158
added by yoshiboo
Source: heather animations
added by demon_wolf
added by australia-101
added by r-pattz
Source: WolfRoad (from deviantART)
added by yoshiboo
Source: heather animations
 Thunder and Shadow
Thunder and Shadow
Thunder's pack
Alpha: Thunder- Male gray भेड़िया with yellow eyes
Male beta: Stone- Male gray भेड़िया with yellow eyes
Female beta: Lightning- Female white भेड़िया with blue eyes
Male Delta: Storm- Male gray भेड़िया with blue eyes
Female Delta: Crystal- Female white भेड़िया with green eyes
Sentinels: Moonlight- Female white भेड़िया with brown eyes
Sparkle- Female gray भेड़िया with green eyes
Marble- Female white भेड़िया with red eyes
Pebble- Male gray भेड़िया with green eyes
Fog- Male gray भेड़िया with red eyes
Elders: Twinkle- Female gray भेड़िया with green eyes
Snow- Female white भेड़िया with blue eyes
Cloud- Male white भेड़िया with...
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added by JennaStone22
added by यॉर्कशाएर के गुलाब
Source: pinterest
added by यॉर्कशाएर के गुलाब
Source: pinterest
added by यॉर्कशाएर के गुलाब
Source: pinterest
posted by emowolf123
I woke up on still on the floor and a burning sensation on my wrists. I looked down at them to see a bird on each. Great, now when Angela sees this she's going to freak out. I slowly pushed myself up. I looked into the mirror to see a very ugly person that looked a lot like me staring back.

"Shower time," I sang to myself. I quickly turned on my शावर, शॉवर and took off my clothes. I wanted to get to the forest to find Sky. I washed my hair, making sure it's soft. I jumped out and dried myself off. I put on skinny jeans and a Blood on the Dance Floor कमीज, शर्ट on. I ran outside, ignoreing the bacon...
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added by rakshasa
Source: @animal spot
added by ElGalloCaballo
added by Love-Olympians
added by यॉर्कशाएर के गुलाब
Source: picnewposts-blogspot