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added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: चित्र द्वारा TAS2024/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸: Erika Goldring/TAS24/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS Rights Management
added by rakshasa
Source: 📸John Shearer/TAS24/Getty तस्वीरें for TAS Rights Management
added by rakshasa
Source: Getty तस्वीरें @JStarrC tumblr संपादन करे
In early 2012, magician and illusion designer Franz Harary presented the début of a new version of the Standing Sawing, which he christened "Slice-Her", in a special performance in Los Angeles, attended द्वारा both magicians and the media. The illusion uses a framework very similar in appearance to that used for the Assistant's Revenge illusion, except that the upper and lower stocks used to restrain the assistant's neck, wrists and ankles are open-fronted, and the waist stock is wider and designed to accept a pair of divider blades.

At the première performance, Harary began द्वारा introducing the...
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added by IrisxDean7
added by rakshasa
Source: Getty तस्वीरें @JStarrC tumblr संपादन करे
added by rahulshingtee
Source: tumblr