swaggy Kat❤

·February 2013 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं

  • Female, 37 years old
  • Germany
  • Favorite TV Show: Kdramas,chinese Dramas,Horror movies,Series(Lost,Castle,NCIS,HIMYM,to broke girls,Golden girls,...),animal and nature documentary,...
    Favorite Movie: Code geass,Nekopara,One piece,Naruto shippudenIt,gone with the wind,Batman,Psycho,the godfather,pirates of the carribian,old films,documentary
    Favorite Musician: Lady Gaga,Billie Eilish,Dua Lipa, के पॉप ,Metal,grundge,Hip hop,pop,jpop,rock ,..
    Favorite Book or Author: Stephen king,Dan Brown,Catherine Sheppard,J.K. Rowling,Mangas,fanfictions,poems,fantasy,..
मोज़ेक सूची

मेरे क्लब्स

Dedicated Fan in 51 clubs Dedicated (51) Die-Hard Fan in 57 clubs Die-Hard (57) Fanatic in 4 clubs Fanatic (4)

मेरी दीवार

PopPixie---- के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my answers
         𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚...
        ✨𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲.✨ पोस्टेड ·4घंटे पहले
whatsupbugs के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my comments
आप are great. पोस्टेड ·10घंटे पहले
whatsupbugs के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my comments
आप are amazing. पोस्टेड ·10घंटे पहले