“Life is like Facebook. People will like and coments your problems, but no one will solve them because they're busy updating them.” - Lucy Hale
Sara Hire
·December 2008 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं
Female, 30 years old
Wales, Pembrokeshire
Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Charmed, 90210, American Horror Story, Supernatural, Primeval, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who
Favorite Movie: A Walk to Remember, Les Miserables, Divergent, Despicable Me, The Boondock Saints
Favorite Musician: Demi Lovato, Emily Kinney, Kate Voegele, Skillet, Alexz Johnson, Callum Wright, Lady Antebellum, The Pretty Reckless
Favorite Book or Author: The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars Series