LillyBlack Eos कल्पना RP

LillyBlack posted on May 29, 2023 at 01:31AM
Within the ground of the beautiful planet of Eos flows a strong magical energy that moves throughout all of the lands and nature. On this planet of Eos, there’s a region of land largely dominated by a Capital City, Selfarion, and its surrounding cities: Yeres, Aralos, and Easea. Within each of these cities is an enormous tree that emits abundant amounts of magical energy. There’s a phenomenon that states that each tree was grown by its respective gods in order to encourage advancement in humanity and further the potential of mankind. These trees, it has become the central source of magical energy for these neighboring cities and has been the reason why they have prospered. Controlled by the Central Council located in Selfarion, the cities Aralos, Easea, and Yeres have all formulated their own guilds in order to not only protect their own cities but to come together and protect all their lands as a whole!

Selfarion, The Capital City
Native God: Selfarion, God of Fortune
Noble Family: The Walker’s
Elite Families:
The Forrester’s
The Voss’
Central Council Members:
Kaius Ida
Claudia Steel
Kurota Jaeger
Rylon Alves

Yeres, The City by the High Mountains
Native Goddess: Yelena, Goddess of Earth
Tank Guild of Yeres Members:
Guildmaster Kurota Jaeger, the Dark Knight
Available Guild Classes:

Aralos, The City by the Mystical Forest
Native God: Arafel, God of Nature
Damage Guild of Aralos Members:
Guildmaster Rylon Alves, the Swordmaster
Available Guild Classes:
Dark Mage

Easea, The City by the Elegant Sea
Native Goddess: Elysia, Goddess of the Seas
Support Guild of Easea Members:
Guildmaster Claudia Steel, the High Mage
Available Guild Classes:
White Mage

Other Places
Village of Astrola (Between Selfarion/Aralos and Yeres)

Height: (because why not)
Guild: (only if you’re in one)
Class: (if in guild)

Ize Konda
Marlene Steel

**wanna mention that you can also put your class as "unclassified" if there's something unique you wanna do but doesn't fit under any of the available classes... or we can always add new ones too**
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 07:26AM

LillyBlack 601 उत्तरों

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 601

·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Seriously?
Aya: Like a book left on a cliffhanger..
Ize: Hmm... Fine... You won't go into you that far... So, I suppose I will... I guess more or less, my upbringing here in Aralos wasn't bad. I grew up with my parents and older sister.. My father was a carpenter, helping people all around Aralos build housing, fencing.. That kind of thing.. My mother helped out in making and selling medicines.. My older sister was a tailor, she enjoyed making clothes.. I looked up to the work ethic they all had.. But, I was someone that looked up more to warriors... When the guilds were first formed, I looked up to the warriors that were part of it.. Come to find out my dad was actually a retired warrior himself...
Aya: Mr. Konda.... I'd heard about him quite a bit.... He was a warrior that survived harsh conditions, even survived a war being the last of his squadron...
Ize: He had the scars to prove it.... Hm... When I turned 13, he began to train me.. It was tough..... Although, when I turned 16......... It was so unexpected.... My parents hid me, but, at the price of their own lives... My sister went missing... Even to this day, I don't know where she is... There was this girl I met afterward..... I stayed with her and her grandfather.... Her parents were in Yeres... Yuka.... Her grandfather claimed that he saw a promise in me.... So, I trained under him.. Two years of using his teachings.. The Ishikata style... When I turned 17, this was when I met Aya.... Her family were apparently taken hostage, someone witnessed it, but was too scared to move. I wouldn't let another family perish. But, I was too late...
Aya: My father was killed in front of me... But, Ize saved me..
Ize: Sometime after that.. Yuka.. She claimed that someone overwhelmed her grandfather... We went to the forest, but.... I ended up in a fight, which resulted in me being lucky to survive.
Aya: Elena was so scared to lose you that day, but she mentioned there was a shift in you when you woke up.. Like you weren't you...
last edited ·10महीने पहले
·10महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"He.. He actually told me about his background... " Marlene thought to herself.
"Ize..... To be honest, I wasn't expecting you to actually open up to me like this considering how closed off you've been.." Marlene told him. "Both Yuma and Elena told me a little bit about you when I met them... That's when I heard about someone setting you up.. Was Yuka that person then?"
·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah.... I figured Yuma and Elena would have been the ones to tell you.. So, I figured you might as well have the full story on me... Yuka... Her and her grandfather were like my support system after my parents died and sis disappeared. But that setup showed me something.. The person that overwhelmed her grandfather.... Was Yuka herself..
Aya: But why? What would she have to gain from that?
Ize: ...... That's the unknown... She killed her grandfather then tried to kill me... But why?
last edited ·10महीने पहले
·10महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Unless there was something else going on in the background then nothing could justify what she did to you two." Marlene told him, already sounding a little ticked off at Yuka. "If they were your support system, then you must've been around her for awhile... Did you ever expect that from her?"
·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Of course not... I'd seen nothing but the good in her.. She never showed any signs that she'd do anything of that sort. Me and Yuka... We were practically best friends. She always claimed that she'd loved the old man. Even with the teachings of an assassin to watch all around you.. I never saw anything in her. No tells, no bits of odd behavior. She was always the same Yuka I knew...
Aya: ...... She's why, isn’t she?
Ize: Why what?
Aya: Ever since you came back, there's always been this dark cloud that loomed around you... You've mentioned that you need time... If you see Yuka, just what are you going to do?
Ize: ...... That I don't really know myself.... I'm just not sure.
·10महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"You want the closure. Yuka completely broke your trust, but you still don't know the reasons for any of it... With that constantly on the back of your mind, why else would you want to see her?" She sighed, "You don't have to handle all of that all on your own, Ize... Everyone in this town genuinely want to see you feel better, yet she made you put your guard up so high that you're too blind to even realize it....." Marlene was silent for a moment before stopping in her steps, "If you really want to go find her, I want you go with you Ize."
·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *His eyes widened and he quickly turned to Marlene* Hang on a second, I don't think you understand... This girl, she offed her old man... She did that and brought me to that forest and try to kill me. If you come with me, what's to stop her from trying something again? Bringing anyone else with me is a risk...
Aya: And going by yourself is any better? Elena was already worried about losing you once...
Ize: ...
Aya: Besides, it's not like Marlene didn't hear you.. Not to mention, I'm sure she can hold her own if need be.. Ize.... Can't you trust her?
Ize: It's not that I don't trust her..... I just..... I've watched too much be taken away already, I can't risk anyone else.
·10महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Ize...." Marlene gently smiled, patting the top of his head. "I appreciate the concern, especially coming from you, grumpy. But I promise you I can handle myself. Besides, no one in this town wants to see you taken away either..." She said. "Let me support you, you don't have to do it all on your own.. No matter what you tell me, I'm gonna want to go with you. Yuka doesn't scare me and I care about you too, ya know...."
·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: You were right...... I'd put my guard up so high that I blinded myself... So much in fact that I'd been ready to push everyone away just to not see the people around me get hurt...
Aya: Ize.....
Ize: But it seems that no matter what I did, those efforts were only in vain.. I guess no matter how much I tried, it was easy to tell that it was nothing but a strong facade..
Aya: Sister Elena has said that... But, you know what gave that facade away? Well, you coming to visit me. *She said with a happy grin*
·10महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "I won't lie, finding grumpy in that orphanage was definitely a surprise to me. Even after all the little things today too... I told you that other part of you was still in there somewhere...." She then walked in front of Ize and looked at him with a grin. "So, what do ya say then? We'll go get those sweets and finish up this tour then.. tonight we'll start our journey to Yeres!"
"And Ize's mind will finally get its chance to rest..." She thought to herself.
·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ..... [Marlene..] *He looked at her with her as he quickly turned around, a blush on his face* Yeah.... We can do that.... I'm sure Sofia will be happy to see us... *He said trying to keep his eyes forward and his composure as he began to make way to the bakery
Aya: Though, another reason that facade was so easy to see through.. You've taken a liking to Marlene, more than you'd like to talk about... But it's there...
Ize: .... *For a few seconds, he smirked, then reverting to his neutral expression as he kept looking forward* Maybe, but don't take that as anything beyond friends..
·10महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Oh?? Did you just say what I think you just said?" Marlene quickly caught up to Ize and walked beside him, only seeing his usual expression. But as she caught up, she looked at him with a smirk herself. "Does this mean I finally escaped being just a coworker to grumpy?"
·10महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ..... I didn't say it to boost your ego... I just wanted to establish where we stand..
Aya: That's the Ize way of saying yes...
Ize: As long as you have my back..... I have yours.... That's all ..
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "Well thank you, Ize, I really do appreciate it.. Although... Some day I will get you to call me your friend exactly.. I'll just have to be patient! With enough bothering, I'm sure I'll get it out of ya."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah? I'll let you keep thinking that..
Aya: [Still, he's progressed to a better state.. There's the slight bit lingering, but he has gotten better.]
Ize: Now, let's get to the bakery... I'm sure that sweet tooth of yours is itching for something.
Aya: Yes!
*Not long after, they'd make their way and get to the bakery, and there stood a woman*
Ize: Sofia...
Sofia: Ooh, Ize.. Aya. *She then glimpsed at Marlene* Ah, you're from yesterday....
Aya: This is big sis Marlene!
Sofia: Marlene huh? We didn't talk much before.. But, it's nice to meet you formally.
Ize: Whatever you two want to get, don't be afraid... And it'll be on me..
Sofia: Oooh??? Since when does Ize foot the bill? Not to mention for a woman?
Ize: Don't make it more than it is Sofia...
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
(Hey, sorry! Wasn't home for awhile but now I'm back. ^^)
"Believe it or not, Ize over here might have a little crush on me.." Marlene said with a giggle, knowing it would bother Ize. She then kneeled down to look at all of the options of sweets and so that Aya can look at them as well. "There's so many options, it's always so hard to choose.... Sugar cookies, or maybe even some muffins.. Mmm, even some pie sounds good right about now...."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
(Hey, all good. No need to apologize.)
Ize: A crush? Please....
Aya: *She then looked at the selections* So many choices....
Ize: Well, if we're going with a pie....
Aya: Oooh! Can we get the Blueberry? I've heard they're made from the freshest picked blueberries. Not to mention, they're said to come from Arafel himself!
Ize: Considering his place as the god of nature, that's not an offshoot... I guess we could do that.. *He then looked at Marlene* How about you? You alright with that?
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
(Thank you :,))
Marlene stood back up, looking at Ize with a smile. "Don't even gotta ask me! As long as it's a dessert, you won't ever find me saying no."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
(Of course. ^_^)
Ize: Alright then.
Sofia: Well, you might as well take the freshest one I'm making..
Aya: Thank you!!
Sofia: Of course...
Ize: *He them handed her some gold over the counter* Here you are, that should cover it.
Sofia: Much appreciated Ize..
*Minutes later, the pie came out of the oven and put into a pie box*
Ize: Thanks a bunch!
Aya: Now, why don't we sit and appreciate this delicacy.
Ize: Sounds good to me.
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Remember how I mentioned going to that flower field after you guys showed me around? Why don't we head there? Enjoy the pie around a pretty view!" Marlene suggested.
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Aya: That's a wonderful idea!
Ize: Alright, then let's go..
*Ize then proceeded, taking them to the flower field that Marlene mentioned*
Aya: Now this.....
Ize: This is quite the place.....
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"One of the prettiest places if you ask me!" Marlene tightly held onto Aya on her shoulders as she ran through the vast field that was completely filled with different kinds of flowers. She closed her eyes, taking in the breeze that blew past her as she ran. "There's a few flower fields in Easea, but never as pretty as this...!"
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Well, I guess Easea makes up for it in their seas no? After all, Easea is watched over by the goddess of the seas. So, I'm sure the view of the sea from the coast has to be phenomenal.
Aya: That's a way to look at it, Aralos is known for its nature after all. You've got your fruit, produce and flowers. So, what would Yeres be known for? It's by the mountains, sooo...
Ize: Well, they're probably more heavy on their rocks and ores. Since it's closer to different ores and materials, the cost is a bit higher.. Though, I don't think any cost of living compares to Selfarion...
Aya: The Captial City...
Ize: *He sighed as he sat down* When I was a kid... I remember we visited Selfarion, it wasn't long... But... I remember thinking we'd one day be able to live there....
Aya: Have you given up on it completely? Your idea of living in Selfarion?
Ize: ..... Well, it was just an idea of a child... A child that had no idea about cold reality..
Aya: I don't think so... You wanted your parents to live in a higher end city... You could still want that for yourself...
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
When Marlene was starting to lose her breath from running, she dropped down with Aya and laid on the ground besides Ize. "You know..... I might be from Easea, but I'm actually living in Selfarion for the time being." She then sweatdropped, "Granted, I live along the edge of the city and the costs are being covered for me but... It's not a bad place to live. You know if you'd ever like..." She sat up and looked at Ize, "You can come stay over at my place for a little bit. You could see how you like living in Selfarion and maybe then you can still hold onto that dream for yourself... I'm sure your parents would want the same for you.."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .... You'd do that for me? "Find people that can help make your dream a reality." Huh, so that's what you meant...
Aya: Ize?
Ize: Sorry, I'm talking out loud.... But, I guess I'm just surprised more than anything..
Aya: You shouldn't be.. Considering how much Marlene has approached you and befriended you.
Ize: .... You really are full of surprises.... Honestly, it does surprise me you don't have a boyfriend. I mean it... Honestly, you're so nice for your own good it almost hurts. But that's the good thing about you Marlene...
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene blushed, "From how grumpy he's been before, I'm almost not used to hearing a compliment out of him.." She thought.
She gave him a smile, "Thank you, Ize. I guess it's just how I've always been, ya know? Even when I was little... Though, if we we're talking about boyfriends, well..... That's a completely separate thing to me... I've had one before but it didn't really end too well."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ..... I see... Well, you don't have to elaborate if you don't wish...
Aya: Marlene too huh?
Ize: Here.... *He opened the box, the scent of the pie hitting the air between them*
Aya,: Mm, it smells so good.
Ize: It's already sliced and everything... Let's get our fill.
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene's eyes lit up as he opened up the box, but she didn't want to rush in just yet. "I mean I don't mind talking about it. I didn't share much about me before because I still poking fun at you for not seeing me as a friend... But, you willing sharing your background honestly took me by surprise.." She then took one of the slices of pie, getting ready to tell her story. "I'll tell it in parts, but... See, I'm not exactly from Easea... When I was 3, I was put into a boat and just sent out into sea... Weeks later, I just ended up on the shore of Easea. Horns already aren't common as it is... But, to have fully grown horns at the age of 3 practically terrified them. Not a single soul in Easea wanted anything to do with me, a random horned child who appeared on the shore.. Heh, they eventually just argued and agreed on keeping me in the local orphanage. Which is where I met my ex-boyfriend, Zeno.... Not even the kids there wanted to play with me, but Zeno? He was the only one who was ever nice to me and spent time with me... So for the next few years of my life, I was mostly with him." She giggled, "I guess looking back at that, maybe it was silly of me to fall in love with the first person who was nice to me..."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .. ... I mean who could be mad at you... The only person that would interact with you... Why wouldn't you want to fall in love with them? I pretty much saw Yuka the same way... Until that day in the forest... Though... I guess that contradicts what I said before... When I was talking about you moving a bit fast...
Aya: Even so, you were younger.... Judgment as a kid is a bit different than when you grow up.
last edited ·9महीने पहले
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"I guess you guys are right.. After awhile, I didn't just have Zeno, but I had Mom too. When I was 7, that's when Claudia officially adopted me. She never liked how everyone saw and treated me, so she looked after me like I was her own daughter. She would take me anywhere she'd go and taught me basically everything she could.. She even started training me in magic pretty early on, around like 10 years old... Being around Claudia so much, everyone in Easea started to appreciate me more and I felt more connected to them. I was an incredibly troublesome kid, especially early into training, but that never changed how they saw me... It sucks it took Claudia for them to treat me differently, but it still made me happy nonetheless. Zeno, on the other hand... he only ever got worse. We were 14 when we decided to make things official between us... We were perfectly fine for awhile, but over time it's like he started to hate how everyone respected me more... He always wanted me to prioritize him over everyone else because he was the first one to like me." Marlene rolled her eyes thinking back to it, "It's like he wanted me to be dependent on him, but that was never going to happen. He would consistently talk harshly behind my back and even frame me for things I never did, just because he wanted everyone to turn on me again and I could go running to him... But, it never worked because no one ever believed him. Since I never gave him the attention he wanted.... he cheated on me.. And I wish I could say it was just with one girl.... The night I found out about everything, I just snapped and ended the relationship right there.. He tried to threaten me to stay, but I didn't care. I was completely heartbroken... To be honest, I don't think I ever cried more in my life...." She sighed, "But, since then I just focused on myself.. It's been two years since that night now..."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [Son of a....] Controlling because he was never depended on...
Aya: Ize?
Ize: I'm glad you got that bastard out of your life... Horns or not, we come from many walks of life... Getting mad because other respect you? What kind of person is that? *He looked down* Then again, who am I to talk? I was so hung up on my past that I didn't care about the attachments around me...
Aya: [This... This could a perfect bonding moment for them...]
Ize: Marlene, you never deserved that.. You deserved someone that could always respect you.. That'd never let you go no matter what..
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Ize... Somehow those words mean so much more to me when they're coming from you..." She lifted his head so that he looking at her again, "But, don't compare yourself to Zeno... He was being a complete selfish idiot. You had your reasons why you held your guard up so high. I mean, Yuka set you up, I can only imagine how that was like... That's why I've been so persistent on being there for you... Zeno was just a lost cause, but I told you.. The moment I met you I knew this other side of you was still in there."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Marlene... Honestly, I didn't have much hope for this side of me... I thought it would come to one day I'd just lose it... But, then I saved Aya.... The Daggers treated me like family... Then I met you... Even when I pushed you away, you were still there.. Even now with letting me be in your place Easea...
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Hehe, not even in Easea.. Remember, I said I'm currently living in Selfarion! The one dream place you wanted to live when you were younger.." Marlene scratched the back of her head. "I guess it does get a little confusing because I'm on my feet a lot... To be honest, I didn't even expect this much to happen when I came into Aralos, but.. I'm really glad I decided to stick around." She poked Ize's cheek, "I got to meet grumpy! And little sis Aya, of course!"
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Right..... Sorry.... Still... The fact that you're even letting me stay there.. But, I'm glad we could make your experience in Aralos a pleasant one.
Aya: *She hugged Marlene* Aw, I'm glad we could meet.. Glad you and Ize could meet..
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene tightly hugged Aya, "I'm just as glad... Now, why don't we finally try some of this pie?" She said, taking her slice again. "Through that whole story, this pie has practically been staring at me and calling my name..." With her mouth watering, Marlene finally took her first bite that she's been craving for. "Mmm, and it's definitely no surprise Aralos has some of the best blueberries!"
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Aya: Yep!! You can give that thanks to Arafel, our God of nature.. *She got her slice of the pie, and took her first bite* Mhm! It's like Arafel never stops providing for us!
Ize: He's nothing but giving... *He took his first bite as well* Even down to the outer crust, this is absolutely amazing.
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"The crust, the filling, absolutely everything about it is just perfect..!" Marlene said taking another bite. "To be honest, I think I'm crazy enough to just keep coming back to Aralos even if it's just to go back to Sofia's shop..."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I wouldn't call it crazy... More so... It's something that keeps you coming back.
Aya: If it gives big sis a reason to come back, then I don't care if it's crazy. Just knowing she has a reason at all is alright with me...
Ize: Not to mention, I'm sure Elena would be happy to see you back at orphanage.. Plus, I'm sure Yuma would have a pretty shocked look on his face if he saw us right now.
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Oh, for sure. Considering him and Sera are close, she would probably mention that she saw me with you." Marlene giggled, "And she's already convinced you like me because of your blushy cheeks.. Who knows what she could be telling him."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I could only imagine.... Next time I see Yuma, he'll probably be teasing every chance he can get..
Aya: Well, I understand why... Like sis said, you blushing at when we were talking to Sera was pretty notable...
Ize: ..... Still, Yuma was the one to introduce us... More than likely he'll be more happy to see the progression that's been made since then.
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene took another quick bite her pie, "Mhmm... Ize went from having absolutely no interest in meeting me..." She gently pinched his cheek, "To getting a little crush on me, hehe.." Marlene said just to continue messing around with him.
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I don't have a crush.... But, I do understand.. You've been able to support yourself for quite a long time, but we as humans can't make it on our own forever..
Aya: I don't say it a lot... But, I couldn't imagine if I didn't meet everyone in the orphanage... You know, there's a title for people that have each other's backs....Starts with a f....
Ize: ..... Fools in arms?
Aya: Now I know you're messing around Ize...
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Oh c'mooonnn!" Marlene had her hands on Ize's shoulders, shaking him back and forth. "What is it gonna take for you to say ittt? What if you're the one introducing me to someone, huh? What are you gonna tell them??"
last edited ·9महीने पहले
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: This is my co worker, Marlene Steel..
Aya: But I'm sure there's an extra title you can put to that..
Ize: .......My very strong co worker...
Aya: Not that!
Ize: My strong and smart co worker...*He said wanting mess with Marlene back*
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
Marlene crossed her arms with a grin, knowing he's trying to get at her. "You know what, grumpy... Two can play that game! Whenever I have to introduce you to someone I'm gonna say exactly this.." She cleared her throat to get herself ready, "This is my co-worker Ize, a big pain in my ass!" She said, continuing their back and forth banter.
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah? Jokes on you, I take that as a compliment.
Aya: Ize.....
Ize: I got it! We met because you were... A FAN of the Konda style techniques... That's the word I believe we've been looking for the entire time..
Aya: It's not and you know it..
Ize: *He looked at Marlene* Anyway...... I guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have you as a ffffffffffollower of mine...
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"Noooo! That's technically just one-sided!" Marlene gave up with him and laid her back on the grass, staring up at the sky. "Just you wait! By the time we come back from Yeres, you're gonna be referring to me by the right word! I'm not even gonna say it until you officially do."
·9महीने पहले TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah? We'll see when that finally happens... *He said as he laid his back on the grass as well*
Aya: [Even so, I know he's messing with her.. I can tell he sees her as a friend. Remarkable.]
Ize: Yeres.... To think the origin to all my problems could be right in that town.... Yuka.... *He closed his eyes* [If we encounter each other.... How will this end?]
·9महीने पहले LillyBlack said…
"I'm sure I don't have to be telling you, an assassin, of all people but... You can let her cloud up your mind while we're here and on our way there... But, the moment we get there, I need your mind to be clean..." Marlene told him. "I don't know what this Yuka's like and I don't want you slipping up.... I just want to see you feel better from all this..."