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added by tareva1451
Source: me, (edited and croped from fanpop.com)
added by Sunshine47
Source: फैन्पॉप & me
posted by sapherequeen
I have a feeling that this सवाल may annoy a lot of प्रशंसकों on this spot, but please let me explain before commenting;

I did read the guidelines of the VRSOF spot, and I think it would be alright if I asked for my एवनेसेन्स वीडियो to be rated.

One rule stated that what I have पोस्टेड must be unrated for at least a month. My एवनेसेन्स वीडियो have been पोस्टेड in the महीना of May (I think), but definitely a महीना ago. I have no idea why फैन्पॉप will say they were पोस्टेड 28 days ago, because I know for a fact that they were rated और then 4 weeks ago. But it's alright if आप decide to post the...
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added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Fanpop, DarkSarcasm
added by misanthrope86
Source: edited द्वारा me
added by misanthrope86
Source: edited द्वारा me
added by Sunshine47
Source: फैन्पॉप / me(Sunshine47)
added by sophialover
Source: me
added by kuhriissten
added by misanthrope86
Source: फैन्पॉप and moi!
added by tareva1451
Source: EDITED द्वारा ME using pics from backgroundsapp.deviant.com
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: & कीवर्ड्स brought आप this number.
posted by inespinto
So it is now 1:19 AM and I've been पढ़ना some things link and I just thought I share some of my feelings and ideas about why people should rate.

I'll make a सूची because it's simpler and I'm a little sleepy:

Reason #1: Everyone likes to have the content they प्रस्तुत करे viewed and appreciated द्वारा other fans. I, for once, like it a lot when people view what I've added, rate it and comment. Makes me feel like I've done my part in the फैन्पॉप community and like I've pleased others (which I like);

Reason #2: I'm not exactly sure how it works but, from what I've read, rating plays a huge role in helping...
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added by LeBeau
Source: Me / फैन्पॉप
added by misanthrope86
Source: edited द्वारा me
added by misanthrope86
Source: William Shakepeare's quote, edited द्वारा me
added by hm94991
Source: Me, the VRSOF, and फैन्पॉप
added by jlhfan624
Source: Fanpop/me
Folks, we're deciding the future direction of Fanpop, and one of the सवालों is if we should bring back five-star ratings to replace the "fan of it" button.

VRSOF hasn't been active due, in part, to the lack of a downvoting system . The "fan of it" button was part of a larger Internet trend towards simplifying voting, but it's entirely possible that it turned it down too far.

Make your vote here!

added by Temptasia
Source: Me and फैन्पॉप (possibly satan)