फैन्पॉप Users About Yourself

fairykiya posted on Sep 30, 2007 at 06:30PM
Tell us 10 facts about yourself so we can all get to know eachother better! I will go first.

1. My name is Keira.
2. My absolote favorite show is The Office.
3. My favorite couple ever is Jam.
4. I'm a very deeply religous christian.
5. My favorite food is cheez-its.
6. My favorite child celebrity is Ashley Tisdale.
7. I am adicted to xanga.
8. My favorite song is fighter by Christina Aguilera because it reminds me of my nana who died from cancer in 2004 RIP.
9. I am a fan of leyton on one tree hill.
10. I am Viet and proud!!!

This is just 10 and in no order whatsoever so come on fan[popers I wanna know about you!!!

फैन्पॉप Users 22 उत्तरों

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Zerstoren said…
To anyone interested!

1. My name is Tara
2. My favorite show is Fullmetal Alchemist (At the moment. It likes to change)
3. I am a big video game/anime/manga nerd
4. My background is Greek
5. I enjoy just about every kind of music
6. My hobby is to draw in my spare time
7. I am trying to learn Japanese and German
8. I once spent 2 years playing something called 'World of Warcraft'
9. I am a college student in Texas
10. My pets include: 5 birds, 1 rat and 1 dog.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना sandra--xo said…
oo okay

1. My name is sandra. My friends call me sandy but i def. prefer sandra.
2. My favorite show is Gossip Girl && Nate&&Chuck are hot.
3. Lila856 is one my very best friends in real life & made me an account on fanpop!
4. I'm italian && scottish.
5. My favorite song is Big Spender sung by PCD.
6. My favorite thing to do is PARTAY && drink pina coladas
7. I'm a leytoner too ;) but i don't watch one tree hill that much.
8. I'm a junior in high school && wanting to go to UCLA more then anything :D
9. My favorite website is facebook && fanpop :D
10. I am obsessed with shopping && tanning
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Saphira333 said…
1. Im Saphira
2.My favorite show is Long Way Down
3.Im trying to learn French
4.My hobies are going on the computer and loking after animals
5. I wan't to be a Vetanry Nurse whenim old enough
6. Im obssesed with Movies
7. And my best friends on Fanpop are Achchu, Olg200492,Mumble and Savysarah
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना JKMcD said…
1. My name is Justine
2. I had my son at 19years old, His name is Seamus Patrick. **Pronounced Shay-Mus**
3. I graduated High School in 2005
4. I love World of Warcraft, currently have a lvl 44 Troll Mage and a lvl 17 Orc Warlock, but I'm having to take a few month break(started 2 weeks back) due to moving
5. I make graphics, usually "siggies"
6. I'm a History Buff
7. I love love love Frank McCourt's books
8. I've gone to 8 different Elementary-High Schools due to my family moving so much when I was younger
9. I've lived in North Idaho sense 1994
10. I was born in 1987
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना daitheflu4u said…
1. My name is Ashley, some people call me Ash.
2. I am 22
3. I have converted to vegetarianism about 6 months ago.
4. Dark humor, one liners, or really cheesy jokes will make me laugh.
5. Im a college student but Im not sure what I want to be when I grow up.
6. I am a really random person
7. I can pretty much do 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with almost every actor. I know this because I instead of counting sheep at night, I do this.
8. I love Italian horror
9. I am covered in ink
10. I love competition.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Cinders said…
1. My name is Carlin. Sometimes it's abbreviated to Carly. Especially if my friends want something or my mother is being... motherly...
2. I go to school at the University of Washington and am double majoring there in drama and English, and doing a fifth year for an education degree.
3. I grew up overseas in seven different countries, my favorite of which is Egypt, followed by Belgium.
4. I share a dream with my best friend, Adam. We both want to teach in international schools together.
5. I write too much. About eighty percent of it is fan fiction.
6. I get obsessed with TV shows too easily.
7. I'm becoming more and more involved in human rights issues around me. I want to spend at least a year teaching under-privileged kids before going overseas.
8. I speak conversational French, and can swear in five different languages including Arabic.
9. I enjoy casual drinking but not getting drunk. I smoke shisha, but not cigarettes. I have tried marijuana but didn't enjoy it, and have never done any other drugs.
10. I like to make people happy.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना alicelattey said…
1. My name is Alice
2. I get obsessed with stuff ALOT
3. I was born on the 1st of December 1993
4. I find everything funny
5. I'm quiet when I don't know someone but when I do I never shut up
6. I have 2 dogs and a guinea pig
7. I have one older sister
8. I am VERY immature ( i am 13 and still love pokemon! and can name all the red and blue ones)
9. I am a wimp when it comes to scary movies
10. I love cooking and hate my french teacher!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना chel1395 said…
1. My name is Michelle (actually that's my middle name, but I hate my first name)
2. I am 23 years old.
3. My favorite show is The Office.
4. I love really bad horror movies, because they always make me laugh.
5. My favorite movie is the 1995 A&E version of Pride and Prejudice.
6. My favorite song is "Upside Down" by Diana Ross.
7. I'm extrememly commitment-phobic and have never dated anyone longer than a few months.
8. I believe in God, but I'm not religious and keep my faith to myself.
9. I was adopted and I've never met my birth parents.
10. I'm completely and totally addicted to television.
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना caintil31 said…
1.My name is Caitlin
2.I'm 14 years old
3.I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan
4.I love electronica, techno, trance, and indie music
5.I'm mixed with German, Lithuanian, Danish, Trinidadian, Grenadian, and Spanish.
6.I'm not a really religious person just a bit confused
7.I have a sister named Juliette
8.I've been playing field hockey for 4 years
9.I play piano
10.I've been told that I'm a funny person
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fire_and_ice said…
1. My name is Sinead. But I wasn't named after Sinead Acton.
2. My favourite show is Battlestar Galactica
3. I'm really into Catholicism
4. I hate 'new style' R&B, rap, hip-hop
5. I play piano and violin
6. I should be studying right now
7. Music is my life. I don't know where I would be without it.
8. I'm not a fan of Australia's weather and plants. I wish I was back in England - I loved it there!
9. My parents are Irish
10. I love reading :D
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Lila856 said…
1. My name is Lila. Or Lilo. Or LD. Or Nina. Or Lillian. But really just Lila. LOL.
2. I just turned 17.
3. My favorite show ever is FRIENDS<3 Totally in love w// that one =D
4. I`m catholic & not like DIE-HARD religious but a strong believer & am FORCED to get up at 8 a.m. & go to church every Sunday ROFL.
5. Sandra--xo is one of my best friends too =D & she lived in our house at one point <3
6. My heritages are portuguese(dad), cuban(mom), british(mom) & scottish(mom).
7. My favorite songs are all of Hilary Duff`s old songs. ROFL k not my fault they were popular when I grew up & they got me through some sad times =(
8. I'm from Newport Beach, California (born & raised).
9. I am a varsity cheerleader but don`t know if I wanna continue after high school.
10. I`m a really big drama queen.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dazl said…
1. I'm Dara! That means oak tree in Gaelic.
2. I'm an Arts student in University College Cork.
3. I speak conversational Irish fluently.
4. I have a minor obsession with washing my hands.
5. I am a collapsed Roman Catholic (like many Irish people)
6. I am 19, 20 in six months. I share a birthday with PkmnTrainerJ and harold!
7. I'm completely addicted to chocolate. I mean addicted. I eat it for breakfast most mornings.
8. I can gun a bottle of beer in 5 seconds. I'm also very proud of this. My liver probably isn't.
9. I volunteer as a youth leader in a youth club for 12-18 year olds.
10. I don't give a flying fandango about people think of me. Lifes too short!
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Snerkie said…
1. My name is Krystal, some people call me Krittle...or Eddie :\
2. I am 18 years old (9th of October 1989)
3. I LOVE the wrestling, huge fan which is often rare for girls, lol.
4. My favourite band is Avenged Sevenfold.
5. I like jumping around to techno when i'm in a bored mood (and making the "doof doof" noises)
6. Gaming nerd, always go straight to the games in shops...or game shops.
7. I have long nails, they're breaking heaps lately but longest would have been...4cm's? around that.
8. I'm addicted to coca cola, it's easing out now that i can't get it every day (stupid school)
9. I want to do visual merchandising, which is making window displays for shops.
10. I'm almost 5', lol (almost makes it sound better)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना hsm123 said…
1.my name is spencer
2. i was born on june 26
3.My best friend is Ceri
4.Im part of the lds church
5.im hawaiin samoan and chinese and american
6. Im really funny
7. I like vollleyball
8. im not boring
9.i dont like school that much!
10. but im a straight A student
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना leuron said…
1.My name is Mário
2.I was born october 25 1985
3.My favourite band is Paramore
4.I love romantic stories
5.I'm from Portugal
6.Love Japanese culture
7.I tend to think to much on things
8.I speak english, spanish, and a bit of french
9.I have two female cats, Carly & Luna
10.My favourite weather is rain, it just makes me happy Lol
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना hooch-is-crazy said…
1. my name is Blubber McNugget
2. i was born in the future
3. my only friend is a cow
4. my favourite t.v. show is the telletubbies
5. my favourite song is me throwing cats
6. i have no nose
7. i own an illegal moustache
8. my cousin is the world's ugliest chipmunk
9. my mother is an oompa loompa and my father is a watermelon. he stabbed her with a rubber chicken.
10. i never lie
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना oblix said…
1. My name is Hazel.
2. i was born 23rd july 1993
3. i have 2 smelly brothers. ( rely i have one smelly one u cant get the other out the shower)
4. im English and proud of it!
5. i play rugby for shcool, hampshire and south england.
6. i'm am hyper! :D not now though :`(
7. i know the meaning to lfe
8. i want to be a photographer or chef
9. im a millionaire - a peeny short really!
10. i cant think of any thing else

- thats all true! :DD
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना marissa said…
1. my name is marissa (i know, i know...shocker.)
2. i am 16 years old
3. my favorite show (right now) is the office uk
4. i can recite nearly every word from "Rent"
5. i think matt lauer is hot ;)
6. i am half italian and half british
7. i am learning how to speak french, mais c'est très difficile!
8. john krasinski is my husband, he just doesnt know it yet.
9. i have never read a harry potter book. i dont plan to.
10. i consider myself a disney princess.

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना miss_little said…
*my nick name is jenli
*birthday- 20th January
*favorite show Heroes/Lost (CAN'T CHOOSE!)
*fave colour is lilac
*fave song- LOADS CAN'T CHOOSE
*fave film of last year- Transformers
*funniest film of this year (2nd January)- Alvin and the Chipmunks (YOU NEED TO SEE IT EVEN KNOW ITS RATED A "U" IT IS JUST HILARIOUS)
*fave sport- NONE! not the active type!
*i am irish/english---more irish
*i love to eat food
*i am scared of dogs
*i H8 Roast dinner at christmas time!- i have it about 12 times during december!
*I love God
*I LOVE my Mum- she is my no.1 fan as i am hers
*wish i could get my own back on my music teacher for making me cry in 2007 :(
*i am not ashamed to say i fancy Shane Filan from Westlife
*i like Milo Ventimiglia- HE HOTTTTT!!!!!
*i have brunette hair
*hazel coloured eyes

i will shut up now!=LOL
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना XpsychotickissX said…
1 My name is Psycho or Max, you know same thing
2 Across the Universe is my favorite movie
3 The Twilight series is amazing
4 I love Edward Cullen, William Beckett, Ville Valo, Gaspard Ulliel, Paul Dano, Garrett Hedlund, Milo Ventimiglia, Johnny Depp, Adam Lazzara
5 I am atheist
6 I am a vampyre
7 I have split personalities & im a bit bipolar
8 Music=life
9 I am freakishly tall & freakishly ugly
10 I am a bit OCD
11 i am insane
12 i hate stereotypes
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना edennirvana said…
1. I'm Eden Nirvana (No, I don't know where my mother got my name and yes I love it!)
2. I was born in NY to a puerto rican mother and italian father. I currently live in Puerto Rico.
3. I take pictures for a living, but no, I'm not a photographer or even consider myself one.
4. I'm ambidextrous
5. I'm a very short 25 year old. (I'm 4'11" and my b-day is Oct 14)
6. I'm a fairly good singer, though a little shy to sing in public.
7. I hate to be tickled
8. I have 4 siblings (2 bros- mom, 1 bro + 1 sis- father)
9. I love piercings (I've had 8 overall)
10. I hate ice cream..I'm not exactly sure why..but to me its like cold vomit with a spoon!
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना DarkSarcasm said…
1. I'm Jody... I have lots of nicknames, but most of them suck. =P
2. My birthday is July 12, 1988, which would make me 19. I was born in Virginia, US.
3. I was raised on a farm, but moved to town when my parents divorced in 1995. The thing I miss most is being around horses all the time.
4. I'm the kind of person to hold a grudge for something stupid.
5. I have a tendency to overthink things. A lot.
6. I can't wait to find the design for my next tattoo (I've only got one now...). I think they feel cool. =P
7. I love to watch the occasional hockey game, but I'm scared if I watch every game, I'll turn into one of those sports obsessed chicks that everyone hates. =P
8. My favorite movie (as of right now, it changes from time to time) is Dazed & Confused, my favorite TV show is The Office, and my favorite bands are Bad Religion and System of a Down.
9. I'm 5'6"-ish...
10. I'd really like to know what "normal" is. Everyone has their own definitions, and I can even understand why some say it doesn't exist, but I want just want to know.