PTA and Banished Pokemon Trainer Academy: Resurrection

wantadog posted on Nov 24, 2013 at 01:39AM

Welcome to The Pokemon Trainer Academy. An academy created for the purpose of giving young minds the skills and knowledge required to be a brilliant trainer. Here we offer many classes such as Pokemon Lore, History, Battle, Breeding, Pokemon Care, Potion making, medicine, and many others. Every student who enrolls in this academy is given the opportunity to interact with a multitude of Pokemon from all biomes. Our top of the line security provides a safe environment for our students to chase their dreams and blossom into wonderful trainers.



1. No Godmodding, this includes over powering your pokemon and not letting them faint.
2. No one-liners
3. No timeskips without majority approval
4. Use grammar to keep it understandable
5. PG 13
6. Keep your pokemon in the level ranges listed below when you make your character
7. No legendaries off the bat if you are making a student. Only 3 legendaries per writer.
8. Be kind to the other rp-ers
9: The teachers are the bosses. If your students ignores the teacher, you will be rudely asked to either change it or leave.
10. Have fun! I've got a Furby and I'm not afraid to use it!
11. Your character CAN be expelled. If your character disobeys, regardless of position, they can be kicked out of the school.
13. Pokemon are characters and must be treated as such.
14: Only 1 character for each person can have a Mega Stone. This means you can choose one of your characters to gain the ability to Mega Evolve and that is IT! If explained in a way that doesn't make me angry, 1 villain might also get a Mega Evolution.
15. More rules are likly to be added as the rp goes on

Level Ranges:

Freshmen: LV 5-10
Sophomore: LV 8-13
Junior: LV 11-16
Senior: LV 14-20
Teachers/Staff: Undefined (dont put a level)


Characters: (Profiles in character forum)

Arya Fuuma (Riku) 2nd (Student Council) (Book Club)
Takumi (Taku) Yoshima (Riku) 2nd (Student Council)
Gray Watsmen (Riku) 2nd (Card Club)
Amelia Terrowyn (Wanta) 1st (Book Club)
Ariana Catrain (Wanta) 3rd (Book Club)
Gavin Fendrel (Wanta) 4th (Student Council)
Dale Karzan (Riku) 3rd (Student Council)
Stain Trentis (Riku) 1st
Kyron Tetsune (Riku) (4th) (Student Disciplinary Council)
Rai Zuchi (Riku) (3rd) (Student Disciplinary Council)
Walter Gaunt (Wanta) (3rd) (Student Guard)
Peter Falk (2nd) (Wanta)
Itsuki Nightingle (Riku) (1st) - (Disciplinary Council)
Allain William (Riku) (3rd) - (Disciplinary Council)
Naze Stome (Riku) (1st) - (Disciplinary Council)
Mokumoku Minashigo (Wanta) (Not enrolled.)
Shelly Denvorn (Wanta) (Student Guard)

Anastasia (Ana) Crenis (Riku) Lore
Brom Tybalt (Wanta) Battle
Gale Yushin (Riku) Breeding
Merek Chaucer (Wanta) Pokemon Care
Kana Rainer (Riku) Principle
Kise Nova (Riku) Medicine

Class schedule:


Pokemon Care


Pokemon Care


Pokemon Care


Pokemon Care

Student Council:

-Student Needs
-Student Request
-Club budgets

-Disbanding clubs
-Changing club budgets
-Making festivals and ceremonies
-Making fundraisers
-Sending in requests to Kana
-Handling the medium to small requests

Relation to other two:
-Disciplinary: Out of the three, the council and the disciplinary split furthest. Both handle to keep the general welfare of the students. Thats where they split. Safety and Happiness/Enjoyment.
-Guard: Council puts in jobs to clean out clubs. That of which the Guard handles to make sure the clearing and the club is officially disbanded.

-Head of general affairs (celebrations)

-Money. Money. Money. Money restricts all. XD
-BIG changes must be passed through Kana.
-Fair. Must be fair. Cant go around putting all the money into one club
-The audience. The students and the teachers must be pleased with their choices.


Student Disciplinary Council:

-Order of school
-Peace between students
-Discipline as a general
-Enforcing Rules
-Upholding Rep. Action-wise (A student not studying is not their business)

-Decide Punishments of a wide variety
-Run a 'detention' like
-Rule requests to be made and brought down
-Closing things down temporarily (requires a reason, there is no 'This is being closed down.... CAUSE!')
-Carrying of a non-bladed, non-bulleted weapon for larger emergencies. To be avoided. (Then again if you think about it all the students in the school carry deadly weapons. At least one and at most six XD)
-Breaking up UNFRIENDLY fights

Relation to other two:
-Council: Out of the three, the council and the disciplinary split furthest. Both handle to keep the general welfare of the students. Thats where they split. Safety and Happiness/Enjoyment.
-Guard: They share the duty to break up fights. Guard sends students to the Disciplinary council where they get their punishment.

-Violence is permitted but to be avoided. Restraining is fine
-Cant go off with unreasonable punishments
-Expulsion and suspension must be passed through Kana
-Cant go off punishing an innocent man. Also following 'Innocent until proven Guilty'


Student Guard:

-Curfew patrols
-Keeping peace between students
-Cleaning out disbanded clubs
-Sending students to disciplinary council

-Handling students that break curfew
-Breaking up UNFRIENDLY fights
-Be around after curfew to patrol
-Kicking rebellious disbanded clubs out

Relation to other two:
-Council: Council puts in jobs to clean out clubs. That of which the Guard handles to make sure the clearing and the club is officially disbanded.
-Disciplinary: They share the duty to break up fights. Guard sends students to the Disciplinary council where they get their punishment.

-No violence
-Cant dish out own punishments
-Being out after curfew NOT patrolling. Sure maybe a break to take a snack is fine XD


Survival Test Winner: Nobody
last edited on Aug 23, 2014 at 05:14AM

PTA and Banished 2808 उत्तरों

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Showing Replies 1601-1650 of 2808

एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
(Yeah. This part is less of critisim. Actually I really think Banished is meant to have a lot of dark parts.

I mean, Pokemon RPs are supposed to stay child friendly or at least PG 13. While Banished can go off to Narnia for all I care........ That I mean as in figurativly. If they went to literal Narnia and it wasnt a special crossover I think I would mind....... But anyways, Ill reply in a bit)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Speaking of which I really can't do a thing with banished right now...My main character is unconscious XD)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
No, you'll reply RIGHT NOW!.....riiiight NOW!.....hmm...why is screaming it at my computer while I type not having the desired effect?

I did a small reply on Banished. I just....can't get into the rp mood for Banished right now.
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Ah okay.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
Stain looked over at the small pink being, who he believed was probably Mew swirled about. He smiled. Sure was a pesk though can anyone hate Mew? And so the Mew was real? Or maybe it was a wandered off spirit after the keystone had broken? Either way, he wondered if there would ever be a chance to see the little thing in the future. He yawned as the air craft took off in flight and rested his eyes. It was colder in her than in the rainforest, which was a bonus for him, plus he hadnt slept much during the event. He was tired.

On the trip back, Nova continued to tend to Johnny, Itsuki, and anyone who seemed to have any real bad injuries.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Johnny was a bit numb due to the morphine that was used on him,He then fell asleep on the ride home.

Silius:"So does anybody wanna pass the time with any wacky stories from the forest?"
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
Everyone: "NO!" (You guys can decide whether your characters joined in on that or not XD)

About an hour later, the plane arrived back at the Academy, which had not changed in the slightest since they had left. Peter made a passing comment about him seeing Yasashi scrubbing the roof of the academy, but nobody responded due to how tired they were. The process of landing the plane took another twenty or so minutes. After that they were told that they can relax for the next hour but then they would have to head over to the auditorium where the winner would be announced.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
Stain yawned as the plane came down to a decent. He just woke up from his nap and rubbed his eyes. Time flies by when you are asleep. Really. He looked up around him.

Stain: Looks like we are here........
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Johnny:"Finally back,Now I can't wait to leave."

Vendetta:"Aren't you all a bunch of lively worms.You all are like digglets,You pop out of nowhere and you are more annoying than could be said."

Gai was using his medicine at the moment."Dude......That could like....Hurt somebody's feelings..The students are to prosper underneath the teachers...If we like..Belittle them...They won't be good bro..."


Gai:"I see unicorns....."

एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(*Anger mark* Come on. Deep breath....deep breath.....*sigh* Riku.....we need that bridge again and I also think you should take care of when we timeskip to the announcement of who won, or rather, who didn't win.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(What the fuck did I do this time?)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(While you didn't technically break any rules. I seem to have found a character that irks me just as much as Core did.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(*Rubs forehead.*Can-I-do-a-single-fucking-thing-­wit­hou­t-s­ome­bod­y-h­avi­ng-­A-P­ROB­LEM­!?)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(Oh please. I have not had a single problem with anything you've been doing lately. In fact, I've actually been rather impressed. Your bios are better, your characters are becoming more diverse, and your posts are having more details. Yet I find fault in one tiny thing and it blows up into a massive thing. I am fine with Professor Gai being laid back but enough with the drug references. Yes yes I know. It is technically called 'medicine' but it has the exact same effect, which is the problem. In Banished, it isn't a problem because dark stuff is expected and even necessary, but this is still a Pokemon RP. Not just a school rp that happens to have Pokemon in it.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
(Its the drugs just being renamed as 'medicine' that bothers him and Gai still acting all high. Anyways Ill get onto it)
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(Yeah whatever I'll cut back if it calms you down WANTA IS THAT FINE?!)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(Is this a trick question? Of course it is fine. That's ALL I ASKED! That and using "your" and "you're" correctly.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(I'm trying,Trying.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(Ask Riku, I am NOT a politically correct person. I don't care about drug use, sex, or even suicide in RP's. I just think that Pokemon rp's should not have that stuff. It's a weird pet peeve of mine.)
Riku114 commented…
Define politically correct. Actually both meanings that could be used, आप arent XD एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
(Plus this is a school rp as well as a pokemon rp. A teacher doesnt simply get away with smoking without geting fired. I mean, Im trying to be ignorant here and keep him from being fired anyways, give me a second to make a post

*looks left* *looks right* .............. I like peace better..........)
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wantadog commented…
So do I, Riku. So do I..... एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(And on another note. If that fricking medicine is making him see Unicorns then firstly, he should not be teaching children. and secondly, he needs to ask some serious question about what the fuck he is taking.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(A weird pet peeve of mine wonders...If this is a Pokemon rp..Why is their survival tests where students get hurt and People fusing with Pokemon?That doesn't seem VERY POKEMON!)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
After the hour had passed, students started to fill in the auditorium. She was looking at the results of the group, comments, reports, and votes from the teachers. She scratched her head at the results. It was amusing but nonetheless, the teachers voted and agreed. Thus that was the results. Nobody wins. She waited patiently for more of the students to fill in.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
My characters all sat down except this weird girl that was all the way in the back of auditorium.

Strange girl:"Effrayant..S..So many people...W-who should I talk to....Mom wanted me to m-make friends..."

Johnny sat down right next to her,She almost looked horrified by his sight...A man with two missing fingers and covered in bandages and dry blood,She screamed loudly looking at him.

Johnny:"Not even two minutes....."He sighed loudly.
Riku114 commented…
Not too big of a deal, but avoid using 'My characters' एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
(Ive seen pokemon episodes where characters have gotten hurt and there was also a gun episode. As for fusing, that simply is just not following the same plot as every single pokemon plot and a continuation of the original PTA's idea.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(To answer your inquiry. There are survival tests as a way of bringing the students together as a whole and teaching them to survive while also giving them important lessons in friendship, trust, and teamwork. The only serious injuries came from your characters, who could just have easily gotten bitten on the rear a couple times instead of having their flesh torn off. Also, the mixture of Pokemon and science has been prevalent since the very first games of Red and Blue. So Pokemon fusing with humans is not entirely out of the realms of possibility for a Pokemon rp.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(Whatever,You guys have the mindset to actually think of that.But nope I'm just Cyrus,That dumbass who just sits there.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
Amelia walked into the auditorium. She had used her free time to take a shower, change her clothes, and get acquainted with her new Pokemon, Tranchia. Amelia quickly found a seat and waited quietly.

Peter and Walter walked in at roughly the same times. They both split off and sat in different areas. After that, over the next five minutes, more and more students piled through the doors until almost everyone was assembled.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Silius sat up front along with Anilion while Jaakuna was in the middle with Yasashi whom had seemed to have radically changed over the two weeks.

Jaakuna had her hand on his lap."Yas you sure your fine?"

Yasashi:"Yes,Now get your hand of me you vixen."

Jaakuna:"I was being nice!"

Yasashi:"Yeah,And I'm not in the mood Jaakuna."

Anilion:"So Silius ...Wanna hang out some time?"He scratched his thick goatee he hadn't shaved off yet.

Silius:"Sure man,It just feels good being back here."He scratched his dirt filled hair.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
Walter happened to be sitting near Yasashi and Jaakuna. "Someone obviously didn't like being forced to clean the roof."
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Yasashi:"That janitor snitched on me,Hey Walter."He handed Walter a stack of hundreds."Stay in your room tonight,I'll handle Silius."He recalled the baseball bat he stole from the sports closet.

Jaakuna stared at the stack."Where do you even get this?"

Yasashi:"Moms life insurance....."He showed a bit of a sad face to the subject.

Jaakuna teared up a bit."Yeah.."
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
Kyron settled down in the seat behind Amelia. With his time he washed his clothes, took a shower, and got Growlithe back up to shape. As well as reunite with his pokemon that he had not seen for two weeks. With the remainder of the time, he made sure no one in his team was rusty, this time, even including Growlithe.

Growlithe laid down sleeping in his lap finally feeling at home and comfortable.

It wasnt long until everyone, or everyone who hadnt over slept in their dorms like Tak who had colapsed on his bed almost as if going into comatose and Prof. Nova who took this one moment of break as a holy gift from God as a chance to sleep. Prof. Rainer walked up to the microphone.

Prof. Rainer: Good morning and welcome back everyone! I hope you had enjoyed the trip!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Johnny,Yasashi and Silius all simultaneously groaned as they heard her high voice on the microphone.

Strange Woman:"What is that noise?The cattle up where I come from use the noise for a mating call."

Johnny:"A groan,Something you do when your just tired and pissed."

Strange Woman:"What is pissed?"

Johnny:He facepalmed hard."Ugh..."
Riku114 commented…
I never imagined her voice to be high pitched...... Oh well एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
Walter took the cash and smirked. It wasn't his business what Yasashi did. Though it did open up some fun possibilities. He sat back and listened to Professor Rainer speak.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
Prof. Rainer: Anyways, for what we have been waiting for. The results. After having viewed, met up, and voted, the teachers have come with the results that there will be no winner. Though since I do not plan to keep the food problem, Ill go in myself and gets us all better food.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Yasashi:"Glad to be in business."

Silius:"Ugh.....I better win."
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
Prof. Rainers statement immediately kicked up a huge chattering amongst the students, most of which was angry. Eventually, Peter stood up. "WHAT THE HELL?! What do you mean nobody wins!? We stayed in that bug infested rainforest for two whole weeks and some of us got pretty badly injured and you're just gonna say that it was for nothing?! You can't just say too bad nobody wins!"

Amelia frowned. "I don't get it...what was the point of it all?"
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Silius had to do crowd control on some of the students going berserk,Chairs were going across the room,Kids were breaking out in fist fights and common disturbances in general were happening.

Anilion:"WHAT IN THE LORDS NAME!"He ripped off his shirt in anger

Johnny:"Am I the one guy who likes that nobody won?

Strange woman:"E-EKK!SO MUCH FIGHTING!"She hid under a chair.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(Rip off shirt? Riku are you thinking what I am thinking?)

एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
(Just like that XD)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
That too.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(We don't actually have a character like that. Jaakuna is sorta obsessed with her appearance but not in the way I'm talking about.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
I wish we did.)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
Kyron ended up near Silius.

Kyron: Hey, I suppose this is where you take the grounding. Ill handle the ones that refuse to calm down, but do you have an action in mind?

Prof. Rainer dropped a sweatdrop over the commotion cause by the result. As she was about to speak, Prof. Crenis walked up to the stage.

Prof. Crenis: May I?

Prof. Rainer: Please.

Prof. Crenis: *took the microphone and in a strict rocketting voice she spoke* QUIET DOWN AND DROP THE CHAIRS! Nobody won under our, the teachers and the judges decision. Not one team showed the level of what we were looking for. Team work. I alone can list off a long list of errors set in the biome I was watching over. We refuse to name a winner when there wasnt anyone worthy of gaining that name.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
Prof. Crenis' words caused many of the students to start booing and complaining even louder.

"How were we supposed to have teamwork? You dumped it on us at the start of the year and only gave us a day to prepare!"
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना wantadog said…
(Been quite the inactive day for the rp's it seems....)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
(Between homework, entertaining my sister, and leaving for dinner in 5-10 minutes from now, havent gotten much of the chance XD)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना cyrus498 said…
Silius:"Yeah,I'll break up the fights one at a time.You'll tie them up or send them to your place.Sound good?"
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Riku114 said…
Kyron: There wont be time to run each person back to my place, and actually even more tying them up. It isnt something magical. I say try to nonviolently split them up rather than joining in the fights.

Stain sat in the middle staying on his chair. He didnt mind a tie game. He didnt even care about the event at all. He was fine as long as he wasnt stuck in the heat for too long. He ducked at a chair flew over his head. Though he did have to say this was annoying. What was the point of throwing chairs at the students? If anyone it would be at the teachers, but no. Throwing chairs at the teachers would be a horrible idea.

Prof. Crenis: *turned off the mic and looked over at Prof. Rainer* It isnt working. Should we use force?

Prof. Rainer: Before I do that, allow me to try something. Forget about the microphone. Thats not going to help much. Especially with the people that are overly drawn into their battles and the ones that are simply pissed. Im gonna try a different approach.

Prof. Rainer took out one of her own pokeballs, this one was her partner pokemon Meganium and when she came out her condition was simply magnificent and well taken care of. Upon coming out, she smiled and let out a happy call before looking at the huge ruckus caused in the auditorium. It wasnt apparent if she had read Prof. Rainer's mind or if they shared the same idea, but after a second of looking at the scene, let out a Sweet Scent that emphasized, added onto, and made Meganium's natural calming scents more potent and powerful.

(Its one of my favorite things about Meganium XD)
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना