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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Rice, and his gang planned to go to a parking garage. They would dump the body into the सूँ ढ, ट्रंक of another car.

Rice & Mafia: *drive into garage*
Buddy: *parks outside of garage*
Ringo: *parks behind Buddy*
garage owner: *closes door*
Rice: Good work, now come over here.
garage owner: *walks to Rice* Open the सूँ ढ, ट्रंक of that car.
garage owner: What are आप doing all this for?
Rice: Open the trunk!!
garage owner: *opens trunk*
Rice: Put that cop in here.
mafia: *puts Sigmund in trunk*
Rice: *locks trunk*
garage owner: *runs off*
Clint: *kills गेराज owner*

Meanwhile, outside the garage

Buddy: Police! Open...
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"I have visited your boutique a number of times and I प्यार it! I always keep up with your fashion trends!!" CC said. "Why, thank you! I just have to visit your mueseum! How about I go tomorrow!" Rarity said. CC started wobbling and then fainted. "W-w-hy yes!" CC said.

"Ah just प्यार Sweet सेब Acres! Ah can't wait to visit it sometime!" Nikki said. "Thank ya, Sugarcube! Oh, Ah almost forgot to give आप something! Here!" बनाया गया, एपलजैक, मौजमस्ती gave her a special rope that कहा Nikki on it. "Thank ya so much!!!! Ah will use it when ah teach people to use a rope!" Nikki said. She left and told Brawny,"Look...
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Trixie gently ran the चाकू down my body. Almost as if caressing me.

Who knows, maybe she was.

I don't know.

I was too busy crying.

The fear levels was to much for me to handle.

But Trixie ignored my cries and raised the चाकू dramatically into the air, about to stab me. And I had no choice but to wait for the pain.

But suddenly she screamed in pain as a wooden chair was thrown on her.

She fell down from the impact of the blow.

Also, the impact instantly broke the chair.

"Who's a dumb butch now!" Cried an familiar voice. And I looked over to see an angry AppleBloom. As she was obviously the one who...
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When I woke up, I found myself in a basement, tied up to a table. The basement was dark, and there was..... आप know what? This is taking up too much time. The basement looked exactly just like the one in Cupcakes.

Scootaloo: *Looks up at a banner that says Life Is A Party* A party? What kind of टट्टू would throw a party like this?
Jeff: *Arrives* Someone that isn't a pony.
Scootaloo: *Screams, but stops* Wait a second. You're इंद्रधनुष Dash, and Pinkie Pie in disguise.
Jeff: Nope. Speaking of इंद्रधनुष Dash, do आप remember that race she had with a guy in a black sedan yesterday?
Scootaloo: Yes....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song: link

Master Sword: Come on Tom, let's go meet the others.
Tom: Right behind you.
Double Scoop: *Standing on सड़क, स्ट्रीट corner*
Aina: *Runs out of her house*
Sunny: Hey, wait for me. *Flying in the middle of the street*
Saten Twist: *Polishing his chain saw, but stops to go meet the others*
Pleiades: *Arrives at corner*
Mortomis: *Standing अगला to Double Scoop*
Tom: और ponies!!
Snow Wonder: *Arrives in a brand new Corvette*
Cosmic Rainbow: *Flies from the clouds*
Heartsong: *Climbs out of a manhole*
Annie: *Arrives on a bicycle*
Blaze: *Flies out of a house window, and lands अगला to...
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posted by AquaMarine6663
Aqua Marine trotted away, bored. She suddenly stumbled across a gorge in the earth, and the ground was now stone. Down in the gorge, a waterfall thundered and a river ran far below. She sat down and looked behind her. “How far did I walk?” she murmured to herself. Suddenly, a चाकू like the one from earlier flew over her head and hit the rock दीवार behind her with a clang. Aqua looked up, startled. “Today is your दिन to die, Aqua Marine.” She heard a voice say. She looked up at a ledge, where the voice came from. A grey earth टट्टू with a black wild mane was standing there. “Who are...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
In my opinion the whole world has gone mad, whacko! Just look at the traffic congestions on the main highway!

Ponies: *beeping horn*
drunk pony: *steals Coltillac*

The terrible conditions of our air traffic control system

Japanese: *bomb pearl harbor*

The destruction of private property, and the सूची goes on so much. The point is that Equestria has gone mad! And here's how it all started.

unicorn: *driving fast*
Pinkie Pie: Whats' with him?
unicorn: *driving 100 miles an hour*
Mirage: *honks horn*
unicorn: *drives off cliff*

Four cars arrived near the wreck.
The first car was a Sportsedan....
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Now, we take a look at the military police. Their job is to check everything that's going on, and to make sure things go smoothly in certain parts of the military. The MP's have been around for quite a long time.

Twilight: Man, from all of the पुस्तकें I've read, MP's have been around for at least seventy years. They take their job seriously. Good thing I ain't in the military, because आप know how much I hate police ponies.
Maud: Military Police ponies aren't rocks, so I don't like them.
Rarity: I think their job is fantastic, but they need better uniforms.

On a TV दिखाना called M*A*S*H, at least...
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Theme song: link

This is the sequel to the story of a stallion named Bob Newhart. He still lives in Fillydelphia with his wife Emily.

Everyday आप can see Bob walking around the streets of Fillydelphia, and most of the time he does that, he's on his way to work. Speaking of work, he's a therapist.

One day, Bob was at his office at work, when his assistant Carol knocked on the door.

Bob: Come in.
Carol: *Enters room* Good morning Mr. Newhart. I just wanted आप to know that a टट्टू came all the way here from Chicagoat to work as a dentist.
Bob: And, you're telling me this because?
Carol: Well,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
One morning, a police टट्टू was riding a motorcycle down a street. He stopped, got off his bike, and walked up a small पहाड़ी, हिल near somepony's house.

Police Pony: *Hiding behind bush*
Teenage Ponies: *Playing in pool*
Police Pony: *Setting up sub machine gun*
Teenage Mare: Hey, I just got my hooficure.
Teenage Stallion: Come in the pool with us.
Teenage Mare: Okay! *Jumps in pool*
Police Pony: *Finishes setting up sub machine gun*
Teenage Mare: *Comes out of water* Oh yeah!! It's great! But आप know what else is great?
Teenage Ponies: What?
Teenage Mare: My ass.
Police Pony: *Throws smoke grenade at...
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posted by AquaMarine6663
Aqua Marine trotted out of her apartment, carrying her suitcase, with her pet, Quack at her side. She took one last long look at the सड़क, स्ट्रीट outside her apartment. Even though the sun was just beginning to rise, the busy Manehattan सड़क, स्ट्रीट was already bustling with ponies on their way to work, and taxies. she took one last longing look at her bracelet her friend made her, and with Quack at her side, spread her wings and took off to the skies. Good-bye Manehattan, hello Ponyville.
 "what could be taking her so long?"
"what could be taking her so long?"
(While me and my sister and the two other Cutie Mark Crusaders were on the front lines; In the Ponyville library, Twilight and Spike had set up a room to receive messages and deliver them to Princess Celestia) ,"Spike have आप seen Derpy yet?" Twilight asked the baby dragon. ,"No" he responded ,"I haven't seen Derpy all day" He कहा while looking out the window of the library. Twilight Sparkle had a worried expression on her face ,"We need these messages Spike, what could be taking her so long?" Twi started to pace around the room then Sparkle stopped pacing when she heard the sound of hoofs...
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Red rose caught up to tropical breeze as coffe cream was in the background yelling out remarks about the wedding. "Hey Breeze, why didt your freak out about the wedding like the rest of ponyville?" They looked around to see ponys hyperventilating and fanning them selfs off with the paper the announcement had came on.

"Uh because it's his choice! I'm not gonna tell him he can't marry her. Besides now I know what his "Important" buisness is!" द्वारा this time they had gotten to the train station. All kinds of ponys where now rushing to buy tickets to Cantorlot. Red rose just pushed all the ponys...
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posted by xFluttershyx
"Okay, everypony", कहा Bluehooves. All we have to do is take the way out like we did last time."

"Follow me, everypony!" As soon as Constance कहा that, tje maze grew hedges that seperated everypony from each other.

Terra screamed.

"Calm down, Terra", Vanilla Twilight said. "Everything's okay."

Terra screamed, "No it's not! I'm seperated from everypony and I'm scared!"

"Stop being such a scaredy pony", कहा Constance.

"Arguing won't get us out of here", कहा Bluehooves. "Let's all just try and find the exit!"

"I agree", कहा Nashgear.

Everypony began looking for a way out.

-With Bluehooves-
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posted by Canada24

As it turns out.

Ditto wasn't the only she had to आग from the group.

In fact, there was a small group of them, just outside of Manattan.

They were lead by, the still 'turned' Ganger.

He was looking boredly at a distant view, as the other changelings were childishly scaring any ponies that wandered by.

"Would आप guys just stop already" कहा an annoyed Ganger, as he hovered over them, even though he was the tallest anyway, and his eyes were और टट्टू like than the other's eyes, and they were light blue, almost like Pinkie's.

"Oh, why आप always gotta be such a downer" Grimy, the same one...
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The speakers across the weather factory crackled to life,

Speakers: Miss Heart, please रिपोर्ट to the इंद्रधनुष sector. Thankyou.

Rainbow दिल blushed as the ponies around stared at her. It was the first time the weather factory bosses ever wanted her, so she assumed she was going to be fired.

Her forest green eyes were fixated on the बादल floor as she stumbled towards the इंद्रधनुष sector, outside was a serious business-pony tapping her hoof on the ground. इंद्रधनुष दिल flicked her blue mane into place and flew over.

Rainbow Heart: H-h-hello Miss-
Cream: Mrs Cream.

Cream squinted at इंद्रधनुष Heart,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The अगला day, Gordon, and Case पटाखा, पटाखे were returning to work

Gordon: *Arrives at pizzeria*
Case Cracker: *arrives at the pizzeria wearing a new pair of glasses*
Gordon: Nice shades Case.
Case Cracker: Got them this morning.
Jim: Good for you. *Walks towards Gordon, and Case Cracker* Now listen up, Neigh York's mafia is having a secret meeting in the Equestrian Pyramid. आप gotta get there, and sabotage it. The meeting should be on the 15th floor.
Case Cracker: When is this meeting?
Jim: In two hours. That'll give आप enough time to stock up on guns, ammunition, and fuel for your car. Speaking of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 The train going over the crossing
The train going over the crossing
In the पूर्व part of M.C.C, Ryan had the idea of going past a railroad crossing while a train was about to pass, so that the police ponies would crash.

Blazin' Blue: *Goes past railroad crossing*
Ryan: Go faster. The train will be here soon.
Saten Twist: *Goes past railroad crossing*
Ryan: *Goes past railroad crossing* Hurry, hurry.
Night Frizz: *Goes past railroad crossing*
Mirage: *Goes past the railroad crossing*
Frank: *Goes past the railroad crossing*
Case Cracker: *Goes past the railroad crossing*

The train soon started going across, and the police ponies had to stop.

Sean: Oh great!
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A while ago, I made a सूची on my cutest characters. Now I made a सूची on the prettiest.


This is pretty much my opinion on the prettiest characters. This सूची may या may not surprise you


10) Applejack

9) Rarity

8) Gilda

7) इंद्रधनुष Dash

6) Twilight Sparkle

5) Trixie

4) Fluttershy

3) Princess Celesta

2) Zecora

1) Princess Luna
posted by mariofan14
*This happens 30 मिनटों after इंद्रधनुष Dash had been brought from Wing टट्टू to Leader. Lightning Dust had been confined to a solitary confinement for the night after what इंद्रधनुष told Spitfire. Here is Lightning Dust's revenge.*

"Damn that pony!" shouted Lightning Dust in anger after getting busted and thrown into confinement. "She does NOT does that to pure Wonderbolt material!!! I will-" There was a bang on the door. "Quiet in there! This ain't a prison!" a guard called out. The light green टट्टू thought to herself, "This is not over yet, इंद्रधनुष Dash. आप may have your fill of power and glory,...
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