माइ लिट्ल पोनी फ्रेंडशिप ईज़ मॅजिक Club
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my little टट्टू
माइ लिट्ल पोनी फ्रेंडशिप ईज़ मॅजिक
added by sandris123
Source: द्वारा sandris
added by love4444
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Hasbro
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: http://twentypercentcooler.net/data/sample/a4/e4/a4e465058b5159a5fa92b75a5887c303.jpg?1436762953
 The three together in one picture. What's with the negativity?
The three together in one picture. What's with the negativity?
Alright! Moon-Dust12, if your'e पढ़ना this, you'll be impressed, because I've had it! First of all, Princess Luna being shipped with my OC Blazin' Blue was my idea, and a good one. आप don't like that he is shipped with her and has a daughter named Nightshade? That's your problem. But don't jump on my case या my friend Moon-Dust12's case about it, just because I let him use my OC and नैटशाइड, राक्षस, अंधेरा in his प्रशंसक fiction! It's insanely rude, and if आप don't like it, don't टिप्पणी दे on it. I already took the heat on Google+, and that already left me PISSED OFF. But seeing how Moon-Dust12 also got attacked...
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added by blup
added by karinabrony
added by SomeoneButNoone
added by queencold
added by purplevampire
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: Me and the trainer maker
added by elsafan1010
Source: Derpibooru
added by bookhorse
Source: dolldevine
added by Dragon-88
Source: An-tonio, Slb94. Found on Derpibooru.
So why is every Friendship is Magic प्रशंसक so sure this is going to be bad all of a sudden?
my little टट्टू
friendship is magic
the सेकंड opinion
channel frederator
slice of life
100th episode
amethyst तारा, स्टार
vinyl scratch
Anyone remember the days of how this club- no, this WEBSITE- used to be? I do. I remember it as a place full of great people, ideas, and extravagant conversation.

It was also full of assholes, trolls, conflict, and arguments.

But was that bad? Nah, not really. I like conflict. Can't be a sword without being forged in flame, amirite? Hardships make the soul stronger.

And, unlike how the club is now, it's not so BORING.
I mean really, coming back to the site as it is now, I fully realize why I left in the first place.

This place is so BORING. I mean, maybe it's because i've grown intellectually over...
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added by kitmolly123
Source: spiritto on deviantART
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: deviantarts