Huddy Huddy Couple Counseling Thread - A Team of Experts at Work :P

HuddyBea posted on Jan 17, 2011 at 09:32PM
What can I say? We are back! :D

And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season...or maybe not? :P Who knows, Huddy is unpredictable and common is boring so be ready to the fireworks!!!

PS and I definitely want to have more of this!!!!!!
 What can I say? We are back! :D And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season
last edited on Mar 10, 2011 at 03:18PM

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
I guess we will find out about 13.I don't think it has to do with sth already mentioned in the show.After all it should take us by complete surprise.But a part of me is grateful she was in jail and her health didn't get worse.I really like her much more than any other team member.

I agree that the writing this season wasn't so good.And is it just me or the writers destroyed every personal relationship in the show...?Sam and Wilson Taub and his wife and of course Huddy.I don't know why but i still have this feeling that all this is leading somewhere.Sth big is going to happen...sth isn't right.And not just about Huddy.

We spent all season 6 waiting for Huddy to happen.Plus Lisa's on screen time was just too short.I can't even think about going back to that.I love her as much as i love Hugh.And what is even more frustrating is that there is nothing to distruct us from Huddy.Taub storyline is laim,Chase has become a male whore,and well Masters and Foreman don't have a life.Our best choice is Wilson and his cat.

I am glad 13 is coming back.nd hopefully even though we won't get Huddy back maybe we'll get the chance to sneak a peak under House's skin one more time...sth Huddy related.After all we need to know that Huddy is still here...even in pieces.

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
@evropia---wonder why they seemed to foreshadow her health last year when her hand shook at the bar---just keeping us off track?
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
Maybe...But i really don't want her to become worse.I don't want to say goodbye just yet.After all she can live for more than 10 years.It's too early for her.

एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
i agree with @evropia. i dont think that they can kill 13 off unless its for something other than Huntingtons. She's supposed to be, what, in her mid to late 20's? The disease probably wouldnt kill her until she was 40ish.

and if they kill anybody its not gonna be this season aussiello said so. if hes lying ill chop his balls off cuz i am NOT prepared for that...
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
Olivia is 26 if i remember correctly.So yeah she must be in her middle-late 20s.And i won't be able to handle a death either.We survived the Huddy break up and all the crap that followed.It'd be too much.If aussiello is messing with us again you should really do that...
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
Hey @HudJoy, Hope you didn't think I was referring to anything you said. Absolutely not!!
To the contrary, you always point to a specific with any criticsm. I agree for example that the monster truck was literally over the top, (but then I think..Hugh Laurie probably had a blast doing that least). Earlier, I may have reached my limit of general negativity, so impatiently pushed back.

Yes, happy to hear HL is impressed with the next episode.
So some of you are taking up Hugh Laurie on his bet. Trying to guess why “13” landed in jail. BTW, here’s his quote:

Hugh Laurie: “I’d bet money NO ONE will figure out why she’s in jail before we tell them, because until I read it, I had no idea. I think our fans will be left salivating.”

IDK, "salivating" sounds like something to do with 13's appeal..or her bi-sexuality.
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
yep--i know i'll never guess----although i would like some money from that bet with HL seeing how much money he makes ;) i don't think 13 would die either, a friend of my mom had a brother who died in his 40's from Huntingtons...he actually starved himself to sad :( But I agree she is to young to have the major effects yet.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
Maybe 13 slept with a minor unnknowingly.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
No it can't be that simple. 13 is too upset for it to be just sleeping with a minor.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
Maybe she did drugs or something like that.To be in jail for a year it's a small sentence after all...
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…

Here is a pic that will light you up
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
Oh @BH i wasnt upset with you i just thot you meant me ;) lol glad to hear that HL is looking forward to it. after all the huddy stuff im sure hes looking forward to spending some time with OW!

@evropia i think drugs would be too simple too. if it surprised HL im sure its gonna be something we dont expect! my guess would be that she does some sort of robin hood thing in an attempt to help all goes back to that need to help people that she has. hmmm...that would be out there. but just a thought!

Thanks @tammy for that image! he looks GREAT in white! :) is that from an episode? or is it just HL being his sexy self?
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
I am not sure. They will either do it as a promo or it is going to be the finale.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
The good news is that after this three week hiatus we'll only one more till May.So whatever is coming will come quickly.I really hope for sth positive to happen soon.And if if has to do with Huddy even better.Or at least get rid of Dominica...God i miss them so much...
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना jojocap said…
@HLForever, great 'vent'. I have to agree that the writing is questionable.
Thinking about the vicodin: Cuddy was ok, having told House, "I knew you'd come". Where he blew it, and where she lost her tolerance, was when she realized he was back on the big V. I mean, he was clean for 2 years, so she had kidded herself. He will always be an addict-Cuddy knows that on some level. Wilson certainly does. He doesn't seem suprised, just disgusted and worried.
As to Cuddy dumping him over the Vicodin-if you love an addict, it's a choice, isn't it. Do you stick with them as they recover? Or leave them? Very, very tough. But she has a daughter to worry about, as well as her own needs...and he proved how totally irresponsible he can be, ie, jumping from the balcony. Seriously? I keep wondering if he has given that kid one moment of thought in all this. She has become dependant on him. Where is that story??? Apparently not that important to House.
I was thinking about what someone said regarding him being an emotional child. I was married to one of those. I have to say, it's quite...lonely. You feel you are doing it all by yourself. I felt trapped and doomed, thinking if this guy is already 40, he's not going to change. Imagine someone 50 and behaving that way!!
About his leg: I think the whole Help Me episode sort of resolved that issue: He kept his leg, and acknowledged what it's done to him, so he has to live with the pain. Interesting-and a little unfair, maybe?-how he is forced to live with physical pain; but she wants him to feel emotional pain, too. He's been tolerating 'pain', which impacts emotions, ever since he had his leg clot. It's no wonder he avoids it in other circumstances. It may not be right, but it's understandable.
I think she should've worked it thru with him, while still being together. He does not do well on his own; she'd have helped him. I think that is why this feels so weird and unreal and unbalanced. It's not right; we got fooled into thinking Cuddy would tolerate more. House is now just lost....:(
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
He is lost and in more emotional pain he would ever experience while being with her.I really don't get it.He was afraid of losing her so he took the Vicodin.And when he did lost her instead f going sth to win her back he behaves ten times worse than that.Why...?Can't he understand that he pushes her away..?

The whole issue from the begining was about him changing.In season 6 he told to Nolan he wanted to be happy but he didn't want to change who he is.And then Cuddy told him she didn't want him to change.

But the fact is...he had changed.When you're in love and when you're with someone you do change even a little bit.In 7x14 he told Wilson he felt bad for the patients he didn't manage to save even though he solved the puzzle.A few years ago that was his only goal.He admitted that he cares about Cuddy and Rachel...He did everything he could for Wilson to stop being alone.He tried to be a good boyfriend and a good friend.He was in the right way before she left him...and now he is back to his old self.But inside he is bleeding.Because he knows this is it...there are no one out there for him.She is the one.I was re-watching season three and when in Son of a Coma Guy he is asked if he's ever been in love he says he was in love once.But when he is asked if he's ever loved since then he didn't answer.He was in love with her since forever.Maybe she was the reason he didn't get back with Stacy...And she also loved him since forever...and they couldn't even give it a real try..?This is just sad.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
ok. I re-thought when I shut down the computer yesterday.
I didn't mean the whole season 7 was a crap written. Yes, there were a few well written moments. e.g. the serial killer. This story for me was the one good POTW story in this season. and bull rider maybe too. And others POTWs are not so intriguing? interesting? mysterious? unpredictable? Good?....
Now What was WELL written! for me... AND Bombshells. though I hate the ending, but the whole dream sequences idea, IMO, was great!

13. I don't think she did drugs. or did anything related to drugs. I don't know the USA laws. I mean what can person do to go in jail for a year? ...
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fran2 said…
@tammy - but you are risking to be fired for too many laughs? be careful (or your boss is a saint????);-))
The pic of the “White House” is awesome...House for president.

Random thoughts reading your comments without going too much into spoilers infos.
I’m liking this season (including pain), so far I have liked all the POTWs cases more or less, and I expect that eventually we will discover the common thread. I can not deny that this is absolutely a season out of the box but I like House for this reason, common is boring. And I have an irrational and exaggerated confidence in HL, though he says he was surprised by a script....I can’t wait!
Probably I'm an incurable optimist, when it comes to the power of love, but I firmly believe that we are all living in a dream and we'll wake up only when House will. Dreams can be good or bad but in the end what counts is what we find when we wake up and I think that reality has not to be necessarily worse than the dream.

I remember so well the House’s decision during the last season, his desire to grasp the happiness and I can not quite believe that all this journey has been thrown to the winds by the writers. I just can’t.
I’m sure that the House’s choice is still there:
"I don't know what good it is to know so much and be smart as whips and all, if it doesn't make you happy."
- J.D. Salinger -
 @tammy - but आप are risking to be fired for too many laughs? be careful (or your boss is a saint????
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@fran please! continue to be an incurable optimist! we need it a lot around here! im generally an optimist but i falter sometimes and having another to fall back on would be such a relief! it'll help our pessimists feel better too! :)

@hcf i agree with you i have liked the POTWs from this season i think theyve been overall interesting and certain episodes have been great but i think that overall the continuity of the characters and individual episodes have been off and idk if there have been new writers or if it was cuz DS was awy for awhile or what but it bothers me.

@tammy i cant wait!! i want to see HL in his white suit! xD
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
oh wow!!! if that all in white picture is from the finale I sense some epicness coming. it has that otherwordly feeling to it. House walking down a lonesome highway, pale cane, white suit---It reminds me of Wilson's Heart with the bus scene. I know we've all seen this but in case you need to cry...or have a need to see the best 2 minutes of acting ever...
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
Girls!!!! I just looked at Tammy's picture again. He is barefoot!!! The last time we saw something like this was the bus/Coma scene where they played tribute to the Beatles' Abbey Road album by having House and Amber barefoot.
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
The person mention in the tweet by GY with the picture Tammy posted, gale tattersal, (photography in television) and photographer is apparently awesome.... take a look at all these great cinematography moments from House from his website. link

Oh and he just so happened to work on House's Head.....
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
And Wilson's Heart....the barefoot/white bus/coma scene.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
Ha..I just wrote this @mysusp, after seeing that photo tammy linked. "Epic" sounds good to me.

Holy Jesus..House barefoot, in white garb, walking down a boulevard of broken dreams. Hoping that image hints at possibility of House consciously leaving all behind (in the finale) to embark on some trek to find himself. I would like to picture him on such a journey over the Summer hiatus..leading us into S8. House then discovers the true nature of his feelings, (big wish)..that his desire for Cuddy is “not motivated by personal need, but that he genuinely cares for her.” (Dali Lama).

I like the "Abbey Road" thought too..for our beloved Brit.
@fran, I was very slow on the "uptake," cuz I was looking for the actual "White House" in the pic when you said House for prez. Duh.
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
hmm a "transformed House" he does look rather angelic in his all white, pale cane, no shoes picture. I was wondering if we would get a look inside House's head in the finale. if this picture is from it then that is a good idea for the symbolism of it @bh. Perhaps we shall see a scene reminiscent of Wilson's heart? (whispers in sheepish, small voice--it goes nicely with our crazy speculation dream/brain theories lately....)
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
Seeing House dressed all in white, sans a "vision."

Our heads may be in the clouds, (like cloud-9)..Mick Jagger singing, "Hey you get off of my cloud!" Oops..I drifed there, but yes, this "does go nicely" with our "other worldly" theories.
Wilson's Heart..the bus..Amber ghost...soooo sad.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
big smile
when i was little it sounded like he was singing get off of my clown...
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
Aah. That's fuNNy sweet!
P.S. Unless you were thinking (forseeing) waaay ahead to the S7 promo for House as clown. Ha!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
yes, I have been sent from the past?...near present?

"Indoor plumbing, it's gonna be big." Hercules
 yes, I have been sent from the past?...near present? "Indoor plumbing, it's gonna be
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@mysus and @BH you guys are my favorite :) <3

im really looking forward to this house in white thing because i have a feeling that its going to be very symbolic. house wears some ridiculous stuff and has worn some ridiculous stuff through all 7 seasons but never has he specifically worn white, except in Wilsons Heart. maybe this means that house is going to learn to find himself?

maybe the season finale will be him leaving the hospital and going somehwere on his own like a temple of some sorts to find himself, and cleanse himself? i for one would be completely happy with that; in season 8, like season 6, we would get a house re-born and i personally would love to see a religious house finally. something to open his eyes. just some thoughts of mine :)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
If House ever got to the point where he believed there might be a God then we'd BETTER get to see his biological father and have an awesome David Shore written episode with debates about faith, and truth. I demand it. And....House's father has to have unusual blue eyes (yes I know he is supposed to look like Sean Connery according to the one episode) but come on... ;) @ HJ---lobe you too :)
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
House's dad? Sean Connery? That would be THE perfect episode ever. :) I think it's about time they had an episode with his real dad. there are some demons in House's past they really need to uncover; i think it will help us as well as Wilson and Cuddy understand him better because i KNOW there is lots of stuff that he hasnt told them about himself.

i think a spiritual cleansing is just what house needs. i now demand this happens xD
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuliHookup said…
@HJ and @mysus All this talk about religion reminds me of the season 7 promo pics: House eating the forbidden fruit, a la Adam from the Garden of Eden. Or I suppose it could also be a metaphor for House's state of mind: The one he desires the most, Cuddy, he cannot have because he thinks he can never be happy or loved.
 @HJ and @mysus All this talk about religion reminds me of the season 7 promo pics: House eating the
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@HHU or maybe both? :) btw i LOVE tht photo his eyes are just like so deep you wanna stare into them forever!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycat69 said…
Hey! great posts all!

I don't want to be the angel of darkness, but did you read some recents tweets about the end of House? Idk who wrote this, it's said that the only end for House is th death, either accidental or suicidal. What do you think of it? Is it an april fool?

To the pic of Hugh in a white suit : it's a really beautiful pic, and the symbolic of the white color is obviously sth important.
Like some of you said it can mean House's redemption or the beginning of a new life, maybe far away from TTPH, in a sort of desert, a symbolic desert maybe in relation with some religious events. House will finally find some answers to his deep and personal questions which help him then to find some peace with himself. IDK.

I just hope we'll get some great ep, well written, with good storylines and of course enough screen time for C and W, I miss them.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddyfantatic said…
yes I have read them if its a not a april fools prank its a sick one my guess is yoyo is behind that he has a twisted mind anyway i was reading some other tweets for journlists and bloggers who have seen the next ep and acording to them neither wilson or cuddy is it in meaning house and 13 centric dont know if that true we need to wait till april 11
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना evropia said…
No Wilson and no Cuddy...?I don't like that idea.And about the pic of Hugh in a white suit.Could it be for sth like the end of Wilson's heart with House and Amber in the bus?I mean if House did had an accident it would be from there.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddyfantatic said…
i dont like that idea no cuddy or wilson but cuddy only gets a mentioned and why do i get the fleeting sense house will say something like i dated cuddy for a few months and then broke up or words to that affect
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fran2 said…
@bh “I was very slow on the "uptake,..."
I know, I often feel that the words games in my language are untranslatable in your language and viceversa, sometimes they prove unintelligible ... but never mind! The important thing is to try! (perhaps this is why I’m confortable expressing myself with the pics: to break down language barriers ;-) )

You all girls are doing a bad service (kidding) because I remember Amber, the bus, the limbo .... how many tears I shed and how many tears watching them again.
The fact that they chose to show just that image, knowing that would cause our obvious connections with the finale of season 4, well... I became suspicious. It seems to me another way to muddy the waters.
Time does not flow in vain, even if because of adverse events we return to the starting point, we are not the same, we are different. This is true even for House.

P.S. I'm going to the sea (a couple of days only, unfortunately) and I promise you that if I will see Hugh and Lisa....oooopppssss....HOUSE and CUDDY on the beach I will photograph them together while they are cuddling, kissing and touching (but if you insist I could stop there to witness the rest of the story ... small sacrifices XD ) and I'll show you the REAL beach pics!!
Hopefully the pics will be flickering a little, but I'm sure you can understand why XD

Hugs :-)
 @bh “I was very slow on the "uptake,..." I know, I often feel that the words games in my language
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
"how many tears I shed and how many tears watching them again"

every time I watch this episode I cry at the end.(I watched at least 4 times, I think...) It always made and it will always make me cry.

And I'm still confused with this "Hugh's all in white" pic. IDK what to think of it... We've to wait only 8 weeks!!! C'mon! We'll survive this. AND I hope neither Cuddy nor Wilson will leave or die.:(
AND I HOPE no deaths will appear till the very end of this season. The only one person who actually MIGHT die before the ending is me. LOL
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 "how many tears I shed and how many tears watching them again" every time I watch this episode I cry
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@hcf ***ALERT ALERT*** there wont be any deaths this season. ***ALERT ALERT*** Aussiello said there would be no deaths this season. ***ALERT ALERT***

As i said earlier, if there are any deaths i will chop his balls off for lying because i am not prepared for that AT ALL. i think it would be overkill too you know? i personally think they need to end the season on an "upwards" note. i like this idea of House finding God, or finding himself, or finding peace. sorta like a season 5 ending except more uplifting then depressing
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuliHookup said…
@HJ "if there are any deaths i will chop his balls off for lying..." You can't chop off something he doesn't have. Ausiello's lost his a long time ago. ;)
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
Ok House left the burgandy cane in "help Me" at the building collaspe scene.

Death heads cane in episodes 2 and 3.

Burgandy cane comes back in "Massage Therapy" and he has the white cane in the motorcycle scene.

"Unplanned Parenthood" burgandy cane.

Watching the rest and wondering if this is a coincidence? HMMM?
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
Now the white cane in the motorcycle scene in "Massage Therapy' and so far i have not seen it again and taking in to consideration the fake motorcycle ride and beach pis. Is it a coincidence?
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
That is the only scene in season 7 so far i have seen the white cane. I am obsessed
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
@evropia----When I saw that picture last night the bus scene was the first thing in my mind----therefore you have me jumping up and down for two pages. I would love another near death experience and look into House's head again. BTW the person I got watching House posted on my facebook wall 2 days ago after watching season 4. "What the world????!!! House season 4 is messed up!!!!" I didn't tell her that this is only the beginning poor thing ;) Prepare for your heart and stomach to be wrenched from now on.... LOL @Fran--have fun at the sea (that sounds so much more glamourous than saying "I'm going to the beach :) I went last week with some co-workers, and we got to see the full moon shining on the ocean.... and I found a starfish! :)
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@Fran2 If you don't see them on the beach (Huli ooopppsss Huddy) maybe we may see them later this season on the beach if only in a dream.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuliHookup said…
@tam Your cane obsession is now obsessing me. Death heads cane also appeared in the infamous beach pics. I was too distracted by Huli *coughs* I mean, Huddy that I failed to notice it.
 @tam Your cane obsession is now obsessing me. Death heads cane also appeared in the infamous समुद्र तट p
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
HuliHookup @HJ "if there are any deaths i will chop his balls off for lying..." You can't chop off something he doesn't have. Ausiello's lost his a long time ago. ;)

buahahaha! xD TRUE! xD

@Tammy, I agree with HuliHookup, you made me obsessed with this cane thing too!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycat69 said…
@HukiHookup great observation, I didn't notice he has the head cane on the beach pics.
It has to mean sth, but what ? Let's think of it