Huddy Huddy Couple Counseling Thread - A Team of Experts at Work :P

HuddyBea posted on Jan 17, 2011 at 09:32PM
What can I say? We are back! :D

And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season...or maybe not? :P Who knows, Huddy is unpredictable and common is boring so be ready to the fireworks!!!

PS and I definitely want to have more of this!!!!!!
 What can I say? We are back! :D And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season
last edited on Mar 10, 2011 at 03:18PM

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycat69 said…
@fran funny pic!

@HuddyBea I agree with you when you say that this show is an important part of your life and that you get much more involved in it than in other one.
All I can think about - to quote a wonderful woman - is Huddy! I can't stand the idea that it's over. They are meant to be together, and too bad for DS, GY or KJ! They must end together!
I miss Huddy so much, the Huddy of Now what or of Unplanned parenthood, even in Family practice.
This hiatus will be the hell for me. Fortunately I've got some fics to write.
 @fran funny pic! @HuddyBea I agree with आप when आप say that this दिखाना is an important part of your
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@fran2 - House and Cuddy are only fighting for supremacy in love but eventually they will realize that the victory is to fight "together" and not against each other ;-))

My heart melting with every word.

@huddycat - you are exactly right. He will always love her.

एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuliHookup said…
@fran I'm still keeping the faith girl. I have no doubt that they will find their way back into each other's arms. I'm just trying to rationale Cuddy's odd behavior and offer another explanation if this dream/hallucination thing doesn't pan out.

Image credit: Lylith
 @fran I'm still keeping the faith girl. I have no doubt that they will find their way back into eac
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
@fran2 and @HuliHookup I love your pictures!!! :D

And I think I could survive the hiatus (because House's now doing ridiculous things and I can't handle watching him AND Cuddy suffer) so I'm watching season 4. It's sort of calms my heart...

@Bea, I TOTALLY understand you! I feel the same.

And my contribution: (Image credit AmericanGirl12, but IDK if she's here, on FP:/)
 @fran2 and @HuliHookup I प्यार your pictures!!! :D And I think I could survive the hiatus (because Ho
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
Credit: link
 :D Credit:
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
And the "Good times..." one

Credit: link
 And the "Good times..." one Credit: [url=
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
big smile
Ok, this one is my last post for today! xD

Just all of a sudden this song came to my mind. (like I'll survive this hiatus or I HOPE I'll survive this temporary (I HOPE) I can't even say that word. :P
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycat69 said…
@huddycalliafan love your pics! :))
And yeah we have to keep the faith and we'll survive and HUDDY WILL SURVIVE!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना jojocap said…
Hmmm..after reading all these terrific posts,I tried to draw some conclusion about this whole Huddy this, Douse that mess....One other thing to remember: The guy is back on VICODIN. It's a death sentence to his humanity, and I'm shocked he forgot about that, even after being in the hospital. We can't ever forget what that does to him. He really is not his true self.

-Cuddy-My finale: House winds back up in the hospital, just as he did two seasons ago. You have to admit there would be a darkly comic element in that. I think an intervention would do well in this case. I think they should bring Stacey back to be part of it, really let him see the 2 women he pushed away, both of them pretty good partners for him. In fact, I can see Stacey becoming a brief respite for him, esp if she winds up with any marital issues.....

Minimally, he should wind up going back to his shrink again-he made a big mistake not continuing with therapy. He's too effed up. And I love Andre B. I hope he comes back. The thing is, he respects House and is not fooled by him. He's perfect. House was wrong, and probably knows it.

Cuddy is probably a little scared of him at this point-I'd be!-and Dominique knows now she is up shit's creek. I could see him falling a bit for her-which is why I think he avoided sleeping with her.

It proves also that he DOES have regard for marriage. He understands it's serious business.

So maybe in his own odd way, marrying D was a way to yell at Cuddy, "I can COMMIT! You're wrong to have left me!" It's warped, but so is he.

The whole 13 coming back thing is a distraction, but it also gives House some learning to do, I think. She's about as smart as he is-I still laugh when I think of him telling the other 3 that she was more of a man than any of them-and she is in her own way as alone and troubled as he is. She's a great 'buddy' for him to have. I think he'd listen to her, given that she knows her time is limited, she'd be a cold bucket of water in his face. I think she'll bring back some of her own issues, too. They might really be able to help each other. I don't know.

Just some thoughts. Long Live Cuddy.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hey all! Glad to see you all still here posting away! and i love the pictures they are so cute <3

I just want to add that i think the writers are going to end up with something cool at the end of the season. i don't think that the season will end with huddy back together, and i don't think that the LJ theory about the hallucinations will be accurate but ims sure that we will have an ending that will be very dramatic and definitely a surprise. as someone else said somewhere (i read so much i cant remember who said what anymore lol) the season 6 finale was happy so theres no way we are gonna get another happy ending.

what im hoping for is something conciliatory. i would LOVE it to be something with house in trouble and this time, he pulls through on his own. neither wilson nor cuddy saves him, but they are both there to help him get back up and that house and cuddy can call a truce. an admittance of feelings but an agreement that the relationship wont work. then season 8 can be another build up back to that point.

i just like hope. if there's a hopeful ending or something that can be construed that good. like the season 4 finale: it ended in utter tragedy but you had cuddy there, offering her help and love and there was still that hope that things could be better and that they aren't all bad.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Layla_Rib said…
Hello girls!

I've always been around here but so far had not shown me, but undoubtedly, it is time for us to think together.

My biggest concern about the show is not about the feeling of House and Cuddy, that to me in no doubt, but in relation to the author's thought about the character "Cuddy."
I love House, but House with Cuddy around. I think the show without the "time" (at least most of it) or Wilson or Cuddy would lose its essence and not have to expose here all the emotional involvement that involves each of these characters with respect to House and especially when dealing with Cuddy mented for reasons that are obvious enough. But it seems they are doing everything to prepare for the worse about Cuddy.
Let's make some considerations:

1 - Inside the show

- Odd behavior (unconventional) of all the characters;
- Very atypical behavior of Cuddy throughout season 7:
- The way that Cuddy broke off the relationship;
- Breaking the relationship when we were expecting quite the contrary;
- Even though House, his ready engagement with a prostitute and total lack of commitment to Cuddy (his love).

2 - The interviews

Worries me very much of the last interviews DS, HL and LE:
DS said that actually there will not be back for Huddy;
HL said (about him being committed to next season) "... a stupid long time." (He must be bored with the development of the facts)
LE (not the same anymore in interviews, we can see that she smiles but her look is sad) said that "... under current circumstances I do not have more scenes."

Is this all a scheme to prepare fans for her departure?

3 - Theories

Let's see what might happen with this character:

- The author break totally with it (the death of Cuddy theory and this theory would not further the participation of this actress in this show, at least not the way we want.)

- Break partially the author with her (my theory - maybe what LE said in an interview to commit an act immature and not characteristic of her - she quits TTPH a supreme act of defeat as her feelings for House and attitudes it finally can not stand it anymore.
This would give the author (authors) the possibility that she appears a few times and perhaps a likely return to the relationship

- The author does not need to break with the character (the theory of dreams / hallucinations - the one that pleases me - we would, finally, all our expectations in relation to the great love for each other and we would see the growth in House to seek and keep his happiness, and certainly, this time with a relationship that was not seen in the current season.

Well girls, sorry for the huge post (rant) and ask that you tell me if you have any theories that you think is more biased to happen, or if you have any other opinion of the outcome of Lisa Edelstein's character on the show.

Hello girls!

I've always been around here but so far had not shown me, but undoubtedly, it is time for us to think together.

My biggest concern about the show is not about the feeling of House and Cuddy, that to me in no doubt, but in relation to the author's thought about the character "Cuddy."
I love House, but House with Cuddy around. I think the show without the "time" (at least most of it) or Wilson or Cuddy would lose its essence and not have to expose here all the emotional involvement that involves each of these characters with respect to House and especially when dealing with Cuddy mented for reasons that are obvious enough. But it seems they are doing everything to prepare for the worse about Cuddy.
Let's make some considerations:

1 - Inside the show

- Odd behavior (unconventional) of all the characters;
- Very atypical behavior of Cuddy throughout season 7:
- The way that Cuddy broke off the relationship;
- Breaking the relationship when we were expecting quite the contrary;
- Even though House, his ready engagement with a prostitute and total lack of commitment to Cuddy (his love).

2 - The interviews

Worries me very much of the last interviews DS, HL and LE:
DS said that actually there will not be back for Huddy;
HL said (about him being committed to next season) "... a stupid long time." (He must be bored with the development of the facts)
LE (not the same anymore in interviews, we can see that she smiles but her look is sad) said that "... under current circumstances I do not have more scenes."

Is this all a scheme to prepare fans for her departure?

3 - Theories

Let's see what might happen with this character:

- The author break totally with it (the death of Cuddy theory and this theory would not further the participation of this actress in this show, at least not the way we want.)

- Break partially the author with her (my theory - maybe what LE said in an interview to commit an act immature and not characteristic of her - she quits TTPH a supreme act of defeat as her feelings for House and attitudes it finally can not stand it anymore.
This would give the author (authors) the possibility that she appears a few times and perhaps a likely return to the relationship

- The author does not need to break with the character (the theory of dreams / hallucinations - the one that pleases me - we would, finally, all our expectations in relation to the great love for each other and we would see the growth in House to seek and keep his happiness, and certainly, this time with a relationship that was not seen in the current season.

Well girls, sorry for the huge post (rant) and ask that you tell me if you have any theories that you think is more biased to happen, or if you have any other opinion of the outcome of Lisa Edelstein's character on the show.

एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@layla well its possible i guess that cuddy might leave the show but she definitely wont die aussiello stated that there would be no major deaths this season. and if cuddy leaves then i doubt it will be permanent. it would be a dumb move for the writers and DS because Lisa is a crucial part of the show and there would DEFINITELY be people that stop watching the show after that.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Layla_Rib said…
@HuddyJoy,thanks for answering an I agree with you as to significantly decrease the hearing of this show if Lisa out,but I think this hearing has started to slow in recent episodes that have become depleted of performances (of course no fault of the actors).A show of such high class like that is unthinkable to let that happen.We want to see that intriguing,smart,funny and dramatic show again.The show that we used to see and we learn to love.The authors have to reverse this situation and they are fully and extraordinary capable of it.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@HJ - i would LOVE it to be something with house in trouble and this time, he pulls through on his own.

Yes and Amen. I loved the ending to Help Me but I would like to see Hosue just stop himself and make a move toward the man we know that he is. I don't think Hsoue and Cuddy will be back by the end of the season.
But House picking Cuddy up on his bike and them talking would be cool.
You can't go backwards and taking House all the way back and leaving him there. I don't want a stint in rehab or a mercy saving. I want HOuse to come to a realization of what he wants and how to get it.
Now a visit from Dr. Nolan would be cool. I liked him. He needs to stop by and see Cuddy while he is there.

@huddycallianfan - Love those pics.

As always I believe House and Cuddy's path will always lead back to each other.
 @HJ - i would प्यार it to be something with house in trouble and this time, he pulls through on his ow
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
Aw love your posts! Wonderful pictures and HJ and Tammy I agree that it would be a wonderful step to see House decide he is going to help himself. In fact last year the finale made me nervous because Cuddy came at just the right moment... I also thought of House and Cuddy today with this song on the radio :) "I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind."
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuliHookup said…
@mysus Great song choice! That totally sounds like House and Cuddy: Two people fated to be together. Even if their timing is wrong or when things are bad between them, they will always wind up back together-"collide" if you will-because it is destined to be. ENDGAME!!!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@tammy "Now a visit from Dr. Nolan would be cool. I liked him. He needs to stop by and see Cuddy while he is there."

I agree! i actually wanted to see that last season! i think it would be awesome if cuddy or wilson calls dr. nolan in an attempt for an intervention or just to get nolan to show up at houses apartment and be like house. what the hell are ya doing?! make him stop and think back to everything that he worked for. and then of course have a convo with cuddy about it because i think cuddy could use nolans help know she has issues too its not all house's fault....

@mysus I LOVE that song! it makes me think of them too! <3
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycat69 said…
@Tam "But House picking Cuddy up on his bike and them talking would be cool. "

completely agree, at least they will be together.

@Tam and @HJ good point! I think Cuddy and House need Dr Nolan, maybe he could help them to get back together and to make their relation work

@Hulihookup "Two people fated to be together. Even if their timing is wrong or when things are bad between them, they will always wind up back together-"collide" if you will-because it is destined to be. ENDGAME!!! "

I just hope we'll get Huddy at the end and that LE won't leave the show.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
Hey Girls!!
I've been missing in action of late..(for good reason, besides work, busy nursing my injured dog back to good poor baby..she'll be fine).

Anyway, for all you SUPER SLEUTHS, I guess there are some "clues" to investigate, though I have not yet read to know if this is "real" or just a fan's game. FYI: Click on "GAMES AFOOT!" hyperlink over at HOUSEDAILYDOSE..if ya feels like it. Well, chins up gal pals & keep digging..I do say, the writers have dug an awfully deep hole.

P.S. As much as I keep track or remember these things, hats off to @mysusp, for guessing "Hominika" was probably just a green card arrangement. Now hardly the love of House's life, a temporary setback in these sad..SAD affairs of the heart & soul...the story churns.

Edit: @tammy, I wasn't sure how to, so thanks for posting that link below me & giving the "weee-oo-weee-oo" SPOILER alert.
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
 हे Girls!! I've been missing in action of late..(for good reason, besides work, busy nursing my inju
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
Ok guys this is a spoiler link. I don't want to post what is in it out of respect for those staying spoiler free.


The title is:

"The Game's Afoot"

Ready set go

last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@tammy i dont understand where the spoilers so the finale is called "the game's afoot?" huh. interesting.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@HJ - You can click on the link "Games A Foot" but it is again speculation from what they feel to be a reliable source. I will e-mail you and send you some more info.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
Hey girls :) I was just talking with a real life friend who lives in another state. The topic turned to tv shows and we discussed glee which we both watch even though we are grownups ;)then I brought up House. I said "I've gotten ( extended family member ) hooked on House but it has become so depressing lately" On the other side of the cell phone I hear an empathic "UmmmHuh!" I said "did you see the really depressing episode a few weeks ago" She started laughing and said "Yep". I told her how I stared at the laptop when it was over and was like "what happened?" I said "I was expecting them to break up and him to go back on vicodin but I thought it would be the season finale" She said "YEAH WHERE IS THIS GOING?" I thought that was awesome that someone who isn't as invested in the show as us (although they are similar to me so they are very passionate about any form of stories) had the same reaction. We talked about books that were depressing and she told me of a book she read recently where the main character (woman) never progressed you kept expecting her to be a better person and the book just ended up the same as where you started and then you thought "why did I just read this big thick book if nothing happened." I thought that was really cool because we hadn't even talked about House changing because I think that would have been overkill in a casual conversation and she brought up a character not experiencing growth. (which I know House will have, I know it, especially if I keep saying it) I said in response "I think that's a post-modern thing because a lot of books, and television shows and movies are like that nowadays (thinking in my head House) I then realized that I was sitting in my car with the door open talking on the cell phone saying phrases like "postmodern" Wow I am such a dork! LOL Glad everyone loves the Collide song and that they see how it fits House and Cuddy. I think the line "I'm scared to find I'm always on your mind" really fits in with Season 6 Cuddy. She knows how House loves her and the depth of his love frightened her with the season 5 finale when she realised how much. PS---Bluehue glad your doggy is doing better :)
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
oh tammy thanks for the link :)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddyfantatic said…
@tammy thanks for the link
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fran2 said…
@Layla and @jojocap are you newentries? (if you’re not..sorry but I’m a little confused these days), anyway welcome to you and your thoughts :-)

My dear all, I love your posts, your pics, your videos, your suggestions for evil spoiler ;-) (btw @bh & dog...welcome back!) but currently I’m so tired and to relax I think that ALL I NEED IS (HUDDY) LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Give them back to us as soon as possible. Give me back also the banters, her ass, her boobs and especially his 17 inches ;-))
I want again my couple so damaged, messy, painful, contentious, humorous, sensual and deeply in love. Period.

I'm getting mad, I'm not kidding....rrrrrrrrrrreally XD XD XD
 @Layla and @jojocap are आप newentries? (if you’re not..sorry but I’m a little confused these दिन
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@bh definitely glad to hear that your dog is better and glad to see you here.

@mysuspicionis - Planning to watch some episodes and POTWs in them closely. Last week's POTW was over the top. Too many things in common with our Gregory House for it to be coincidence. I am going to try and stay away from spoilers a bit until I form my own opinion.
I still believe that we will see Thunder Road
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@bh definitely glad to hear that your dog is better and glad to see you here.

@mysuspicionis - Planning to watch some episodes and POTWs in them closely. Last week's POTW was over the top. Too many things in common with our Gregory House for it to be coincidence. I am going to try and stay away from spoilers a bit until I form my own opinion.
I still believe that we will see Thunder Road
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Layla_Rib said…
@ fran, you are a very caring person, thank you! And yes, I'm new here.I believe to Have found the perfect place to display my current (and insane) afflictions for a television show and I never imagined I could get to the point that I arrived and as you said "I'm getting mad, I'm not kidding ... rrrrrrrrrrrreally"
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
@layla_Rib -welcome to the madness that we call "Huddy Counseling Thread" and as you read you will find that if we had been the counselors for this couple they would not be in this mess that we find them in right now.

 @layla_Rib -welcome to the madness that we call "Huddy Counseling Thread" and as आप read आप will f
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
@ all the newbies :) "We're all a little mad here." ;)
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
 @ all the newbies :) "We're all a little mad here." ;)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@mysus why we are indeed. you HAVE to be mad to talk about huddy like this for (what is it now? 2 years? :0) and fill up posts and posts and posts and never run outta things to talk about ;)

@thanks @tammy! i was just a little confused haha
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Layla_Rib said…
Thank you all. You are great! I believe more in the "Law of Attraction"!Hahahahaha
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
Yes..welcome to new forum commentors..I noticed some new icons..but too lazy to say hello. Shame on me. Hi! make me laugh @HudJoy, has it been two years. I think so. I credit the fun people here as much as the show.

The many of you are suggesting..would seem like a "perfect idea", therefore, they won't do it. Really though, I suggest all three, House-Cuddy-Wilson should begin group therapy and go at it for a full episode..make that an entire season! Maybe then..we would dare hope to get to the bottom of all these troubles, trials & tribulations. Hug it out people! Hugs not drugs!
But no, the closest we came to that this season..was at the Go-Kart track..when Cuddy really "let loose" & said "never again!"

Anyway, I'm rambling..what I meant to say more simply, was that House left Dr. Nolan's office last a way that seemed to close the door on such it wasn't helping him anymore. So, I tend to go with other recent comments, that this time..House & or Cuddy will go it find answers.

@Fran, I do wish TPTB would listen to you..and just get back to the loving. They could save a ton on production costs...stairways to truck name it.

P.S. Thanks for well wishes..I'll give "mabel" a hug for each of you. BTW, a pit bull jumped on her at the park & took a bad bite. She had to get 9 stitches in her back leg..while I passed out. Later.
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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@BH oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh....i hope your poor baby is ok! i hate frickin pit bulls (i could start ranting right here!) i hope everythings ok.

on your note about therapy: i think house, cuddy, wilson group therapy would be really great actually. those 3 need some serious help. i can totally see dr. nolan sitting on a chair and facing them while they sit in a row on a couch with their arms crossed avoiding the issues. one shot fanfic anyone? :)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना bluehue said…
@HudJoy, Aaah..thanks dear for your sentiment.
Believe me, I ranted a bit. Thing is, I'm so careful to avoid walking near that breed, but this "bully" appeared out of nowhere & happened so fast. Thank goodness two guys sprung into action instantly & helped. Usually I walk in the woods around my house, but it has been muddy with Spring. Never again! Forget the park.

I took a pic to email my I'll share. As you can see, she's resting with her stuffed mouse & has the entire guest bed to herself. She'll be back to "normal" in a week...just like Cuddy..nooooo.
How's that for a (H)ouse tie in? Thanks again.

P.S. Actually, that could be a fun fanfic idea. I can almost picture it, "arms crossed," eyes rolling.
Except House would probably lie down & take the whole therapy couch for himself, pretend sleeping..and say, "You two get happy, fix yourselves..while I access my subconscious..zzzzzzzz."
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 @HudJoy, Aaah..thanks dear for your sentiment. Believe me, I ranted a bit. Thing is, I'm so careful
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना jojocap said…
@fran2, Hi, I've been lurking quite a while, and finally posted a few months back, backed off for some reason, and now I made a committment to post a few weeks ago. Thanks for the welcome. I feel very at home..LOL.

Here's something else that occurred to me, btw:

I want to think they belong together, but here's my other thoughts: They'd have to have constant drama to keep us interested, right? (maybe not...!). But with all the drama is it realistic to think of Cuddy sticking with House, for a number of reasons: Her career; her daughter; her sanity? I mean, unless House Changes, how do they get their sh*t together..and if he changes, there goes alot of the basis of the show. I'm slowly coming to the realization that there may not be more deeply involved Huddy-sorry!-but by the same token, they could have a regular tug-o-war of committment, ie, now they are sleeping together, now they are not. Eventually, he'd have to grow up and say, "eff it, i'm over my thrill-seeking behavior and I want to take care of someone." I'd like to think he'd be appalled at imagining what little Rachel would think of him now. I find poignant the idea of him thinking of adopting her. There was a helluva a lot of hurt behind this crazy reaction of he had alot riding on this relationship.

I do fault Cuddy-she should've known what to expect of him. Her potentiall terminal illness was a nightmare to him. She knows he has loss issues; he fell apart after Kutner and Amber. She KNEW this...I do think she should rethink things.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
Awwww @BH your doggy is so precious! Oh man I'm such a dog person i love dogs so much. is that a golden that you have? :D im glad she's doing alright. i have a mutt named quincy.

"You two get happy, fix yourselves..while I access my subconscious..zzzzzzzz."
oh my gosh i can totally see that happening. they would try and help him and he would just sit there and they are rolling their eyes at great. i can see it now.....;)

@jojocap "She KNEW this...I do think she should rethink things."
That's a very succinct way to put it! She does really need to re-think things...i think that she is making herself miserable because she has unrealistic expectations and she is expecting things and wants things to be a certain cant tell House you love him for who he is and then change your mind about it because you decided he doesn't fit the standards you have created that are as high as the moon.

Also, House needs to learn that Cuddy has high expectations and he needs to try and reach that instead of setting his standard below and not shooting for what Cuddy wants. They both have some serious issues they need to work through.

 Awwww @BH your doggy is so precious! Oh man I'm such a dog person i प्यार कुत्ता so much. is that a सोना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना mysuspicionis said…
Aw the doggy pictures! I'll have to send a picture of mine :) So just read the new spoiler...................................­...­..

yeah I don't forsee a whole finale episode about House and his new bride and mother in law..... Lots of speculation Ausiello----who meets with GY for lunches and does reporting/PR for them. Anyway to get back to my original reason for posting. I can't sleep without posting this because it has been rolling around in my brain for days and then I read Tammy's spoilers.

Spoiler/speculation warning for finale

People have noticed that House was missing a watch in Bombshells and he referenced it twice in jokes. They noted it has been gone for a while and that in promos for 13's return he is wearing it again. In Fall From Grace Cuddy and Wilson are talking and he says "So it's back to normal?" and she says "Yeah, back to normal." That struck me at the time as perhaps important in the hallucination theory floating around. We could have normal interactions between House and Cuddy (ie No breakup) and we interpret their actions and conversations differently from what is occuring, or House interprets them differently like in Both Sides Now. I wondered how we could have 13's return, which must really occur, fit in with the hallucination/dream/brain problem theory and lo and behold if House's watch doesn't appear back again, and things are "back to normal". In Tammy's link the person said something to the effect of "I'm disappointed that you didn't pay attention to Cuddy and Wilson's conversation in Fall From Grace" I know I've expressed myself poorly but do you get where I'm coming from? If nothing else with all the awesome details people have placed on the page Tammy posted we could create a new tv show, spinoff, sort of a cross between House and The Twillight Zone :)

last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycat69 said…
@fran "Give me back also the banters, her ass, her boobs and especially his 17 inches ;-))
I want again my couple so damaged, messy, painful, contentious, humorous, sensual and deeply in love. Period."
May the writers read your post!

@BH glad that you're dog gets better

@BH and @HJ great idea this trio-therapy with Dr Nolan, it could be a great and funny fic - have to think of it

@HJ "They both have some serious issues they need to work through."
You make a good point! Both are screwed up, each in a different way but at the end the result is the same : they need to get in peace with themselves before they can have a long-lasting relation (together or with someone else which won't please me at all)

Well I just rewatched some Huddy scenes of Help me, Bombshells, Out of the chute and Joy to the world, and it made me cry. Why?
This show is gonna kill me!
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyBea said…
Hi gals! Brightening your day with some Hughasmic pics, brand new ;)
I must say I'm having a hard time getting a grip on myself here XD
 Hi gals! Brightening your दिन with some Hughasmic pics, brand new ;) I must say I'm having a hard tim
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddyfantatic said…
I wonder why lol kidding i know why double death for me
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना HuddyJoy0524 said…
@mysus hmmmmm......interesting indeed. i too have a feeling that hallucinations will be a part of it but idk....the finale title and finale itself dont seem to be headed in that direction after reading Aussiello. unless of course they are leading us on another wild goose chase lol
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना huddycallianfan said…
Do u guys know that the title of the season finale is "Moving On"?????
OMG! Could it mean that those two are moving on WITHOUT each other.
I'm almost sure that they won't get together till the end or At the end of the season finale. They won't give us another happy ending. We should have celebrated more after season 6. It was the best for us, Huddy soldiers, finale.
Anyway, I really hope that SOME DAY they will be together...eventually...
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
Ok we are still sleuthing. You know you are obsessive when you are getting ready for work and thoughts of House begin to flood your brain.

So here is some of mine. Going along with the theme that this season has been off my favorite POTW this season was the bull rier in episode 16. I also believe that if out POTW are clues this year that House is missing moments. YOu go back to what LE said in an interview:
"It is not what the dreams say it is what they do not say."It is not what we have seen it is what we haven't seen becaus ewe see only through the eyes of House. As beautiful as those baby blues are something is wrong.
It could go back as far as the secondary collaspe in "Help Me" that House was in.
I think that what we are seeing probably has happened but it is what we haven't seen that will fill in the blanks and that will come when they realize House has some type of head injury.
But the POTWs while boring probably provide more clues. So let's see if we can figure this out.
It is fun you know.
 Ok we are still sleuthing. आप know आप are obsessive when आप are getting ready for work and thought
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना tammyr50 said…
Ok we are still sleuthing. You know you are obsessive when you are getting ready for work and thoughts of House begin to flood your brain.

So here is some of mine. Going along with the theme that this season has been off my favorite POTW this season was the bull rier in episode 16. I also believe that if out POTW are clues this year that House is missing moments. YOu go back to what LE said in an interview:
"It is not what the dreams say it is what they do not say."It is not what we have seen it is what we haven't seen becaus ewe see only through the eyes of House. As beautiful as those baby blues are something is wrong.
It could go back as far as the secondary collaspe in "Help Me" that House was in.
I think that what we are seeing probably has happened but it is what we haven't seen that will fill in the blanks and that will come when they realize House has some type of head injury.
But the POTWs while boring probably provide more clues. So let's see if we can figure this out.
It is fun you know.
 Ok we are still sleuthing. आप know आप are obsessive when आप are getting ready for work and thought
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fran2 said…
@bh - If your dog was a male ... with a lame leg injury ... (s)he would be like House! How cool is that?? XD XD XD

Starting from @tammy “if we had been the counselors for this couple they would not be in this mess...”.
I have been thinking a lot about this and I concluded that we must make a serious diagnosis of the situation. Let’go deepening the current situation of the two (sigh) pairs.
 @bh - If your dog was a male ... with a lame leg injury ... (s)he would be like House! How cool is th
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fran2 said…
House/Dominika marriage: The Choice
 House/Dominika marriage: The Choice
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना maggiemay23 said…
I´ve just seen many photos of each epi season 7,promo pics and beach pics. House(or Hugh)nowhere with a watch, except in the first scene from "Now what".Idk what it means.(mabye he has changed the watch as the wedding ring?Sorry, just kidding)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना fran2 said…
We have many reasons for a quick and painless divorce...

Number one
he does not want to have sex with her! Period
 We have many reasons for a quick and painless divorce... Number one he does not want to have sex wit