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A Million प्यार Songs Later

A/N: Serenate प्रशंसकों your दिन has come. If आप were wondering if there was going to be any in this story then this is the chapter for it. But for Chuck and Blair प्रशंसकों I'm depriving आप of loads of Chuck and Blair scenes, there's only two. But this is mainly a recap and to give आप some answers. This is all about the past and I hope to fill आप in on some mysteries. So I hope it's okay and that आप enjoy it. Please comment. Thank आप xoxo

Chapter 16: Things that kept them apart

        The east coast was looking rather glum. Nothing...
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A Dan and Blair story

Blair and Dan have been going out for a few days and everything is going smooth, except for the fact that Serena is jealous. Well,they did brake up two weeks ago. Blair even asked her was it okay if they went out. Serena only कहा yes because it was about time she got over him and Blair really started to like him. आप know they say, "All is fair in प्यार and war."

"Hey,Blair bear," Dan कहा as he gave Blair a hug. Then he gave her flowers. Aww, how sweet.
"Thanks, are we still on for our तारीख, दिनांक on Saturday?" She asked.

"Of course," Dan got a text message from Jenny."Sorry, I...
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Sant Ambroeus
This Upper East Side staple is where Serena वैन, वान der Woodsen goes for her caffeine fix. She also loves coming here for gab sessions with her bestie, Blair Waldorf.
Bethesda Terrace
Located in Central Park, this is one of the most beautiful landmarks in New York City. Serena comes here whenever she is feeling down.
Chelsea Piers
Since New York City gets pretty cold during the winter, Serena loves coming to this indoors sports complex. She enjoys everything from bowling to rockclimbing to rollerblading. This place has it all!
Wonder where Serena gets all of her amazing clothes?...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 9

They had arranged for the बास private jet to pick them up and drop them in New York. She was still a little nervous about what Chuck’s reaction was going to be when he saw all of his फ्रेंड्स and family that he left behind. So they climbed aboard the plane ready to takeoff.
The plane took off shortly and Chuck didn’t say a word. He just stared out the window for most of the flight. Blair tried to occupy herself द्वारा doing other things, but halfway through the flight, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Chuck? Are आप alright?” She asked, as she gently...
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“What pact are आप talking about?” asked Nate and Chuck.
    “Nate? Chuck? Our children are engaged to marry each other!” they said.
    “What?!” कहा Nate and Chuck.
    “Jason’s engaged to marry Roxanne; Christopher’s engaged to marry Samantha; Ethan’s engaged to marry Ashley; Ryan’s engaged to marry Elizabeth; and Danielle’s engaged to marry Cameron.” Serena and Blair explained to their bewildered husbands.
    “When did आप decide this?” Nate and Chuck asked.
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 "Not confessing his real feelings to her after their amazing S2 kiss..."
"Not confessing his real feelings to her after their amazing S2 kiss..."
हे everyone!My name's Vanessa and I was lucky enough to get to interview some of the प्रशंसकों of the महीना for March!One of the प्रशंसकों I got to interview was Mary(sophialover),one of the winners of the Serenate FOTM pick(the other winner is Leightonfan).Anyways,congrats Mary!And I hope everyone enjoys this interview!

1.What do आप प्यार most about Serena and Nate?Why?

Serena doesn't have to be another person around Nate. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone else because he understands and respects her.
They are pretty much on the same level. They...
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“Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?”


Author: LittleDancer-123x (Melanie)

Rated: T+ because of occasional language, and strong references to eating disorders.

Published: December 11th 2008

Story Type: Multi-Chapter

Summary: Inspired from the line “Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?” 2x13. Goes back to freshman year, and works up to present day, how Blair’s disorder developed and how Chuck was there along the way. Multi-Chapter. CB, SB friendship....
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A/N: Ok yeah, I know I’m not the best updater. But I made this chapter extra long, so Yay! Mainly cause I have so many ideas for little things in this story it’s really hard to fit them all in. But I hope I did a good job in this chapter, since I really don't think it's the best.
And please review! I प्यार when आप do! And suggestions for what to add in are always welcome too! Thanks!

Blair groaned as she woke up the अगला morning. She knew that something important had happened last night but she couldn’t really remember what. As she walked into the bathroom she was greeted with bloodshot...
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The Gossip Girl Chronicles

A/N: Hey. I'm back to scripted. हे I'm gossip-girl999 आप may remember me from such प्रशंसक fictions as The Chuck and Blair Chronicles. लोल I just watched The Simpsons Movie! I प्यार Troy! लोल =D Okay हे so I was just in the mood today to start लेखन my new प्रशंसक fictions and I'll just be updating this one when I get time to write a new episode. And cos I only got one review on my latest chapter of 'A Million प्यार Songs Later' I'm just giving up on that story. I've written chapter 10 already so I'll post that one then I'm done cos there is no point for only one review...
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 Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
PART TWO- The Taming of the Shrewd

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has photographic evidence of someone climbing down from क्वीन B's window last night...! Unfortunately our tip off came from an inexperienced चित्र taker! All we see is a black blur but im sure it is a male figure! Free blog अंतरिक्ष on Gossip Girl for anyone who finds out who it was! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Serena and Blair are in school sitting at the steps.

S: Let me guess...Chuck?
B: S! Ssshhh....people can hear you!
S: (whispers) Ok...so it was him?
B: ...Maybe.
S: Come on B...you can tell me.....what did he want?
B: What do आप think!
S: Twice...
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A/N: Okay, so I was really planning on लेखन this out MUCH earlier, lol. But for some reason I felt the needed to write an outline for this story, so I actually finish it and don’t just keep coming up with और ideas, for like…forever. XD lol. Besides, I’ve heard a lot of people write out outlines and it makes sense, but unfortunately…it took SO long to write an outline up through this current chapter, that I decided to just write it out, and I’ll finish the outline…hopefully tomorrow. Heh. So, with that said…I hope आप enjoy this chapter. I own nothing, as usual…and please,...
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Blair pulled him down द्वारा the edge of his collar. “Let me make one thing clear, we are not friends, we are not anything, आप are just helping me to rise to क्वीन again because आप pulled me down to begin with.”

His smirk spread slighly across his face. “But आप l—”

“No,” she put a hand over his mouth, “don’t even think it. It was a mistake for me to even open my mouth on that subject.”

Chuck’s eyebrows furrowed, but he nodded and then quickly recovered his vulnerability with his trademark grin. She rolled her eyes and walked away, stopping when he didn’t...
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    Roxanne just stood there in shock as she heard her mother telling her that she already had a fiancé despite the fact that they had just started dating. She remembered her father telling her that he could come to him if he had any सवालों and that was her अगला stop. She excused herself from her meeting with his mother and decided to ask her father if he knew what her mother had planned या if he was shocked as well. “Did आप know what Mom was planning in regards to my future, Dad?” Roxanne asked.
    “No. Your mother surprised me with this bombshell...
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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl या used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has तितलियों for and what if it’s too late?

Here is new chapter, hope you’ll like it. I started new fic which is series of oneshots and it’s called Sparks so please check it out too. Ok end of the rant.

"Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight सेकंड्स left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind”
"Over My Head” The Fray

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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl या used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has तितलियों for and what if it’s too late?

“An would u like it if i put u into my world
There’s broken hearts in basements
An broken प्यार on the streets
You were so fed up of it all always involving me”
“Do आप Wanna" Kooks

Chuck’s Pov

It had to be done. Of course it had. I made right decision. She couldn’t say it and she’ll be better off with...
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A Million प्यार Songs Later

A/N: Right हे guys Yes it's me the WORLD'S WORST UPDATER. First I just have to say I'm sorry for how crappy an updater I am but I've been और busy than usual the last few weeks. I'm redecorating my bedroom and I've been chucking out all my crap and कचरा, जंक, रद्दी that I don't need and getting it all in order took me two days, and I've been busy लेखन my novel for a thing me and my friend are doing, we both write a book then we swap it and read each others cos we both want to be writers so to get some opinions on it cos none of our other फ्रेंड्स are willing to read it and...
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posted by Bla-bla
 आप look amazing
You look amazing
Everyone is at the White Party Blair is three months pregnant and is showing. She wore a white Greek goddess looking short dress. And Chuck wore an outfit similar to Chucks last year. Chuck had been crushing on Blair for awhile now.
B: हे Chuck
C: हे Blair आप look amazing
B: Thanks
C: So where is Anthony?
B: In Spain...
C: Yea ok I'll call आप later
B: Yea sure
As soon as Chuck was about to leave Blair got a call from Anthony saying he didn't want her.
B: But... (heavily crying)
C: Blair ( hugges)
C: Look he is a jerk and आप should be with someone...
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posted by angel_02
Is it just me या is the दिखाना getting a little to different to the books?

I am a huge प्रशंसक of the gossip girl series and living in New Zealand I've found it hard to get my hands on them all to finished पढ़ना the whole series so I brought them all from amazon, so being a प्रशंसक of the पुस्तकें I was delighted to hear they were being turned into a show, even और so when i found this site and the लिंक्स and वीडियो of the shows that are posted. Although I really प्यार the दिखाना and am totally addicted I am finding it to be becoming और and और different to the books.

I mean there was no chuck/blair in...
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Literally everybody calls her a क्वीन and all that stuff but she’s not.

She’s just a selfish, PRIVILEGED LITTLE RICH GIRL!

For example she think Donovan (or whatever the prison teachers name is) is suppose to forgive lily. I can’t remember what episode but she got mad when Donovan didn’t want to help lily be he didn’t think that anybody should be hurt doing stuff for her! HES RIGHT! SERENA LITERALLY GOT MAD AT HIM🙄! LIKE BABE SHE PUT HUM IN JAIL!! आप CANT EXPECT HIM TO RISK HIS (limited) FREEDOM JUST BECAUSE SHE’S YOUR MOTHER!!

 Party Time!
Party Time!
Chair Tales - S02E09- Groundhog Day

It's Serena and Dan's official Engagement Party.
Lily, Eric, Rufus, Jenny have been in New Haven for a couple of days.

At Serena's house the party preparations are in their final stages and it is early afternoon. Blair has been at the house helping out for almost an घंटा now. Serena had tried to get Blair to tell her the reason she came to her house a few nights पूर्व night but Blair keeps telling her it was nothing.

Chuck now arrives at the house, invited द्वारा Serena. Serena has told Chuck and Blair (separately) that she has a surprise for them.

B: So are आप going...
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