132 lifetime gold
There's high,and there's high,and to get really high-I man so high that आप can walk on the water,that high-that's where I'm going'- George Harrison
·February 2009 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं
- Female, 29 years old
- Gotham City :), United States of America
- My Websites: www.youtube.com/user/23A...ead, www.fanfiction.net/~aerohead23
- Favorite TV Show: Supernatural, House M.D,Flight Of The Concords, Gossip Girls, Rescue Me,That 70's Show, Being HumanFavorite Movie: Stand द्वारा Me, Rosemary's Baby, Spinal Tap, Across The Universe, Dark Knight, Sweeney Todd, Ocean's 11-13,Lord Of The Rings, The लॉस्ट Boys,TRANSFORMERS!Favorite Musician: Aerosmith,The Beatles,Vampire Weekend, Michael Jackson, Jeff Buckley, All American Rejects, My Chemical Romance,Favorite Book or Author: Schooled, The Outsiders, Harry Potter!
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Wow, we have a lot in common! :)
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