बिना सोचे समझे Time Travel RP

Strawberry0020 posted on Feb 26, 2012 at 10:42PM
I'll make it simple. People sneak into a Government Facility who's working on a Time Traveling Machine.
~The end! :D

-No magic
-No Godmodding
-Characters can be in different time periods at once.
-Don't date back to the Birth of Jesus, Adam & Eve or any stuff like that. Not everybody is Christian and it's offensive to some people.
-Have as many OC's as you want, just make sure you and everyone else can keep up with them.
-Use Recommended RP format.
Me: Blah blah blah...
You: Blah blah blah... *Walks away*
-If you join late, ask first. This is so you can get caught up. ^-^

I'll start!

~The Facility~
Maxxie: O-O Whoa! What's that?
Lance: *Looks at the facility* I don't know. O.o
Austin: An over-sized crack house? *Laughs*
Maxxie: Let's go check it out!
Lance: We can get in trouble! Look at the wired fence!
Austin: *Throws a bagel at the fence and it doesn't get zapped*
Maxxie: Let's go! :D
Lance: -_- Fine...
last edited on Feb 26, 2012 at 10:58PM

बिना सोचे समझे 27 उत्तरों

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
*In the Lab*

Chilly: Hey check it out they have a portal gun!

Claire: a what?

Chilly: look *shoots a blue portal on the wall and an orange portal on the floor*

Claire: what the hell?

Chilly: *steps through the orange portal and walks out the blue portal

Claire: woah must be magic

Chilly: nope...I think its science
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
 *In the Lab* Chilly: हे check it out they have a portal gun! Claire: a what? Chilly: look *shoots
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Lance: *Sees portal* O-O Whoa! What's that!
Austin: I don't know, but it looks fun! :D
Maxxie: Alright... I'm gonna touch it. *Pokes finger through portal* D8 Holy crap!
Austin: That's sweet!
Katie: Whoa... Angie, calm down! D8
Hazel: Lance threw one at me when I was talking to Ryan! Dx
Christian: Me too! When I was singing Karaoke! *Sees fence and a bagel laying by it* He went in there!
Scott: *Catches up with them* Hey! Wait up! Why are you guys walking here?
Evangeline: To kill the betch! >.< *Hops the gate*
Scott: Why?
Katie: Because the other guys ambushed us with bagels. ._.
Scott: O.o
Christian: *Helps Hazel over the gate*
Hazel: OW! My nail! Be careful!
Christian: Geez, sorry! *Hops fence*
Katie: Wait! Don't go in there! You might get in trouble!
*They all ignore her*
Katie: Ugh! *Starts climbing*
Christian: *Sees portal* Huh? What's this?
Katie: Don't touch it!
Evangeline: *Turns knob on a control panel*
Katie: Don't touch that either! Dx
~The portal~
*All three of the guys are in a cave*
Austin: Whoa! Where are we?
Dinosaur: RAWR!
Lance: GAH! D8
Maxxie: AHHHH!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
*In the Lab*

Chilly: did you hear that?

Claire: no

Chilly: well I'm keeping this *puts portal gun in backpack*

Claire: well I found these boots *puts boots on*

Claire: the sign says they're long fall boots, no idea what that is

Chilly: hey is that a time machine portal

Claire: lets check it out
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
 *In the Lab* Chilly: did आप hear that? Claire: no Chilly: well I'm keeping this *puts portal gun
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Christian: *Playing in random stuff* Whoa! *Puts on a jet pack*
Evangeline: Man, this look sweet! *Puts on a pair a shades*
Katie: We'll get in trouble!
Hazel: *Riding on a futuristic looking scooter* I haven't Rode a scooter in forever! :D
Scott: Watch out, Hazel! D:
Hazel: *Looks back at Scott* Huh?
Katie: AH!
Hazel: *Crashes into Katie and they both fall into the portal*
Scott: D8
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: hey those kids went into the time portal!

Claire: cool, lets check it out

*Claire and Chilly walk into the time portal*
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
~Prehistoric Times~
Katie: *Laying in a huge pile of sticks* What the-? HAZEL! What did you do? >-<
Hazel: Well sorry... Sheesh. These twigs are hurting my back. -_- *Picks up scooter*
Scott: Where are we?
Evangeline: You tell me and we'll both know. O.o
Christian: Whoa... Those are huge eggs.
Katie: Eggs?
Christian: *Picks up an over-sized egg* This! It must be another experiment! :D
Katie: Wow! That's huge! O.o
Evangeline: Crack it open... Anyone got a lighter or something?
Hazel: Evangeline, that's the most ghetto way to make an omelet. xD
Evangeline: *Takes off shades and puts them in her bag*
Christian: *I wonder if this actually works... (The Jet pack)
Pterodactyl: SQUAWWW!
Katie: *Looks up* D8 GAHHHHH!
Christian: *Looks down at egg* HOLY Sh-
Hazel: *Screams* AHHHH!
Scott: *Gets on the scooter* HANG ON! D8
Hazel: *Gets on the back of scooter* HURRY!
Evangeline: *Stands on the side of the scooter* GO!
Scott: Hold on tight! *Speeds off*
Christian: GAH! COME ON! *Pulls Katie to himself and tries to turn on jet pack*
Katie: Hurry up Christian! Dx
Christian: I'm trying! TT-TT
Pterodactyl: SQUAW!!! >.<
Christian: *Squeezes nozzle by accidents and they fly up*
Katie: *Slips and hangs off of Christian's ankle* AHHHH! D8 Christian, help!
Christian: If I do, then we'll die!
Katie: *Looks down* Oh geez! TT-TT
Christian: Just hang on!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
*In the jungle*

Chilly: we must be in dinosaur times

Claire: yeah

Chilly: where is the exit portal

Claire: no idea

*Sees the jetpack flying through the sky*

Chilly: what is that?

Claire: lets check it out!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Christian: *Jet pack runs out of fuel* Uh oh... We're slowing down!
Katie: WHAT?! D8
*They both fall down a tree*
Katie: @-@
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: I think it landed over here! *runs*

Claire: yeah! *runs*
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Gets up* Ugh... Where'd my shoe go?
Christian: I don't know. O.o
*One of Katie's converse falls from a tree and hits Christian in the head*
Christian: Found it... @-@
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Claire: *runs up to the crash site* what the hell?

Chilly: its the kids that broke into the lab

Claire: so who the hell are you guys?
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Christian: *Jumps* ACK! *Backs into tree* Oh.. There's other people? O-O
Katie: No... We're gonna be the ones asking questions here.
Christian: Mhmm... (xD)
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: how do we get out of here....thats a good question

Claire: we don't know either -_-
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Christian: WE'RE GONNA DIE!
~The Caverns~
*The guys are hiding there*
Lance: D8 What the F***?!
Austin: How the hell did a f***ing dinosaur end up here?!
Maxxie: No... The real question is, how did WE end up here?!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Claire: *slaps christian* Calm down

Chilly: so wasn't their more people with you guys?

Claire: the raptors proboly got them
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Katie & Christian: WHAT?!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: well duh...this is dinosaur times and didn't you see jurassic park

Claire: we should proboly find the exit portal, if there is one
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
~The caves~
Scott: *Speeding in* AH! *Crashes into Austin with scooter*
Austin: *Face flat on face* @-@
Hazel: AH! Get off! You're keeling me! >-< *Pushes Scott off*
Scott: P-Pterodactyl! D8
Evangeline: Where's Katie and Christian?!
Maxxie: Hehe... Hey Angie. ^-^'
Evangeline: GET OVER HERE BAGEL BOY! *Tackles him*
Maxxie: AH! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! AH! THAT HURTS!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: *walks around* so the exit portal is proboly where the real portal is today

Claire: we don't know where we are

Chilly: well look, thats the towns mountain so we can't be that far

Claire: fine
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
~The caves~
Maxxie: *Accidentally smashes Evangeline's bag and time changes*
*Cavemen are sitting in the cave, blinking at them*
Evangeline: *Stops attacking Maxxie* Uh... O-O'
~The jungle~
Katie: *Spear flies past her face* D8 *Cheek starts bleeding* WHAT WAS THAT?!
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: Cave men????

Claire: cave men weren't around with the dinosaurs

Chilly: time must have changed

Claire: we have to find the exit portal! *runs*

Chilly: *runs*
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Runs for her life*
Christian: Wait for me!
~The Caves~
Katie: *Runs in out of breath* Whew! Did we lose them?
Christian: I don't know!
Evangeline: *Tied up to Scott and Hazel*
Austin: *Knocked out, tied to Maxxie and Lance*
Katie: *Looks up at Cavemen and her friends tied up*
Christian: Aw... Sh**...
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Claire: woah cave men

Chilly: ok that doesn't help us find the portal

Claire: but they have the others

Claire: hey cave man we'll give you the girl and wimpy boy if you let us get to the portal

Chilly: where's the portal

Claire: down in the cave look

*A portal is in the back of the cave*

Chilly: oh yeah
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: WHAT?!
Christian: NOT COOL!
Evangeline: (Claire) AH! You bitch! >-<
Austin: *Wakes up and is incredibly smart* Oh my... What has happed here?
Lance: You sound weird... <-<
Cavemen: *Throws spears at Claire, Katie, Christian, And Chilly*
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: s*** *ducks behind a rock*

Claire: Stupid cave men

Chilly: maybe I can use the portal gun to get to the time portal
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Strawberry0020 said…
Austin: *Breaks free and starts drawing weird pictures on the wall*
*The Cavemen stop and blink at him*
Cavemen: Huh? *Scratches head*
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: why is that kid drawing?

Claire: no idea, run to the portal! *runs*