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added by sunwarior
Source: i dont own this
added by peteandco
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by Aranel
added by fireworks123
posted by Takuya
Here is another character लेख i hope आप will enjoy it.

Jasmine is a princess that goes up and down in the popularity ranking so its difficult to say where she is in popularity.

She was designed द्वारा Mark Henn and he based her on someone he saw in a park with a long black mane and her facial features was based on his sister.

When her looks were set the director कहा that they had to redesign अलादीन so they whould fit together since she "blew him away."

Her Personality
Can be described as Headstrong, self-confident and full of vigour, she is also very curious and very ब्रेव and thats...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://blogs.disney.com/disney-style/fashion/2015/10/13/anatomy-of-a-disney-characters-style-jasmine
added by coolsinger198
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by moulan