House MD प्रशंसकों Club
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If आप are a HOUSE प्रशंसक (which आप obiously are), another दिखाना आप guys definatly might like is एन सी आइ एस#Naval Criminal Investigative Service =]

NCIS stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

The two shows are very simaler, which some people find boring, but I really like it. haha.

Just like HOUSE, एन सी आइ एस#Naval Criminal Investigative Service has a team with a leader. The "Ducklings" in this दिखाना are the VERY sexy Tony DiNozzo, geeky Tim McGee (or as Tony calls him sometimes, McGeek), and Mossad Officer Ziva David (the former feamle team member was KAte Todd, who was killed in the season 2 finale. sorry for the spoiler =]) with Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs as their...
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added by huddyislove
Source: my BFF and my phone
added by caramelmilk
from my प्रिय yt people xD the pistolshrimps!
sexual education
added by Olivine
Source: me
added by huddyislove
Source: my phone XD
Here is one of my favourite New Zealand artists, जिन Wigmore [Credit: umusicau on YouTube].
जिन wigmore
new zealand
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
posted by Irene3691
Well, this is our first fic ever and we put a lot of enthusiasm on it. We wrote it in English so it is accessible to और people, but it’s not our mother tongue, so we beg आप pardon for all our possible mistakes. It is mainly written द्वारा three of us, with a special participation. Each of us took a character so we could give different points of view to the story. We’ve been लेखन this fic for nine months या so and it’s already finish. We wrote it while the TV दिखाना was being broadcast so many things don’t coincide with the show. We’re still editing it so, if आप have any consideration,...
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Ug, am I insane for doing this? I just feel so, what’s the word? Phony lately, I’ve never told anybody this, even the fact that I’m thinking about it proves how much I प्यार and trust this community. I don’t even know how to start without sounding A. Insane B. Like a baby या C. Both

See I’m not your typical teenager, I have about 2 या 3 फ्रेंड्स in real life (and I used to have 0, even now I’m using the term friend VERY loosely) and I don’t wear make-up, I don’t care what’s ‘in’ I where my clothes for comfort and only that. I listen to Country संगीत and don’t care what...
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added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by HuddyJoy0524
This movie seems really cute...going to see it this weekend! :)
house md प्रशंसकों
आप again
sigourney weaver
जेमी ली कर्टिस
added by HouseLovinGleek
Source: Got the three different आइकनों from their corresponding spots. Edited them myself using
added by miss_orange
Source: गूगल तस्वीरें
added by xoxJoJoRulesxox
Source: Me...Or My फ्रेंड्स :D
I Know, It's an Old Song, But I Just dwscovered it!!! and It's amazing!!!
चोटी, शीर्ष ten
ग्रीन डे
american idiot
song of the week
added by huddysmacked
Source: me and the "model" is ME too!