If आप are a HOUSE प्रशंसक (which आप obiously are), another दिखाना आप guys definatly might like is एन सी आइ एस#Naval Criminal Investigative Service =]
NCIS stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
The two shows are very simaler, which some people find boring, but I really like it. haha.
Just like HOUSE, एन सी आइ एस#Naval Criminal Investigative Service has a team with a leader. The "Ducklings" in this दिखाना are the VERY sexy Tony DiNozzo, geeky Tim McGee (or as Tony calls him sometimes, McGeek), and Mossad Officer Ziva David (the former feamle team member was KAte Todd, who was killed in the season 2 finale. sorry for the spoiler =]) with Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs as their...
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