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added by The-Stig
Source: captions द्वारा me, pictures from somewhere...
added by tubby2002
Kristin on E. Online Interview with Zachary Quinto, Kristen Bell, Sendhil Ramamurthy and Dania Ramirez. Spoiler Finale Vol. II हीरोस 2x11 Powerless
season 2
added by Valor95
Source: The 9thers
added by heroesfan4eva
added by TheLostBrotha
added by TheLostBrotha
added by leuron
added by leuron
posted by Dragonclaws
 Hiro: "I don’t understand. Takezo Kensei, the legendary Samurai master my father read me tales of is a gaijin?"
Hiro: "I don’t understand. Takezo Kensei, the legendary Samurai master my father read me tales of is a gaijin?"
When Heroes first aired, I fell in प्यार with it. What a powerful show! Uh, no pun intended. Heroes really seemed to capture this feeling of realism, a part of which was its internationality. आप really got the sense that people of all sorts are developing powers all over the world. Since the first season, however, the show’s quality has gone down, and has become increasingly ethnocentric and racist.

In the first season, we were introduced to the world of Heroes from the perspective of Indian scientist Mohinder Suresh. While there were several protagonists, many of them और recognizable to...
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In the Bennet house in Costa Verde, CA, Claire opens the microwave and finds nothing. She turns around and is confronted द्वारा Eric Doyle who has received a text message from Rebel saying "Claire will save you." Claire tells him to get out of the house. Sandra gets down and Eric asks help from both of them. He tells he wanted to be a puppeteer again. Claire immediately refuses. Sandra warns him telling that there are agents parked outside the house. But Eric explains that Rebel made a fake call to misdirect them but they would be back very soon. Then he asks why they don't catch a comes-back-to-life-barbie....
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posted by Miss_Dreamer

- "This is usually the part when people start screaming."

- "Turns out you're the villian, Peter. I'm the hero."

- "I remember you. You're like me, aren't you? I'd like to see how that works."

- "I wasn't begging for my life. I was offering आप yours."

- "I am the natural progression of the species."

- Sylar: "You're broken."
Brian Davis: "What?"
Sylar: "Suresh was right, it's so clear now. How it all works...pieces fitting together. It is in the brain."
Brian Davis: "So आप can help?"
Sylar: "Don't worry Brian...I can fix it. It's an evolutionary imperative." (crushes Brian's skull with a rock)...
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added by heroesfan4eva
added by MiloObsessed
Source: गूगल
added by miss_sylar87
Source: http://heroespedia.com
added by heroesfan4eva
added by heroesfan4eva
added by heroesfan4eva
added by heroesfan4eva