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added by missing_99
Greek mythology in comics Mother of Eros, god of love, in most of the Greek myths
goddess of beauty
greek myth
added by daydreamer505
added by PraetorianGuard
added by AJE123
added by oceanblueeyes
added by daydreamer505
added by AJE123
added by Luna94
added by missing_99
added by oceanblueeyes
added by Juaniallermann2
added by Juaniallermann2
added by puppy1418
Zeus, the ruler of Mount Olympus and king of the gods; god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and fate; had held a banquet in celebration of Peleus and Thetis' marriage, them being the parents of Achilles. Eris, however, was not invited since she would make the party unpleasant for everyone - being the goddess of discord.

Eris was angered द्वारा the rude snub, of course, and arrived at the party with a golden सेब from the Garden of the Hesperides, the word "Kallisti" inscripted into it, meaning "for the fairest". Three goddesses claimed the apple, they were: Hera (queen of marriage,...
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posted by puppy1418
The myth says that Zeus had swallowed his first wife Metis when he found out that she was pregnant. He was afraid that the prophecy of his son taking his सिंहासन would come true if the child was a boy. In remorse, he asked another god to विभाजित करें, विभक्त करें his head from where Athens popped out, a beautiful full-grown daughter, dressed in golden battle armor. She soon became his प्रिय and the only one of his children that Zeus ever entrusted with his magic shield and the secret of where his lightening bolts were stored. Athena remained his constant ally and fierce protector, promoting his interests, serving...
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added by Juaniallermann2