Hart of Dixie Club
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added by vanszerelem
added by kellyclarkson12
added by kellyclarkson12
I like many प्रशंसकों of Hart of Dixie have watched season 3 unfold in amazement and I have come up with an interesting theory. Is Zoe Hart dreaming, now before आप stop पढ़ना and click away take time and have a good think about it.
I recently went back a watched the first episode of season 3 again, its amazing what आप pick up when आप watch something और than once. The first thing that struck me was the opening line. Zoe is dreaming about the Founders दिन Parade and there is Tom Long remember what he कहा ?He कहा "come back Doctor Hart wake up" remember the look of confusion on her face? Side...
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added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
added by Joy3570
Source: http://supagirl.tumblr.com/
added by kellyclarkson12
hart of dixie
the cw
Claudia Lee, who plays the role of "Magnolia", the younger sister of "Lemon Breeland" (Jamie King), on the hit दिखाना Hart of Dixie. This is her debut video for her single "Hollywood Sunset". link
the cw
hart of dixie
claudia lee
hollywood sunset
added by kellyclarkson12
added by quinnbee
added by Joy3570
Source: http://jerrrra.tumblr.com/
added by kellyclarkson12
added by BrightSparkle
Source: tumblr
added by BrightSparkle
Source: tumblr
added by BrightSparkle
Source: tumblr
added by damon_elena
added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr