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added by claudia_bb
added by Gretulee
added by BrightSparkle
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added by BrightSparkle
Source: tumblr
added by princesstia411
added by traceypharm
Source: www.vampirediaries.web
added by tanyya
Source: queengilbert.tumblr.com
credit : SSWmuffiinxx @ YT
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द वैंपायर डायरीज़
द वैंपायर डायरीज़
added by Gretulee
added by julesb666
Source: VampireDiaries.net
added by HaleyDewit
added by HaleyDewit
 All आप need to know is that I freaking प्यार TVD!
All you need to know is that I freaking love TVD!
I am so honored and happy to be interviewing our सेकंड ever FOTM on this spot: Ole! I've known her for a while now, and all I have to say, which I already say later in the article: congrats, she deserves this, and प्यार her! So here it is, everyone: the May FOTM interview!

Bolded = सवालों / Regular = her जवाब / Bolded italics = my thoughts and add-ins / :)

1. CONGRATS ON WINNING MAY प्रशंसक OF THE MONTH, OLE BABY! What can I say? आप totally deserve this! Mind introducing yourself to the प्रशंसकों here who don't know you?

Sure. My name is Olesya (though most people call me Ole). I'm 19. I live in...
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Elena's POV

"Why don't आप sit down and we can talk." I was pressed tightly up against the counter. "No need to be scared." Katherine was smiling as she took steps towards me. "Katherine this is between Damon, Stefan and आप not me." Katherine tilted her head and shook it tell me no. "Honey this is about you."

Damon's POV

"How the hell could आप do that? Damon I asked आप to do this for Elena." Stefan was furious. I just rolled my eyes. "Your just upset because she may also have feelings for me to, just like Katherine."

Stefan sat there shaking his head. "Don't आप get it Damon Katherine never...
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added by tanyya
added by kwiatuszek446