All you need to know is that I freaking love TVD!
I am so honored and happy to be interviewing our सेकंड ever FOTM on this spot: Ole! I've known her for a while now, and all I have to say, which I already say later in the article: congrats, she deserves this, and प्यार her! So here it is, everyone: the May FOTM interview!
Bolded = सवालों / Regular = her जवाब / Bolded italics = my thoughts and add-ins / :)
1. CONGRATS ON WINNING MAY प्रशंसक OF THE MONTH, OLE BABY! What can I say? आप totally deserve this! Mind introducing yourself to the प्रशंसकों here who don't know you?
Sure. My name is Olesya (though most people call me Ole). I'm 19. I live in...
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