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added by KateKicksAss
(I didn't include plot, good characters, etc. because those are automatically included)

2. pirates
3. ninjas
4. An awesome pirate/ninja fight
5. Swords (preferably celestial bronze)
6. Closets (for Edward to hide deep inside)
7. giraffes
11. Butterflies
12. Chuck Norris
13. Jet-packs
14. kittens
15. strip poker :D
16. hand lotion
17. Sue Sylvester
18. sherbet
19. 20 अलगोजा, बेससून, bassoon players :D
21. Jedis
22. Druids :D
24. A monkey called Jeeves who occasionally slaps Bella
25. YOU.
Okay, so a lot of people have been asking that I put और वाद-विवाद stuff and reasons why I think Twilight is better. Now that we're all फ्रेंड्स and don't hate eachother anymore, I hope we can all have a reasonable debate.

But before I start, I want to say that I don't compleatley hate Harry Potter anymore. I saw the Deathly Hallows today, my friend is somewhat of a fan, and wanted to see it. I reluctaintly went with her, and it actually wasn't that bad. आप see, I read the first-fourth Harry Potter books, and read most of the seventh. The Deathly Hallows movie was much better than the book in...
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posted by emilykuru
BELLA हंस _ part 1

Ummm…. What can i say about her………….er…….nothing interesting but i can दिखाना u guys why she spoils the story

1.she is a hopeless char.she degrades herself,

2.she is stupid 2 leave her mom and come to forks when she begs her 2 comeback.

ok! if u guys say that it was because of the प्यार for renee then it is totally wrong.

which daughter who loved her mom so much as to go 2 the place which she considers
hell just for her moms happiness would forget all about renee when jumping off a cliff to hear edwards voice.
doesnt she always worry in the story that she has...
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This is an answer to a सवाल पोस्टेड द्वारा coolbek. If आप read it, please feel free to provide constructive criticism. However, please don't post hateful टिप्पणियाँ without backing up your opinion - it just makes आप look foolish.

These are my reasons as to why people like Harry Potter और than Edward Cullen:

1. Harry has flaws - anger, sometimes arrogance and a few more. These flaws make Harry a character with depth, and also a character that we can relate to. Nobody can be perfect in the real world – our flaws are what make us human. The saying “Perfection…is apt to be dull” explains...
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First off, one of my best फ्रेंड्स refuses to read Harry Potter because it's a fantasy. आप probably कहा the exact same thing. I did too.

Just to clear this up, I'm going to explain this for you. All 7 पुस्तकें और या less have the same goal in mind. Harry's parents were murdered द्वारा Voldemort in Godric's Hollow when Harry was 1. Until the age of 11, he believed it was only a car crash. He had no idea that he was famous for the supposed "death" of Voldemort. That is, until Hagrid comes to tell him that he is indeed a wizard.

In his first year, the main plot, और या less, is about Harry trying...
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Who's your प्रिय character from both series?Why?
Favorite scene from each book in both series? Why?
Favorite book from each series? Why?
What would आप change in each book? Why?
What did आप like in each book? Why?
What are the morals आप learned in each series?
What were the happiest/saddest/scariest/funniest moments in each series?

*WARNING: Long+Spoilers*

My प्रिय character in Twilight would have to be Angelea. She's very smart and
kind and she doesn't judge anyone. Even if she may not agree with her friends,
she's still always there for them.
My प्रिय character in HP would have to...
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Let's set the scene before this begins shall we? A girl, we'll call her Ven, is walking घर from school and gets a call from her friend. Ven and कहा friend have not spoken in a while so they start to ask what the other has been up to. They eventually get into the subject of पुस्तकें they've read. And that's where this little story starts.

So Ven's friend asks her what her favortie book is. "Oh, that's an easy one." she replies. "Harry Potter of course." her friend laughs and says, "Of course. Well, my प्रिय book series is Twilight."

Ven, having never even heard of the books, makes a confused...
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added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
added by eli218
added by Kiniko90
Source: wefoundchaos.tumblr
added by KateKicksAss
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
If I were to write “Breaking Dawn” (minus the part of the Volturi getting arrested द्वारा the police), here’s how it would go:

1. Bella beats up Jake for imprinting on her daughter

2. Volturi get word about Renesmee’s birth and rush off to Forks, bringing an entire army with them

3. Cullens get allies and several people who just flat-out hate the Volturi.

4. भेड़िया get in on it

5. Big battle ensues and several allies (like Tanya and Rosalie) die

6. Renesmee runs away and hides and Jacob follows her

7. Alice and Jasper दिखाना up with SEVERAL half-breeds

8. Volturi freaks out; one fathered a half breed...
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I have just tried to refute another "Edward is hot" type fallacy. I've had enough, I'm ready to puke - pardon the language - in link if I see another one. In the foreseeable future, I shall either not bother with such fallacies but instead ignore and ridicule या point to this article. This applies to both sides because some Twilight प्रशंसकों and some new Harry Potter प्रशंसकों here are frequently inferring it.

I point to my पूर्व article: link for the introduction.
I shall here only point out Number Six:
Non sequitur.
What is a Non Sequitur and a fallacy: I shall again refer to ऑक्सफोर्ड English Dictionary...
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posted by LoveforSeverus
Well I've been लेखन a little fanfic recently and I realized that when I write fanfic, I mostly let my character's handle the plot. Whatever happens to pop in my head at the time, and doesn't go completely against the संपूर्ण, कुल मिलाकर story line, gets put in the fanfic.
But Smeyer says that she wrote Twilight द्वारा just "letting her characters handle the plot". There द्वारा making it seem a lot like how, not only I, but other people, write प्रशंसक fiction.
I decided to look up some reasons of what makes a good प्रशंसक fiction:
"1. Choose the anime/manga/book/video game/movie आप want your fan-fic to be about." Vampire's...
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Alright I haven't gotten a chance to revise and संपादन करे this so it's still kind of a सूची type thing. I guess I'll finish later. One point for now.

While पढ़ना the लोकप्रिय teen book Twilight, I couldn't help but notice some rather disturbing problems, and some facts that just don't add up.

For starters, Twilight is anti feminist. How can it be anti-feminist? आप might ask. Well here's how, Bella is always staying at घर tending to either her father, her boyfriend, या her boyfriends family. Meyer cleverly disguises this द्वारा saying "oh well Charlie can't cook" and "there's nothing better to do"....
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