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Hi, अगला part of MBTI series :)

- Think before acting
- Prefer ,,deep'' relationships
- Enjoy being alone
- Listen और than they talk
- Sometimes have trouble with expressing their feelings
- Some of them are shy
- Some of them have trouble with making friends
- Express their secrets and feelings only to family/closest friends
- Don't like talking about eveything and nothing

Cinderella is a great example of introvert - she always thinks before अभिनय (her situation kinda explains this), never
searched for company, listen और that talk (when she's with Fairy सिंडरेला doesn't suggests her...
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Hi, I've decided to make some लेखाए to bring back this spot to life and I really enjoy making analysis, so here is first part of MBTI posts.
Hope that you'll enjoy it :)

- Act before thinking (or do both things at the same time)
- Don't mind ,,shallow'' relationships/talks
- Prefer spending time with others
- Talk और than listen
- Doesn't have trouble with expressing themselfs
- Confident
- Makes फ्रेंड्स easily
- Likes expressing their secrets and feelings to not-very-close people
- Enjoy talks about everything and nothing
- Outgoing and enthusiastic

Snow White actually fits that description...
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posted by JefefrsonFan99
Although it is quite true that Maleficent is indeed the Big Bad of Sleeping Beauty, there are hints that another antagonist, not evil villain, people might overlook. His name is King Stefan. Princess Aurora's father who rules France.

He is Responsible for Maleficent's Curse on Aurora:
King Stefan invited all the Ladies, Lords, King Hubert, Prince Phillip and the Three Good परियों to Aurora's christening, except for Maleficent without Stefan himself confessing his reason why he didn't invite her. After Maleficent curses Aurora, he shows no remorse for his mistake.

He Poorly Handled the Situation...
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 Dreamygal Productions
Dreamygal Productions
18. The Virginia Company
 "This one is a great scene and I प्यार everything about this movie. But having to choose a least प्रिय scene and this would be it. The others are just better. प्यार Meeko and Percy! Can't believe people don't like them! :( "- AnnaKay19
"This one is a great scene and I प्यार everything about this movie. But having to choose a least प्रिय scene and this would be it. The others are just better. प्यार Meeko and Percy! Can't believe people don't like them! :( "- AnnaKay19

It’s kind of odd that the opening scene in the movie is last in our countdown. Here is where we meet our hero AND our villain. They are setting sail from England to the new world in खोजिए of the three G’s; Glory, God and Gold. We also meet Thomas, a young clumsy boy on the road to becoming a man. He immediately strikes...
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Welcome to the 2nd Princess Personality article! Like the पूर्व लेख about Belle's personality, this one about Snow White is still using the MBTI assessment.


1. Extraverted link

Extraverts often:
Have high energy
Talk और than listen
Think out loud
Act, then think
Like to be around people a lot
Prefer a public role
Can sometimes be easily distracted
Prefer to do lots of things at once
Are outgoing & enthusiastic

Although Snow White was without human companion under her stepmother's wicked rule, she had plenty of animal friends. In fact, Snow White was always surrounded...
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1. The outside of the palace is inspired द्वारा the Taj Mahal.

2. The word "Agra" is in the name Agrabah. Agra is a city in INDIA.

3. Rajah is a tiger. बाघों are a symbol of INDIA.

4. Lotus fountains (like the one we see when we're first introduced to Jasmine) are an Indian thing.

5. "Abu" is an Indian name.

People complaining about Naomi being cast as चमेली because she's Indian need to educate themselves.

If आप want a version of अलादीन with चमेली being played द्वारा a Middle Eastern woman, then major in film and get a film degree. It's not Disney's job to please you.

As for the people complaining...
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While the Princess Party line of DVD's had the goal of accompanying डिज़्नी Princess-themed parties, the Princess Stories line has the much और general purpose of serving as everyday entertainment for young girls everywhere. As a result, there's a significant dip in quality from the Party line to the Stories line. We're going to take and look and see just how bad that decline is!

DVD Content
Just like in my last review, I'll go over all of the categories of the DVD one at a time. But first, it's necessary to talk about the presentation. When आप first pop in the disk, you're shown a young girl's...
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 My User आइकन Made द्वारा Myself
My User Icon Made By Myself
This is mostly inspired द्वारा the link द्वारा PrincessAyeka12. I thought it was really neat the way it gave a chance for people to talk about like interests as well as get to know the user better as a well-rounded person beyond just their DP प्रिय etc. So I hope आप guys don't mind this लेख and I'd प्यार to hear from आप about what we do and/or don't have in common. :)

Behind the Screen Name: I प्यार पढ़ना and लेखन so I wanted to pick a name that was very symbolic for me. I प्यार and strive for balance as I truly believe it is the key to life. My screenname was meant to represent the balance...
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 Credit: Gabriel Fichera
Credit: Gabriel Fichera
As I mentioned in its first part that this लेख is for those princesses who got their wedding in original या a sequel. I have re-imagined the gowns for all the princesses as honestly, I don't quite like the ones डिज़्नी has shown. The dresses lacks the effort as much as they deserve in my opinion. A princess wedding गाउन should be thoroughly thought through and designed. Cinderella's and Mulan's are द्वारा far the only wedding dress that actually fits their personality the most, in my opinion.

So here's my selection of the re-imagined wedding gowns for the remaining princesses.

1. Cinderella:
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Hi everyone! I recently learned about the Bechdel Test from a friend and have been wanting to write this लेख ever since. This test is, at its core, an analysis of how women are portrayed in लोकप्रिय culture. It reveals how much women tend to revolve around men in films, books, etc. To pass the test, a film (or any other work of fiction) must meet three requirements: the film must (1) have at least two named female characters (2) who talk to each other (3) about something other than a man. It seems so simple, right? Unfortunately a surprising number of films fail in at least one of these...
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Ah yes. Merchandise. Money, in other words. I adore the डिज़्नी princesses. They are all unique, and have good qualities. Some are even a little complex and the majority are at least decent role models. That's not how डिज़्नी markets them. Well, unless their name is Anna या Elsa. For the first 11 princess, they are downgraded into sparkle obsessed girls that look nothing like they did in their original film. Great princesses are forgotten in merchandise as well. The whole system is downright awful. For the फ्रोज़न sisters, डिज़्नी markets them as "I don't need a man". They tried that with Merida...
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We all know the step-sister from सिंडरेला that ends up reforming in the sequels. However, many people seem to have criticisms about her because they feel that she shouldn't have been forgiven द्वारा Cinderella, there was nothing to दिखाना that she deserved to be redeemed, and that it's ridiculous that she got to be redeemed but Drizella didn't. First of all, I think I need to explain where this idea of ऐनस्टेशिया reforming came from. In the original Charles Perrault version of Cinderella, Cinderella's real name was actually Ella. When she became a servant she would sleep द्वारा the fireplace to keep...
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Okay, so I already did this, but with a different method. This time, I'll just be doing the regular way I always do it. Anyways, please keep in mind that this is my opinion, and we may disagree, so respect my opinion and I'll respect yours.

Enjoy the article! :)

13. Merida
In my opinion, she definitely isn't ugly, but she's not as pretty as the rest of the डिज़्नी Princesses here. First, I absolutely प्यार her curly red hair! It's absolutely gorgeous. I also प्यार her eyes, they're very pretty, especially with the blue color to them. However, I do have a problem with her head. Her hair is...
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13. Snow White
Snow would definitely be higher on my सूची if her curls were और defined. I like the idea of her hair styled in a bob with a red bow. Unfortunately, that idea didn't come out too nicely to me.

12. Cinderella
Strawberry blonde is my प्रिय hair color and Cinderella's burnt नारंगी, ऑरेंज hair color is no doubt uniquely gorgeous. Speaking of unique, so are her bangs but I can't say I really like them as they look like plastic to me.

11. Tiana
The little strands of curls that hang down are pretty cute. Although it doesn't look like आप can do much with Tiana's hair but tie it...
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For such a successful and expensive film, Frozen's complete lack of diversity (particularly ethnic diversity) really vexed me. फ्रोज़न has four main human characters and out of the four:
- Four are white
- Four are all apparently straight
- Three are blonde
Looking at this, आप can tell there is very little variation in Frozen's main cast. In ethnic terms, there really is no excuse of this. फ्रोज़न needed और POC.

I have heard one main argument (read: excuse) why फ्रोज़न didn't have any racially diverse characters (and no: I am not counting black background characters). Some say that Frozen...
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 Let's see who of these two that really is better
Let's see who of these two that really is better
I saw that KataraLover had written an लेख about Ariel and Merida and who of the two that was a better character, I decided to do the same, but with my two प्रिय princesses Snow White and Aurora, but also because they're imo the two most similar princesses, but anyway here we go

They have a lot of things in common, they both प्यार animals, they have the same dream, they're both considerd beautiful द्वारा people around them and they both had to be saved द्वारा their princes

One of the biggest differences between them is that Aurora is pessimistic and Snow White is और optimistic,...
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It is no secret the Disney’s Princess franchise is one of the most lucrative for young children today. It is the number one girls’ toy brand in the US and made profits of $4 billion in worldwide sales. Therefore, these characters are going to be role मॉडेल for countless girls across the world. I want to look at what lessons children can take from these characters and stories that will be positive and why each of these characters can be a positive role model to girls- and boys, for that matter- of any age.

Snow White
Snow White has incredible emotional strength. She is able to handle everything...
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I didn't add Pocahontas and Snow White because while I do like their outfits, I didn't really have any other outfit to choose from.

8. Mulan's गुलाबी Dress
I प्यार its simplicity and I प्यार that it's colorful but the रंग still mesh well together. It looks lovely on Mulan.

7. Ariel's Sparkly Dress
It definitely stands out, it's so sparkly. Her body looks nice in that dress.

6. Aurora's Peasant Dress
It's a little too simple to make it further but I absolutely प्यार the colors. It looks so elegant on Aurora.

5. Belle's Green Dress
Again, it's a little simple but I think it looks...
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 #6 Naveen: Ok so in at no 6 is Naveen from PATF which is my least favourite as I found it a bit disappointing yet great at the same time. I never really liked Naveen as much as the other princes as his a real womanizer and he is so cocky in a way.
#6 Naveen: Ok so in at no 6 is Naveen from PATF which is my least favourite as I found it a bit disappointing yet great at the same time. I never really liked Naveen as much as the other princes as his a real womanizer and he is so cocky in a way.
Here is my चोटी, शीर्ष 6 favourite princes


Cocky & a real womanizer I decided to have him at no 6 as I don’t really like this character at all.

John Smith

A real knight at shining armour


So hilarious reminds me of Gaston from Beauty & the Beast.


I felt sorry for him as he was a nobody(riff raff सड़क, स्ट्रीट rat)


Charming and cute


Rude & kind-hearted I liked how he gave up his OWN पुस्तकालय for Belle and that part where he dies was so heartbreaking(sniff).
 #5 John Smith; May not be a prince but he is hot, with his blonde hair and his personality. I like him because he is ब्रेव and isn’t afraid of a challenge as well as some romance with an Indian princess named Pocahuntas.
#5 John Smith; May not be a prince but he is hot, with his blonde hair and his personality. I like him because he is brave and isn’t afraid of a challenge as well as some romance with an Indian princess named Pocahuntas.
 #4 Aladdin: I loved अलादीन ever since I saw the movie and I feel really bad for him as he was a commoner and he was afraid that no one would want to be with him because of that.
#4 Aladdin: I loved Aladdin ever since I saw the movie and I feel really bad for him as he was a commoner and he was afraid that no one would want to be with him because of that.
 #3 Eric: I had a thing for this character back when I was a little girl and I just प्यार his charms and his personality.
#3 Eric: I had a thing for this character back when I was a little girl and I just love his charms and his personality.
 #2 Edward: Now I know he isn’t suppose to be in this spot but who cares I loved this prince. He was so dumb, vain(like Gaston),self-centered,and those facial expressions really get to me as I laugh so hard at him.
#2 Edward: Now I know he isn’t suppose to be in this spot but who cares I loved this prince. He was so dumb, vain(like Gaston),self-centered,and those facial expressions really get to me as I laugh so hard at him.
 #1 Adam/Beast: Yes folks I loved this prince cause he was rude,bad-tempered yet at the back of it he was a nice kind-hearted man/monster who gave up his own पुस्तकालय for Belle and confessed that he loved her. I now प्यार this movie.
#1 Adam/Beast: Yes folks I loved this prince cause he was rude,bad-tempered yet at the back of it he was a nice kind-hearted man/monster who gave up his own library for Belle and confessed that he loved her. I now love this movie.
 Adam in monstrous form and above that his human self. Also प्यार this scene here.
Adam in monstrous form and above that his human self. Also love this scene here.

Princess: Ariel

Art Style: Disney Renaissance / Neo Classicism

As the first डिज़्नी film of the डिज़्नी Renaissance, in a way this film epitomizes the look of the modern animated feature. While The Little Mermaid defies and संपूर्ण, कुल मिलाकर classification, it does however reference a number of pre-existing artworks.

The story of the Little Mermaid had become so लोकप्रिय in the early 1900s that a ballet was written. Shortly after, artist link was commissioned to sculpt the story's main character in bronze. While...
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