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added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
Enikah: *drawing and singing* One, 21 guns.. leave down ur arms... give up the fight...
Sofie: *Jump over Enikah*
Duncan: Sofie!
Sofie: I can sing too! *sings*
Sofie: *giggles* ur in troubles
Duncan: no, it was-- *pointing to Sofie* she was!
Enikah: *grabs Sofie's shoulders* u can tell this anyone! ANYONE! Neither u, Duncan!
Duncan: It's ok, ur secret is सुरक्षित with me
Enikah: What about u Sofie?
Sofie: Nyaaaa :3 It's ok Debrah!
Enikah & Duncan: Debrah? *nervious eye*
Sofie: yeah! Debrah *hugs Enikah*
Enikah: Why?
Sofie: cuz is...
continue reading...
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Emisa123 (Thanks, btw)
added by Flo_and_Trent
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Tdilover226
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me and another ppl.. Like, tyler_gf123 या flo_and_trent.