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added by princessbella
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From time to time, human emotions encapsulate me. If it weren’t for Zafrina, my friend from the Amazonian Coven, I don’t know if I’d be able to दिखाना Edward those emotions. She helped me realize my capabilities, and taught me to use them to my full potential. He loves it though, when I do let him in. Somehow however, I think he’s quite happy not knowing everything. It’s foreign to him, exciting. I guess it keeps him wondering, which isn’t something Edward is used to. Mostly, I’ve used this capability to दिखाना Edward how deeply, truthfully and...
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added by BruCaS_LoVE
बेला स्वान
न्यू मून
added by mitsaki
added by greyswan618
प्रशंसक video द्वारा Madness Pierce
बेला स्वान
twilight saga
क्रिस्टन स्टीवर्ट
added by sophialover
बेला स्वान
क्रिस्टन स्टीवर्ट
added by greyswan618
fanvid द्वारा Lily Lawson
बेला स्वान
न्यू मून
ब्रेकिंग डॉन
twilight saga
क्रिस्टन स्टीवर्ट
added by sweet_twilight
Source: New Moon Companion
posted by elizasmomma
I thought my life would never change moving to Forks,Washington, with my dad charlie but it did,

The first time i saw him walking towards me, it was like my दिल stopped beating for a मिनट and then a सेकंड went by, i didn't know it then but we would be together forever.

Looking back on that first meeting in forks, highschool i knew that we would be together, but the दिन that he left me, i knew that my life was completely over, it was like i had died and my whole दिल stopped beating, and that was when i found my best friend Jacob Black (aka Jake) he was the one that helped me get over the fact that he was gone, but it wasn't emough to heal up the pain of him leaving me all alone to fend for my self.
posted by KatiiCullen94
dear Alice.
i don't know why i say alice anymore, i think now i write these emails to myself, to secure me that आप were real, that आप all were , that he was.
There is evidence that आप were here. and was my best friend. But sometimes i dont know wheither i was dreaming या not, But i stop that thought to think again, if it was a dream and आप diddnt exist,then how did i know your name, या did i make आप up, along with every one else. Maybe i'm going crazy, from without आप i dont know. But i want to find out. Do आप think a crazy person can be the one to digiosed themselves?? Lets hope for...
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added by BruCaS_LoVE
बेला स्वान
न्यू मून
added by Natbr
added by ebcullen4ever
Okay so this chapter is my favourite and I think आप are going to enjoy (crossed fingers) it! Okay so just remeber to leave your feedback-it's always great to see it.

Alice wouldn’t let me go until she and Rosalie had दिया me a complete makeover; I didn’t complain though, it was nice to have girl time. Jacob gave me a dazzling smile as I walked back into the living room a full घंटा later, he and Emmet and jasper had probably been chatting about some new turbo engine.
“Wow आप look... amazing,” Jacob breathed as I walked into his open arms while Emmet wolf...
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added by greyswan618
added by Irja
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by pellegrino_girl
Source: pellegrino_girl
added by Irja