Above the Influence [teens] Club
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added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा AkaCirce
posted by courtorbin
I am in Control

Alcohol, Sex, Tabbacco, and Drugs....all of that is gay.

I'm going to live my life The Court Orbin way.

I'm not going to drink until I turn twenty-one.

I'm going to hold off on the sex until I find the one.

Tabbacco and Drugs....man, I ain't doing that shit!!

I'm going to live my life pure. nothing else. that's it.

Sometimes आप gotta suck it up and learn to take a stance.

I want आप all to know that I am Above The Influence.

Written by,

Court Orbin

added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा MESS-Anime-Artist
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Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा xXMandy20Xx
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Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा AnhDang
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा cutieheartless
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा rhiled
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा Bomber49
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा ImaRawkStar
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा ThePurpleCat
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा MyMoshpitRomance
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा AlexVillaUnderscore
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा mjponso
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा SnythViera
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा RandomRia
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा CatTheNinja
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा Kiwi-Cupcake
added by courtorbin
Source: Photobucket
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा HollowNobody
added by मिलोरोक्स18
Source: deviantart.com/ द्वारा AeristelleAmitri