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deidrock कहा …

joins आकात्सुकि because he is a very strong evil person but has no way to feed out his power then kill others. one dat Kisame stumbles upon him while he is slavgigly killing innocent travelers. they then begin to battle once kisame see that he is no match for kokuei he allows kokuei to शामिल होइए not realizing he is a tailed beast. once tobi finds out kokuei agrees to give up his beast only if tobi revives him after he has died. पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
deidrock कहा …
MY OWN आकात्सुकि MEMBER

name:kokuei (dark shadow)
village:water fall
# of justsu:1million
beast:13 tails form of a शार्क head,snake tails,legs&arms of a hawk,body is the shape off a lion.
main weapon:a big sword made for slicing stabbing and ripping
(takes chakra, is summoned through a scroll, contains kokuei's heart,liver,and one lung)
acheviments: capture's 8 tails, destroys rock village revives all the pains.
hair:black पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना