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High School Links
Chapter 1: Hyrule Acadamy

"is it me या the uniform really is...."I got inturuted द्वारा the clock stricking 8:00. " FREAK!!!!" I yelled knowing I was going to be late. Checking if I my backpack.. Good everything there. Running out of the house not knowing that I left my dog; Tonyo without a किस goodbye. Through the grassy feilds and there I was Hyrule acdamy. I soon felt my face burning hot and I was really embarased that I had to wear a Mini skirt. Then walked through the doors. " Woah " Hyrule Acdamy was bigger than I thought. Pulling out my scedule it कहा I had my least favorite...
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added by LeaderVladimir
Source: निनटेंडो
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: निनटेंडो
added by Zelink4ever
added by Midnina
added by NS_Fan
Source: द्वारा Lilleah Adora West
added by Onyxblade_6
added by glelsey
Source: WallpapersXL.com
added by Spooky_Kid
High School Links
Chapter 9 part 1 : Beggining

"AHHH!!!!" I woke up screaming. "Only a dream.." Alfred कहा opening the curtains. I was in my bed. I wondered how. " Alfred how did I get in my bed?" I asked. He कहा I was always in my bed. He riminded me I was going camping too.
Alfred left the room. I sighed relizing I had a noesbleed lastnight. Anthor thing to worry about.(guys sorry about spelling. Plus I cut my finger wich means it's really hard to type soo yeah..... IT HURTS!!!! TTATT) with the sun in my eyes it was hard seeing where I was going. I even bumped into a few things. Tonyo looked...
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added by LeaderVladimir
Source: निनटेंडो
added by LupinPrincess
added by Twillight73gc
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Pinterest
added by LeaderVladimir
Source: Zerochan
added by Midnina
Source: beagletsuin http://beagletsuin.deviantart.com/
added by LlNK
Source: Daltair ~Deviant art
added by emmiphantom
Source: ecokitty
added by ZeldaFan215
Source: Photobucket
added by glelsey
An original Zelda-inspired song द्वारा Nathan Sharp aka NateWantsToBattle.
legend of zelda
द लेजेंड ऑफ ज़ेल्डा
ocarina of time
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