The Espada Club
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posted by Hijara
Police tape was already roped around the scene of the accident. Police cars and ambulances filled the area while onlookers watched with a mixture of curiosity and fear. Nobody seemed to know what happened. Those that had been nearby when the explosion occurred but had been far enough away as not to sustain injury all कहा pretty much the same thing: there was a brief flash of red light, then an explosion. A large hole, approximately twelve feet in diameter, had been blasted through the brick दीवार of an abandoned building. One person had been killed. Some speculated it was teenagers messing around inside, perhaps purposely setting off an explosion when they were no longer in range. Police were trying to figure out just what had caused it, now that all the victims had been brought to the hospital. So far, they were having no luck.

It wasn't hard for Ichigo, Rukia and Uryu to sense the remnants of reiatsu, even from a distance. It definitely had the feel of a Hollow to it, but it was something else at the same time.

"Kuchiki, can आप tell what it is?" Uryu asked, pushing his glasses up.

Rukia shook her head. "I haven't felt a reiatsu quite like this before. Whatever it is, it's dangerous. We have to find it."

Ichigo nodded as he lifted the lion-shaped stuffed animal from his side.

"Hey, Ichigo!" Kon yelled, sticking a soft paw in the substitute Shinigami's face and completely ignoring the fact people were around that were not accustomed to talking stuffed animals, "What do आप think I am, just grabbing me so roughly like that then carrying me like I'm some kind of child's toy! I-" His complaining was muffled as Ichigo stuck his hand down Kon's throat, pulling out the small कैन्डी and popping it into his mouth.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking!" The mod-soul resumed his complaining once he had been transferred to Ichigo's body.

"Don't talk when we are in public!" Ichigo yelled back. "You are lucky nobody heard you!"

Rukia cleared her throat loudly, stopping the two's bickering before it could escalate to return to the matter at hand. She was now out of her Gigai, the usual mod-soul taking temporary residence in it. "Stop fighting like children, we have to get to work!"

"You two stay with Ishida." Ichigo instructed the mod-souls, "Rukia and I will खोजिए around the immediate area while आप three take a look around. It will be easier for us to maneuver around here since they can't see us."

Ishida nodded. He didn't much like the fact he was stuck with two obnoxious mod-souls, but Ichigo's plan made the most sense. Even if he did find something in the area, he couldn't use his Quincy powers in front of other people. With all the attention here, it would be easier should he have to use them somewhere else.

With the plan set, Ishida and the two mod-souls took off, trying to track other traces of reiatsu while Ichigo and Rukia made their way to the abandoned building.

Inside, Ichigo and Rukia were careful not to make any contact with the police officials. The reiatsu was a bit easier to read in the building, strongest near the hole in the wall. They couldn't tell whether it was cause from the inside या the outside, though the likely guess was it had been an attack from the outside that had happened to hit the building.

"Find anything, Rukia?" Ichigo called out, glad that their voices were inaudible to normal humans - normal being those without an enhanced spiritual energy. Luckily, none of the people around seemed to have that heightened sense, and were totally oblivious to the pair rummaging about.

Rukia frowned. "Nothing. Just traces of reiatsu. I don't think we're going to find anything inside this building, let's check around the perimeter."

Ichigo nodded, following Rukia back outside. Hopefully Ishida was having और luck than he was.


He was close. Whatever caused that explosion had to be somewhere nearby. Luckily, Uryu had been able to trace the reiatsu; it hadn't been too well hidden. He had tracked it to the park, in one of the lesser traversed areas. Signaling for the mod souls behind him to be quiet, he carefully looked around. It had to be here.

"So? Is it over here?" Kon asked, not even attempting to keep his voice down.

"Be quiet!" Uryu whispered harshly. If it wasn't for the fact Kon was in Ichigo's body, he probably would have sewed his mouth shut already. Though, his father was a doctor, so maybe he could get it all fixed up before Ichigo needed his body back. या maybe just keep it sewed shut, Ichigo had a habit of getting noisy as well.

Uryu closed his eyes and concentrated, searching for the स्रोत of the reiatsu. It seemed to be trying to hide now, but the he had already locked on to it. There! It should be right behind this tree...

The Quincy's eyes widened in shock as he discovered what had caused the explosion.


The eight Espada slipped into one of the rooms down the hopsital corridor. He was glad he hadn't been caught. Despite the fact everyone was running around from whatever had happened, it was still a bit surprising nobody noticed him, especially since he had गुलाबी hair.

Taking a quick look around the room, Szayel found it was सुरक्षित and pushed the door closed behind him quietly. Nobody else was inside except for a patient, who was either asleep या otherwise unconscious. There were a lot of different interesting things around. All sorts of medical equipment lined the counter, and there were probably even और inside the cupboards. Well, this was going to be fun.

Grabbing a chair to stand on, Szayel rolled it over to the counter, got on the chair, then climbed onto the countertop. Inside one of the cupboards was a bunch of individually wrapped syringes. He picked one out and unwrapped it, careful not to stab himself with the needle. Syringe in hand, he descended the counter and got onto the बिस्तर the patient was laying in. He poked the patient a few times to see if the man would wake up. When he didn't so much as flinch, Szayel poked the needle into his arm. wasn't filling up with blood. He must have hit a wrong spot. Szayel tried again, this time carefully aiming it at one of the veins on the inside of the man's elbow. Ah-hah, success! The Espada smiled as he watched the crimson liquid fill up the tube. Once it was full, he withdrew the needle from the human's arm and headed back over to the counter. What to do with the blood? Ah, he had an idea!

Back into the cupboard, and Szayel grabbed another syringe. Instead of sticking it into the the patient, however, he stuck it in the crook of his own elbow. Once that tube was filled, he found a Petri dish and emptied the contents of both syringes inside. His नारंगी, ऑरेंज eyes widened in amazement as he watched the blood clump up. Apparently, blood wasn't supposed to be mixed. At least, not his and the other man's. He wondered what would happen if he mixed the blood while it was still in the patient's body. Would it kill him? As much as he wanted to try it, he didn't particularly feel like stabbing himself with the needle again, and he wanted to play with some other stuff.

There was a तालिका, टेबल at the bedside with an assortment of objects sitting in a tray on top. Among them was a scalpel. The Espada picked it up, examining the blade. it looked sharp. He crawled over to the man and pulled the blanket down. The man was wearing a johnny, so Szayel untied the string around his neck and pulled it down a bit, revealing the man's chest. The pink-haired child put the blade to the patient's skin, just under his neck, and dragged it down about half a foot. He watched the blood pool up on the man's chest along the slice and frowned. He couldn't see what he was doing if there was blood in the way!

Szayel grabbed one of the white sheets and used it to suck up the blood. और came up, but it was less than before, and was also wiped away द्वारा the cloth. He went to make another cut, but stopped. This man was still unconscious, he hadn't moved a bit. It was getting boring. Szayel decided it was time to हटाइए on to something else, left the scalpel in the man's hand and headed for the door.

Opening the door just a crack, Szayel peered out into the hall. It seemed nobody was coming, so he quickly left the room and tried another one a few doors down.

"Doctor?" A woman's voice asked as the Espada opened the door. She sat up, looked around, then laid eyes on Szayel. She blinked. "You aren't the doctor. What is a little kid like आप doing in here?"

Szayel didn't answer, looking around the room instead. He grabbed a pair of white medical gloves and put them on. They were far too big, but he left them on anyway. He then grabbed a mask, which was also too big and laid around his shoulders rather than his face, but he felt it completed the look.

"Little boy, आप should leave. Do आप need me to call the doctor so we can find your mother?"

When Szayel grabbed a scalpel and climbed up on the bed, the woman's expression went from confused and slightly worried to horrified. "What are आप doing? Put that down! That is not a toy!" She grabbed the wrist Szayel had the small चाकू in, stopping him from cutting her. "That's it, I'm calling the doctor!" After yanking the चाकू from Szayel's hands, she reached for the button at her bedside.

Having लॉस्ट his scalpel, the Espada looked for the अगला thing he could play with. Sitting on the counter beside the बिस्तर was a defibrillator. He turned it on and carried the two paddles over to the woman. She was turned over in her bed, reaching for the button to call a doctor. After she had pressed the button and turned around, Szayel pushed them against her chest. She yelped and jumped. For a moment, she कहा nothing, but her expression quickly turned hostile. She made a grab for Szayel, who easily evaded her hands and leapt off of the bed. Apparently the voltage wasn't quite high enough. He walked over to turn it up when the woman started screaming.

Szayel scowled. How annoying. He turned the voltage up as high as it would go, hoping it would make the woman shut up.

"Hey, bro! What are आप doing?! Get out of there!"

Szayel looked around for the स्रोत of the male voice. Ilforte was at the window, standing on midair and motioning for Szayel to come to the window. The 5-year-old Espada did so and opened it.

"What do आप want?"

"I want आप to come with me, I've been looking all over this place for you! Now let's go!"

Before Szayel had any time to protest, his brother grabbed his arm, making him let go of the defibrillator and pulling him out the window. Ilforte slammed the window shut and took off just as the door to the room burst open.

"What is going on in here?!"

"Doctor Ishida!" The woman कहा in relief. "There is a young boy with गुलाबी hair trying to kill me!"

Ryuken raised an eyebrow. A boy with गुलाबी hair trying to kill her? That didn't make much sense. "Are आप sure आप weren't dreaming?"

The woman glared, "No, I was not dreaming! Look! He zapped me with the defibrillator!" She yelled, pointing to where it had been dropped on the floor.

Ryuken walked over and picked up the paddles. His eyes widened when he felt the faint reiatsu. Something had indeed been in here, though what he wasn't sure. Of course, he couldn't tell his patient this, unless he wanted to start a panic. He placed the machine back on the counter and walked over to his patient.

"Don't worry, आप are going to be fine. Just lay down and I'll make sure everything is in order." He frowned. This was going to be difficult to cover up. He hoped Uryu was getting to the bottom of whatever was going on.


"Are आप crazy, bro?" Ilforte asked his brother as he carried the smaller Espada away from the Hospital. Wait, that was a dumb question. Of course he was crazy. Szayel was the epitome of madness, even in child form."You almost got caught!"

Szayel just shrugged. He really didn't care if he had gotten caught, he didn't think it would have been that hard to get away. Not like Ilforte wouldn't have come to get him anyway.

The blond Arrancar sighed and opened a portal to Hueco Mundo. He put Szayel down, not wanting to carry him anymore, and held his hand to make sure he didn't decide to run off again. He wasn't sure which was worse: babysitting his brother turned child, या dealing with the mad-scientist as an adult. Either way, it was a loss for him. Not that he didn't care about Szayel, there was some sort of brotherly bond he felt towards him, but he was pretty sure Szayel didn't reciprocate the feeling. If he did care at all, he certainly didn't दिखाना it. Would Szayel have turned him into a snack like the rest of his fraccion if Ilforte had to work under him instead of Grimmjow? It certainly wasn't something Ilforte was going to try to find out. He was perfectly content working under Grimmjow and avoiding his brother's lab.

Once they were back in Hueco Mundo, Ilforte went straight to Aizen to रिपोर्ट his success.

"Lord Aizen, I've returned with Szayel."

"Very good, Ilforte. Just keep him occupied until everyone else returns."

Wait, he had to keep Szayel occupied?! How on earth was he going to do that? Ilforte had to bite his tongue to keep from protesting. He had already messed up on the last thing Aizen had asked him to do, which had been looking for information in Szayel's lab about the experiment, so he didn't want to further anger the O Mighty God of Hueco Mundo, lest he be struck द्वारा the lightning of his wrath.

"Yes, Lord Aizen." He कहा with a bow before leading Szayel away. What was he going to do with the little brat for not-even-Aizen knows how long? This was going to be a pain. Well, he certainly wasn't letting Szayel play around in his lab, seeing as that was the reason the Espada were in this state to begin with. Instead, he took Szayel to his room where there was nothing his younger brother could do to cause trouble. Though that also meant there was nothing to do to keep him entertained.

"Yo, bro, wait here for a minute, I'm going to go get something for आप to do. I'm serious, don't move, just stay here, okay?"

Szayel nodded and sat down on Ilforte's bed. The older brother hesitated for a moment, then quickly left the room, heading for the place where Ichimaru and Tousen had left the toys. Szayel got bored easily, so hopefully he wouldn't wander off in the time it took him to get a few things for Szayel to play with.

When Ilforte returned, he was relieved to see Szayel in the same spot he had left him. He kicked his door closed behind him and put the toys he had gathered on the floor. They consisted of a toy chemistry set, Legos, and a few dolls. He was sure Szayel would find some way to turn the गुड़िया into experimental subjects.

"There आप go, that should be enough to keep आप busy for a little while, have a blast."

The Espada slid off Ilforte's बिस्तर and took a सीट on the floor beside it with the toys while the older brother sat on his बिस्तर and watched. Naturally, Szayel did exactly what Ilforte thought he would. He built what seemed to be a makeshift lab out of Legos, using the गुड़िया as test subjects for his experiments with the toy chemistry set.

After a few मिनटों of playing, Szayel looked up to Ilforte. "Can आप help me? I want to pour all three of these into this bowl at the same time, so I need आप to pour one for me."

Ilforte looked confused for a moment. Szayel never asked for Ilforte's help, but then again Szayel had never been a kid before. "Alright." He sat on the floor beside Szayel, not wanting to get any colorful liquids on his bedsheets, and took the container of blue liquid he was being handed.

"On the count of three." Szayel instructed, holding his two containers at the ready. "One, two, three!" The brothers both poured the liquids into the bowl at the same time. The liquid gave off a slight smoke, momentarily making Ilforte paranoid until he realized nothing happened. It was just for kids, after all, a simple imitation of real chemicals. Children's toys didn't explode.

" made smoke." Szayel observed.

"Maybe आप could try substituting one of the रंग आप just used with a different one, see what happens." Ilforte suggested, trying to keep Szayel's attention on the toys.

The pink-haired brother nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. This time, आप can use the green one, and I'll use the गुलाबी and orange." He grabbed a new bowl, sat in Ilforte's lap, and put it down in front of them.

Ilforte was surprised at Szayel's new choice of seat, immediately suspicious that Szayel wanted to try some experimenting on him, but Szayel seemed to simply want to sit on his brother's lap. Well...this was unusual. He continued to play with Szayel, actually not minding it. He could get used to this. Maybe watching young Szayel wouldn't be so bad after all. For now, at least, he was content just अभिनय like a big brother.
posted by Hijara
Standing before Uryu was a small boy of 5 years old. His chalk-pale skin was a stark contrast to his ebony hair. His green eyes didn't hold the curious sparkle common in most children. Yet, despite his संपूर्ण, कुल मिलाकर appearance of a human child, he had a reiatsu that matched what was at the scene of the accident exactly.

"Eh? A kid?!" Kon said, staring at the child in disbelief. "Look, kid, I don't know what आप did bu-ARGH!" He covered his face and stepped back after being punched द्वारा the back of Uryu's fist.

Uryu kneeled on the ground so that he was eye level with the boy, hoping to figure out what...
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added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
It was a lovely दिन in Karakura Town. Many of the children were playing games outdoors, adults were enjoying walks in the park with their dogs, and the streets were crowded. Overall, Ichimaru was not pleased. Aizen had provided him with a Gigai and money in order to buy toys for the young Espada. Had there not been so many people, it would have been और pleasurable, as Ichimaru got to get away from Hueco Mundo and leave Tousen to feed the children. Now, however, it was और of a pain and would make his task all the और difficult. It didn't help that he had to walk quite a way, since he couldn't...
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added by hfkklg
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
 Thanks for पढ़ना every chapter!!!
Thanks for reading every chapter!!!
Hijara:This story is finally ending but I have a kick @$$ story idea and when I'm done with it I'll post it but आप got to wate!Sorry.XD

Ichimaru had a brilliant plan: let the Espada run around outside. It was impossible to keep 10 5-year-old children from running around, and being cooped up inside all दिन despite the size of Las Noches was clearly agitating them. They needed to be able to run around where the Shinigami wouldn't have to worry about them destroying anything, and there was absolutely nothing outside of the palace they could ruin. All Ichimaru, Tousen and the fraccion would have...
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"Once upon a time," Tousen began his bedtime story with the typical opening of any fairy tale, "there was a land that was कहा to be a wonderful place. There, everybody was supposed to be happy. However, that wasn't quite how things were. The land wasn't as wonderful as everybody pretended it was. There were people who were not happy, and things didn't always go the way they should have. The ones in charge did not pay attention to the people who asked for help."

"Why didn't they listen?" Zommari asked.

"Because they didn't want to think there were any problems with their land. They thought that...
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added by Hidanfan
O_O COOOoool..XD
and alot more.
added by hfkklg
posted by Hijara
“Lord Aizen must really trust us if he's having us watch over Ulquiorra.” Loly said, sitting on the edge of her bed, Menoly अगला to her as they watched the five-year-old Ulquiorra stack blocks into a high tower.

“I suppose so. He does seem to trust Ulquiorra the most out of all of the Espada.”

Loly smiled. She'd put up with watching Ulquiorra if it meant doing a favor for Lord Aizen. Luckily, he had proved very easy to take care of. In fact, she and Menoly barely had to do anything; they mostly just watched him play. It was a bit odd seeing him play with toys, but Loly supposed that was...
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added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by Hidan71
Source: Not mine
added by hfkklg
added by hfkklg
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
It was official: the children were nowhere in Las Noches. They weren't in their rooms, the kitchen, या anywhere in the immediate area of the castle. No other arrancar had seen them all morning. Ichimaru, Tousen, and the fraccion had searched every nook and cranny, but to no avail. Finally, they were forced to approach Aizen on the matter.

Many would agree that Ichimaru was a scary guy, but even he trembled when it came to Aizen. After he had been told that the children were missing, he कहा nothing. Ichimaru wished he would yell at them instead of giving them silence, but Aizen never yelled....
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added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by Hidan71
Source: Not mine
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine