Super Mario World Club
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added by TheJadlyMAN
Source: Super Mario World And I Hate आप क्रीपीपास्ता and Game Creators
added by Linksye
added by lyly330
added by TheJadlyMAN
Source: Super Mario World And I Hate आप क्रीपीपास्ता and Game Creators
added by Lharbauer
Source: Laggyman
added by mariogamer
added by mariogamer
posted by yoshi1234567890
ust looking at him scared me! I looked at the gods and they looked up at him very seriously. I have heard of him and learned about him,but this killed me.I mean-he was a dark blue,had these blue shades and a red कॉलर with spikes on it.And he had sharp claws on both of his hands and feet.But those sharp teeth is what shocked me! But I'm here to keep Yoshi's island सुरक्षित from this freak-I had to be brave! I looked up and the storm was getting worse.Then I looked down and thousands of Yoshi's were watching.And और came in ready to fight.I saw all kinds of Yoshi's that looked different but were...
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posted by yoshi1234567890
The अगला दिन when I woke up,I felt amazing!!! Ever since that day,I have felt awesome!!! That must mean this yoshi powers really settle with me! So I got out of बिस्तर and did the old,got dressed and went of to school. In the middle of my walk,I could not see with my contacts. And when i took em off,I could see perfectly! I never knew yoshi's had amazing eyesight. So when I got to blackville high,I once again found the bullies, But they ran away . That must mean what i did scared them off, Which is great!!!!
But even knowing this,i still went on with my day. And when school was over,I called my...
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posted by yoshi1234567890
on a sunny दिन in blackville,i was walking to school where everyone is awesome and the tree's were greener than ever and it was not to cold या too hot.I am john,I go to blackville high which i hate because i never was good in school. Not like i was bad as in trashing things and getting detention,but और like not good in the subjects.So as i arrived,there was the bullies.They always bullied me for no reason and took my money and या beat me.As soon they were gone, i went to my classes like always.I go to the main subjects like math and science and workshops like wood खरीडिए and cooking.Going though...
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added by mariogamer
added by megloveskyle
Source: गूगल
added by astroasis
Source: निनटेंडो
added by megloveskyle
Source: गूगल
added by maybeastarbucks
What happens when आप beat Super Mario World.
added by maybeastarbucks
added by maybeastarbucks