Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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They don't sleep long.

Well, Snape and Malfoy don't. Snape rises first and dresses quietly, and Malfoy carefully climbs out of bed, dresses, then follows Snape down the hall. Snape has altered the lighting in the living room, and Malfoy finds him sitting on the settee. As Malfoy sits down on the couch, Snape pours them both drinks. Malfoy takes a sip of his and says to Snape, "you're upset about something, I can see it in your eyes." Snape nods and sips his drink. "We have problems." He takes another sip of his drink, sits it down, then runs his hands through his ebon hair. "I'm not sure where to begin."

Malfoy finishes his drink, sits the glass down, then sits back and takes a deep breath. "At the begining, perhaps?" He says and Snape half-shrugs. "Lucius," he hesitates, "you know that I trust आप with my life," he pours Malfoy another drink, "and now I'm trusting आप with hers." Malfoy takes a sip and says softly, "Severus, I swore to आप that I would not do anything to bring harm to her," he sits his drink down and Snape holds up his hand. "Yes, and I believe that. But it's और than that. Elsbet has...some very powerful allies. They..." Snape rubs his head and takes another sip, and Malfoy sits forward. "They know about me, don't they?"

Snape nods, then looks Malfoy in the face. "Oh, yes, they know about you. They've extended to आप an invitation to meet, and I sincerely hope आप accept it." Malfoy rises and walks slowly over to the breakfast bar. "What happens if I decline?" Snape sighs. "You are marked for death. Kill on sight." Malfoy grips the rim of the bar. His tone is hostile but measured, and he is careful not to shout. "But now I'm not?" "No," Snape says, and Malfoy turns back around. "Why?" He nearly sneers the question, but he's trying very hard not to let his resentment of being forced into something get the better of him. Snape finishes his drink. "Because she begged them to spare you."

Malfoy suddenly looks as if all the air's been knocked out of him. "She begged..." Snape nods and Malfoy shuts his eyes tightly. "I'd say I need a drink, but that's not going to help. These are her allies, and she had to beg them?" Snape nods and tells Malfoy, "these wizards are not like any आप have ever met. And this group is nothing like the Order of the Phoenix. They will not hesitate to kill the Dark Lord's supporters." As Malfoy sits back down he asks Snape if he had to do this, and Snape tells him that he did.

"But Severus, what if...just say, what if I don't go? Would they...what would they do to her? Would they hurt her?" Snape pours himself another drink. He closes the bottles, downs his drink, magics the bottles away and the glasses clean and stowed. "It would cause a major rift in the group. The Triad would take your failure to accept as a fault in her judgement, and she would no longer be trusted. They fear me, but not enough to stop them from carrying out what they deem necessary to maintain their security." Malfoy can only stare at Snape in stunned silence. "She doesn't know this. And the Triad does not know what kind of firestorm they would be touching off if they did her harm. She is...well loved. On both sides of the Divide."

Snape knows full well who her first defender would be within the Order of the Silver Night, and it's the only reason he has any respect at all for Roycroft Crowley. Roycroft may lust for her, he may play petty little games, but he does adore her, and he would without a doubt kill या risk his own life to keep her safe. Malfoy has a very difficult time coming to grips with the idea that Elsbet had to beg for his safety. He struggles to find the right words to say. After what seems like an eternity, he says, "when do I have to meet them, and will आप be with me?"

Snape glances down the hall toward Elsbet's room. "Yes, I'll be with you. And Elsbet will tell us once she has been informed." He rises, looks down at the blond wizard, and lovingly caresses his cheek. "Let's go," he says softly and Malfoy rises. "I don't want to go back to that house...those people..." Snape nods, and pulls Malfoy to him. "I know, I do not want to leave either, but we both have our covers to maintain." Malfoy rests his head on Snape's shoulder for a मिनट या two, then suddenly gives a soft little chuckle. "You made such beautiful sounds..." Snape embraces him tightly for a brief moment, a slight smile touching his lips. "And you," he kisses Malfoy lightly, "were very eager to please," he kisses him again, then their hands find each other. Snape leads Malfoy out of the happy little home, sealing it behind them and protecting it with unimaginably Dark spells before they depart.