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added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
Source: made द्वारा victoria7011
added by lisa_marie84
added by Natbr
added by lead
posted by edwardcarlisle
 Rob modeling when little
Rob modeling when little
"I wouldn't be अभिनय if it wasn't for Barnes Theatre Club...I owe everything to that little club. In a weird sort of way, that stuff was probably the best I've done and the stuff I am most proud of."

"When I first started I was quite tall and looked like a girl, so I got lots of jobs, because it was during that period where the androgynous look was cool."

"I never set out to be an actor, though I'd be quite annoyed if it fell apart, because I quite enjoy doing it."

"Oh, Jesus! I used to get told I looked like Prince William from Harry Potter! Ah, it's terrible! It's the worst thing आप could possibly have said...I'm trying to get away from that whole stigma of the floppy English posh person."

"On Harry Potter I was conscious of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing, I used to sit on the side of the set throwing up."
 Rob with his Harry Potter फ्रेंड्स
Rob with his Harry Potter friends
रॉबर्ट पैटिनसन
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added by sweet_twilight
Source: Robert Pattinson Life
added by sweet_twilight
Source: Jules at Pattinsonlife
added by Elena2597
Source: Elena2597
added by Cittycat19
added by sweet_twilight
Source: Pattinsonlife
added by 3liiiiin
Source: robertpattinson.org
added by odd-duck
Robert Pattinson certainly has his priorities straight.
The Twilight mega-hunk has dropped out of Parts Per Billion, the independent film he was supposed to begin shooting in Los Angeles this month, to ready himself for round two as vampiric heartthrob Edward Cullen.
"Unfortunately, the prep time and production schedule on New Moon haven't left enough time for Robert to work on Parts Per Billion in the first quarter of this year," the star's agent Nicholas Frenkel told MTV.
No word yet on who will fill the heartthrob's shoes on the indie flick, produced द्वारा and starring Rosario Dawson. Pattinson was supposed to have some hot and heavy प्यार scenes with actress Olivia Thirlby (Juno), but प्रशंसकों may have to wait for that heat until the fourth Twilight film. Until then, though, the actor has Little Ashes and How to Be coming down the pipeline.
added by zozotwi2