Redheads Club
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added by nitemargarita
added by Glen871
added by Rick_Raven
added by Rick_Raven
added by Emo_girl18
added by Emo_girl18
added by Rick_Raven
added by Rick_Raven
In his book "I Say No" Wilkie Collins (1885) wrote "The prejudice against habitual silence, among the lower order of the people, is almost as inveterate as the prejudice against red hair."

In modern-day UK, the words "ginger" या "ginga" are sometimes used to describe red-headed people (and are at times considered insulting),[58] with terms such as "gingerphobia" (hatred towards redheads)[59] या "gingerism" (prejudice against redheads)[60] used द्वारा the British media. In Britain, redheads are also sometimes referred to disparagingly as "carrot tops" and "carrot heads". (The comedian "Carrot Top"...
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added by Dark-Blood
added by Rick_Raven
added by Dark-Blood
added by tweakpotter
This verson includes some new चित्रो and a link to the original public domain pictures
return of the redhead
यूट्यूब video
red head girls
we rock
hair color
added by Rick_Raven
added by Rick_Raven
added by Rick_Raven
added by Rick_Raven
added by Dark-Blood
added by Dark-Blood
added by Dark-Blood