बेतरतीब भूमिका निभाना Bully rp

vegeta007 posted on Aug 13, 2013 at 06:12PM
If you've played the game it should be simple for those who haven't it goes like this:
You're in Bullworth academy a tough and seriously messed up school in this school you have 5 main "cliques" and one outside of the school

More info at: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bully_(video_game)

The cliques:Jocks-You know what jocks are, weightlifting meatheads(no offence) that rule the gym and the school field. They are the top clique at the school and enemies of the Nerds

Preppies-Rich kids who have been inbred and date their cousins.They are stuck up and are found at the Harrington house at the academy. They are the second clique and main enemies of the Greasers

Greasers-Like in the musical grease, those guys. They mainly hang out in the town of New Coventry and are found at the autoshop of the school where we have class.They are third and enemies of the Preppies

Bullies-Too obvious. They are fourth and pick on just about anybody the can

Nerds-Again obvious, they are found at the library and have quite the arsenal of weaponary such as:Stink bombs, fire crackers, bottlerockets and the spud gun. They are the lowest clique and are enemies of Jocks and sometimes pick on non clique students,

Non clique students-The lowest of the low, they even get picked on by the Nerds.

Townies-Dropouts. They have are students who left or were kicked out of the academy, they are found in town hence the name townies

Prefects:We all know what they do, they enforce rules at the school

Clique:(No prefects for now)

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