Is Cooper for real. Does he really resent चालट, चार्लोट, शेर्लोट because he feels emasculated?
Why do I despise Cooper so much? Is it because he talks to चालट, चार्लोट, शेर्लोट as though she were a play toy, या an animal he could boss around? या is it because चालट, चार्लोट, शेर्लोट hasn't smacked him over the head for half the hurtful words he uttered to her? Where did all this hatred come from Cooper? Is it चालट, चार्लोट, शेर्लोट आप are really upset with, because she omitted some personal facts about her life? Hello आप two are still getting to know each other, stop bickering like a married couple, unhappy after Fifty Years of Marriage. Cooper...
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