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What Superlative Are You?



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You Would Be Voted Most Shy
You're not exactly known for being a social butterfly.
At school, you were content to be an observer.
And while you are shy, going to school simply made you shyer.
Your friends don't probably think of you as shy. You're happy to talk around the right people!

posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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You Would Be Voted Biggest Nerd
When you were in school, you did your thing so much that you were an outsider.
You didn't follow trends, kiss up to popular people, or try to fit in.
And while it may have been tough for you to survive, you came out stronger for it.
Being independent might not help you much in school, but it helps you a ton in the real world!

the worse it's that I have to hear that everyday in the school...
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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You Would Be Voted Most Outspoken
In school, you were often the first person to raise your hand in class.
You always had something to say, and you weren't afraid to say it.
You were well known for being politically active and controversial.
And while people may not have agreed with you all the time, they appreciated you speaking your mind.

Describes me perfectly!
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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ecpjll said:
You Would Be Voted Best Dressed
In school, you had a flair for fashion... even if it meant spending all your allowance on clothes.
You're the type of person who enjoyed going to school to see what people were wearing.
You were always up to date on the latest fashion trends, and you often set the trends for your school.
You're the type most likely to work in fashion... Or look like you do!
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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You Would Be Voted Most Athletic
When you were in school, you were quite the sports star.
Even if you weren't always on the winning team, you gave it your best.
You had school spirit. You were a good loser and a good winner.
And once you're successful in sports, you can be successful in anything!
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.