Okami Amaterasu Club
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added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: गूगल तस्वीरें
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Okami Wiki
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Okami Wiki
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Photobucket
added by Okami_Amaterasu
posted by Okami_Amaterasu
 Solar Flare
Solar Flare
These are known through the game as Divine Instruments. They can be optained through defeating bosses and buying them from merchants. Some even grant elemental powers whenever Amaterasu needs it. Two Divine Instruments can be equipped at a time, one as a main weapon and another as a sub. Each weapon acts differently depending on what it's set to.
When आप start a new game all weapons will be brought आगे to the new file except the final tier weapons.

The Reflector
The ancient mirror treasure was used, not as a mirror in the modern sense, but as a ceremonial object. We tried out a lot of...
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added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Tumblr-F**K Yeah Okami
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Tumblr-F**K Yeah Okami
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Zelda994612
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Lightpaw45
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: गूगल तस्वीरें
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Okami-Amaterasu
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Tumblr
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: गूगल IMages