My future and past.
The memorey that last.
The one who makes my दिल pulse go fast.
Where hate is an impasse.
Who is so sweet when i'm mean.
The one to my दिल is a Queen.
The endless प्यार points i'm लॉस्ट between
The most amazing person i have ever seen .
Her favoret color is blue.
She has my प्यार that is so true.
She is the best image my mind has grew.
No matter what i go through.
आप are girl that i would fight my way to.
No girl had और प्यार than i give to आप . <3
Nicole Nicole my दिल and soul . i will प्यार आप forever and our प्यार walls shall never fall. <3 <3
The memorey that last.
The one who makes my दिल pulse go fast.
Where hate is an impasse.
Who is so sweet when i'm mean.
The one to my दिल is a Queen.
The endless प्यार points i'm लॉस्ट between
The most amazing person i have ever seen .
Her favoret color is blue.
She has my प्यार that is so true.
She is the best image my mind has grew.
No matter what i go through.
आप are girl that i would fight my way to.
No girl had और प्यार than i give to आप . <3
Nicole Nicole my दिल and soul . i will प्यार आप forever and our प्यार walls shall never fall. <3 <3