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added by cherl12345
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
Have आप seen the recording of the live performance of आप Are Not Alone द्वारा Michael Jackson during the HIStory Tour in Munich 1997? If आप care for Michael Jackson आप probably have. (Otherwise, आप can find it on YouTube.) There is this girl with the Teddy भालू who’s screaming her lungs out when the song starts. Suddenly, a man pulls her out of the crowd and they both run up to the stage. And there she literally jumps at Michael. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him close. She’s crying, screaming (we can’t hear her because it’s a playback). Then she falls to her knees and hugs...
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 Michael And Younger Sister, Janet
Michael And Younger Sister, Janet
Whether it's a mother, sister, daughter, female colleague, lover, spouse, friend, या female fan, these women played an important part in Michael's life.Michael has been seen the company of women over the years; as well, as being romantically linked to some other the most beautiful women from Brooke Shields to Whitney Houston. However, Michael disappointed his female प्रशंसकों when him and alongside new wife, Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson,by way of his production company, MJJ Productions, Inc.,released a statement informing the media of their हाल का nuptials, which took place in Domincan Republic, on...
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added by Bellafina2003
Source: S SMITH
added by mj_yana_girl
Source: mjYanaGirl
added by HegiMjlover
added by MJFan4Lifee
added by farzad
Source: Farzad
Ola Ray: “I met Jane Fonda at the studio while getting my makeup done and she asked me to take [Michael] a note and give him a किस and a hug. When I told Michael about the किस he said, ‘Well…!?’”

Frank Cascio on Karen Faye: “I called her द्वारा the nickname Michael had दिया her – Turkle. Michael loved Turkle and messed with her all the time. If she was wearing a zippered jacket, he’d try to unzip it. If she was wearing a skirt, he’d lift it up.”

About Michael चुंबन a प्रशंसक in 1981: How Michael Jackson, sexy lead singer of the Jacksons, surprised a female प्रशंसक who broke through...
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added by cherl12345