Melina Kanakaredes Club
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added by Darry
Source: hqparadise
posted by CSI_NYfangirl
Actress Melina Kanakaredes, who plays Detective Stella Bonasera on CSI: NY, wrote the May 13 episode of the CBS police drama. The second-generation Greek American who hails from Ohio shares her travel highlights and tips with USA TODAY.

Q: Where have आप been lately that आप liked या were surprised by?

A: We went to St. Louis to visit family that had just moved from Los Angeles. The last time I was there I was 10 years old. Of course I remember the St. Louis Arch, but that's about it. I never expected it to be as cosmopolitan as it was. The kids loved the amusement park/playground called The...
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melina kanakaredes
सी एस आई
added by CSI_NYfangirl
added by Darry
Source: hqparadise
added by Darry
Source: hqparadise
added by iloveeames
added by Seddy
added by iloveeames
added by sweet_csi
added by Seddy
added by livi4
added by livi4
added by livi4
added by Darry
Source: hqparadise
melina kanakaredes
सी एस आई
added by livi4
added by livi4
added by 020394
Source: melina
added by Seddy