Logan Henderson from BTR Club
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added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
The BTR boys have been grabbing a million girls' hearts. They have 1 debut album, 2 movies, 2 KCA nominations. They toured around the US last summer(2010) and toured युरोप recently. Well, How about WORLDWIDE? Like Asia या Australia या New Zealand? या anywhere else in the world they haven't toured?

IF आप WANT THE BOYS OF BTR TO COME TO YOUR TOWN GO TO THIS LINK: link या खोजिए "will big time rush have a world tour?" ON गूगल AND CLICK ON THE THIRD ONE DOWN.

thankyou for reading
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k
added by mel1k