hiya guys! are any of आप interested in Diversity (the dance group) and like roleplaying? cause I have a diversity rp limited spaces only 10! so please (commited members only!) but I need help to get this going!
पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना
can anyone help an intermidiatte hip-hop routine for me? I am a girl if it helps and I really need HELP! os anything u got would be appriectiated thnx <3
पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना
I studded dance for 5 years at college. I loved every मिनट of it. I had so many great opputunitys. I got to perform in front of the public. I took part in assembles. I took part in flash mobs outside in the summer. I took part in dance shows. Dance competitions. and a dance दिखाना in Leeds theatre. It gave me so much confidence. I loved performing in front of the public an my fellow class mates. I प्यार the adrenal rush आप get when your about to go up on stage. I loved learning different dance styles from group to solo. I loved ever मिनट and if I got the chance I'd प्यार to do it all over again. I had a great teacher. Thankyou so much Mrs Kirt. प्यार and miss ya xएक साल से अधिक पुराना
man! our hip hop teacher is not in the town........ omg for 1 month,,,, don't know how'll survive without hip hop....! but my big sis.. she also know hip hop.... we can practise at home....! but there's an different fun dancing with our friends/group!!!!
पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना