Deidara Club
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added by flaming-wave666
Source: flaming-wave666
added by milutin
Source: Found this on गूगल pictures
added by DeidaraLover19
Source: Jeiel Aubrey
added by Soranaru
added by Arikirinmotoka
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by Hidan71
added by Itachi_lover
added by ayano
Deidara’s obsession for his art is perhaps his most notable personality trait. He seems to view each and every bomb he creates as a piece of art and a significant accomplishment in its own right. He left his घर village of Iwagakure, because they disapproved of the techniques he developed. He hated Itachi for defeating his art, and even developed C4 clay and trained his left eye to counter genjutsu for the purpose of defeating Itachi someday. Deidara even once exclaimed to Sasuke in their fight that Sasuke had no respect for his art and that it made Deidara want to kill him. He even seems...
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added by Sakura6632
Source: Masashi Kishimoto
added by aso0oma
added by aso0oma
added by MsTaijiya
posted by saso_dei_hi
NOTE:Here's a सूची of ten things आप cud do to make Deidei mad. If आप like it and want me to write और लेखाए like this plz comment. Thnks un!

1.Wait until Deidara and Sasori are fighting and say "Art is eternal!"

2.Ask him if he is part of Al Queda.

3.Tell him Ino is his long लॉस्ट sister.

4.Every time he talks finish his sentence for him with un,hmhp,or yeah.

5.Ask him where he gets his eyeliner in front of the entire Akatsuki.

6.Ask him why his weapons look like play-doh.

7.When he blows up something ask,Little fireworks,is it July.4th already?

8.In front of the entire Akatsuki, सवाल Deidara's reason for having hand-mouths.

9.Put black dye in his shampoo and ask why he looks like Itachi.

10.Ask if his theme song is "Dude Looks Like a Lady"
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by aso0oma
added by Narusasu4EVER