Damon & Elena Club
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added by Hermione4evr
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द वैंपायर डायरीज़
एलेना गिल्बर्ट
डेमन सलवटोरे
द वैंपायर डायरीज़
डेमन सलवटोरे
एलेना गिल्बर्ट
added by iandamon2558
Damon walked through the aisles of the hospital when he bumped into someone.
“Aaah, hot coffee” Bonnie groaned. She had two paper cups of coffee in her hand, only now there was not much left of it.
“What are आप doing here?”
“I wanted to see how Elena’s doing. Caroline कहा she wasn’t feeling very well and then Jeremy told me आप brought her here” Bonnie explained a little out of breath. “I thought she might like some coffee, but actually I’m not sure she’s allowed to drink it. Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore”
“No, I mean, what are आप doing here?”...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Rebekah stormed downstairs into the sitting room where Elena was still sitting on the couch.
“What happened?” she asked worried when she saw Rebekah’s face. Rebekah didn’t answer, but raced to Elena, grabbed her neck and attacked her.
Elena screamed and Rebekah tightened her grip.
“Hey!” Damon shouted and he rushed to Rebekah. He grabbed her hair and swayed her into the room. He bit his wrist and held it against Elena’s lips.
“No” she groaned. “No vampire blood”
Damon pressed his wrist against her lips and forced her to drink. Elena’s neck healed and she relaxed.
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posted by HaleyDewit
Katherine was sitting on a chair. A row of small stakes pinched each arm to the arm-rests and a special kind of muzzle kept her mouth shut. The muzzle also had stakes, smaller than the arm stakes, and they pierced through Katherine’s jaws.
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience” Veronica कहा demeaning. “Actually, I’m not. आप had this coming. आप broke in here, आप threatened me”
She took a chair and put it down in front of Katherine. “Such a pity Derek chose the wrong side. If he hadn’t Damon Salvatore would be sitting अगला to you”
Katherine managed to produce a smirk.
“Oh, don’t be so smug” Veronica sniffed. “I’ll get to him. He’s the one that killed Kelsey. He will die a slow and painful death” she said, और to herself than to Katherine. She stood up and walked to a corner, where she picked up her cross-bow. “In the meantime” she said, while she aimed the crossbow at Katherine. “I have आप to have fun with” and she fired.
posted by stylediva121
A/N हे guys i want to thankyou so much for the review and everything thanks as a traet here is the 2nd chapter
Disclaimer: i do not own the vampire diaries या l.j smith.

New York City

"ELENA! were here in New York!!!! AAAH IM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED!!! Caroline jumped up in excitement.

"i know caroline we are here i can see,anyway we should get a cab before we start screaming", elena affirmed.

They grabbed the cab and made their way to the upper east side of New York, where people there were stuck-up and posh, but it was worth it, she would live in a sophisticated enviroment and go to विश्वविद्यालय and...
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posted by HaleyDewit
They were sitting on the same terrace Elena had had ice cream with Damon when Derek grabbed a chair from the तालिका, टेबल अगला to theirs and invited himself.
“How are आप guys doing?” he asked looking from Stefan to Elena. He’d never seen the blonde girl before and thus he didn’t pay much attention to her.
“Did Damon send you?” Elena asked short.
“What? No!” Derek कहा desperate. He looked around before he continued. “But it’s because of him I’m here. He’s not doing good, Elena. He’s a total wreck”
“He should’ve thought about that before he attacked the poor girl” Rebekah...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Bonnie walked with her plate to a तालिका, टेबल and wanted to start eating when she felt a pair of eyes burning in her back. She looked up and saw Keith standing अगला to her shooting her a meaningful glance. Bonnie, not wanting to be rude, waved at the सीट opposite of her. Keith walked around the table, put his plate down and sank on the chair.
“Keith Dason” Keith introduced himself. Bonnie accepted his hand. “Bonnie Bennett” she said. She started eating.
Keith, however, didn’t touch his food, but kept staring at Bonnie. Bonnie looked up, feeling uneasy. She swallowed.
“Why, eh, why are...
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posted by HaleyDewit
“We’re home, Damon” Elena said. She and Stefan were helping Damon reach the porch, something he’d rather do alone, thinking he’d recovered enough.
“I’m going to open the door” Stefan said. He let go of Damon and ran to the door and opened it. Then he walked back at Damon and Elena. When he wanted to help Damon enter Damon pushed his arm away.
“I don’t need your help” he कहा pissed.
Stefan looked helplessly at his ex, but she gave him a ‘what did आप expect’ kind of look back. She helped Damon enter the house and Stefan walked behind them like a लॉस्ट puppy.
“You want...
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posted by HaleyDewit
She bent on her knees and her hands glided over the earth. She didn’t know what she was going to find, but a strong feeling inside of her told her there was something underneath the earth. Something she needed to find.
And so she started digging with her hands. Soon her hands were wounded and dirty, but she just kept digging.
She carried on for what seemed like hours, her hands bleeding, until her fingers touched something solid. She dug faster and और fiercely, until she saw the object. When she saw Damon’s body she couldn’t breathe anymore. She covered her mouth and tears rolled over face. She was too late.
She pulled him out of the pit and held him in her arms.
posted by HaleyDewit
Remember, chapter 18 and 19 happen at the same time.

Jeremy opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the hospital, but everything was bright and it was extremely quiet.
“Hello, Jeremy”
Jeremy turned around and couldn’t believe what he saw. या who he saw.
“You seem to be a little shaken. What’s wrong?”
“Am I dead again?” Jeremy asked.
“No, don’t worry. You’re unconscious. Though आप almost died. Your friend Bonnie tried to kill आप again”
“Do आप have any idea how contradicting that sentence sounded? Friend and kill are two words that don’t fit together”
“This had...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Damon and Elena were in the kitchen, while Jeremy was playing some videogame and Alaric was out.
“Okay, what kind of flavor do आप want? We have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Make your pick” Damon said, when he showed the three boxes of पुडिंग, हलवा powder. He was making मिठाई for after dinner.
“Ehm… strawberry” Elena said. She moved on her chair and felt something pushing against her leg. She stuck her hand in her pocket and took out her cell phone. She suspiciously looked at it. “What’s this?” she asked carefully. Damon turned his head and looked at the black, rectangle that...
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posted by HaleyDewit
“What do आप mean, couple?”
Amber was back from her mission. Stefan had asked her to keep a distant eye on Elena and Damon and now she was bringing information.
“As in couple couple. Damon and Bonnie are a couple. I heard Bonnie say ‘That’s my boyfriend you’re clinging on’ and ‘Damon loves me’ and he कहा ‘Till death do us part’. Though he didn’t sound very happy” Amber said.
Stefan shook his head, confused. “But I thought Bonnie was seeing Jeremy. Did they break up?” he asked surprised. They seemed to be a solid couple. “Well, I suppose” Amber chuckled. She...
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posted by c_j_clark
Edward sped through the trees, and soon caught a glimpse of something to his right. As he turned his focus to it he realised it was Damon. He was grinning at Edward, and then he turned his attention to what lay ahead of him. He seemed to be going faster than Edward. Annoyed, Edward put in और effort but still he found himself lagging behind. Eventually, Damon dropped back and ran beside Edward with a smug look on his face. Edward rolled his eyes, and glared ahead.
“Impressive, but आप really needn’t दिखाना off,” Edward grumbled. Damon laughed. “Why are आप following me?”
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Here we go!

10. हार Scene (3x01)
Aside from the flaring sexual tension between these two, this scene shows how much Damon is trying to take Elena's mind off of the hell she has been put through the last couple of months. Damon is extremely sweet in this scene, and did आप see the way Elena looked at Damon!

9. "So was I" (3x06)
Ok, so I consider this episode to be one of the best Delena episodes to date. And this scene supports that statement very well. After a night of burning cars, jealousy and marshmallows, we get to a scene of Damon and Elena first aid. Well talking about the night, Elena...
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Okay so I am an emotional mess right now so please forgive me if I have failed to organize my thoughts in a cognizant manner!
Ever since the दिन when Elena n Damon both lay on his बिस्तर awaiting for death to take him over, Elena giving a tender goodbye किस and confessing that she likes him just way he is, have I waited for the three magic words. And today my दिल attained content and peace.

Elena (4x10): ‘I didn’t sleep with Damon because of the sire bond. I slept with Damon because I am in प्यार with him. Being with Damon makes me happy. Its unpredictable, I feel free.’

Elena is an extremely...
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आप have to read this...

It told her someone was coming. Someone who brought a sense of safety in warm earthen hues, in soft rose colours and deep, blue violets that enfolded her even before the person arrived. These were ... someone’s ... feelings about herself. And behind the प्यार and soothing concern she experienced, there were deep forest greens, shaft of warm gold, and a mysterious tinge of translucency, like a waterfall that sparkled as it fell and foamed like diamonds around her.
Elena, a voice whispered. Elena.
This was so familiar....
Elena. Elena
She knew this....
Elena, my angel.
It meant...
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