Code Lyoko Club
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Code Lyoko!!

Episode 103: XANA's Bite

"Ungh…" Ulrich groaned as he felt something wet on his face. He turned onto his side and saw Kiwi staring him in the face! The little dog almost looked as if he was grinning, and Ulrich growled as he sat up and tossed Kiwi unceremoniously onto the floor. He then grabbed his तकिया and threw it at Odd's head. "Odd! Your dog woke me up again! And its Sunday for crying out loud!" he complained as Odd groaned and groggily sat up.
"Well it's not my fault…" he whined.
"Your dog, your fault," Ulrich replied as he got up and grabbed a pair of clothes. "I'll see आप at breakfast…"

Downstairs, Jeremy and Aelita were already eating when Jacob came down to शामिल होइए them.
"Morning, lovebirds!" he laughed when he saw the two share a quick kiss. They blushed as Aelita turned back to her food, and Jacob felt a little bad. "Sorry if I interrupted anything…" he कहा quietly.
"No, it's okay," Aelita smiled. "Just startled me a bit, that's all. You're up early for a Sunday, aren't you?" she asked quizzically.
"Yeah…couldn't sleep…" he sighed, leaving the two to stare as his eyes became लॉस्ट in space. He sat there for a few moments, and then pushed his plate away, leaving his खाना untouched as he walked back upstairs to his room. Once he had gone, Aelita turned to Jeremy.
"I'm worried about him," she said.
"I am too…" Jeremy replied softly. "I think that battle with XANA took और of a toll on him than we thought," he mused. "Aelita…" he trailed off, unsure of where to go. Aelita, however, read his eyes, and put an arm around him.
"He's just a friend. Jeremy, nothing will ever come between us," she reassured as she kissed him on the cheek. "Understand?" she asked as he blushed for the सेकंड time.
"Yeah," he grinned.

Upstairs, Jacob sighed as he got into the शावर, शॉवर and turned the water on full-blast, letting the warmth run over his body. He thought he had been okay after he got back from Lyoko, but he kept seeing that face over and over in his head. And those eyes…they had looked so human. A shudder racked his body as he thought about it, and he just stood there for a long time before finally washing his body and turning the water off. He wrapped a towel around himself before he came out and quickly got changed in the back dressing room before heading back to his room and grabbing his laptop. Leaving a note that he knew Odd या Ulrich would find when they came to check on him, he slipped away into the shadows and headed for the Factory…

"Odd, I'm just tired of all the havoc he causes!" Ulrich snapped as Odd stared him down.
"But what do आप want me to do about it?" he asked, his voice cracking a bit.
"Either keep a tighter rein on him, or…" Ulrich trailed off, and Odd's eyes turned from nervous to furious as the realization of what wasn't कहा hit him.
"Oh, so that's how आप want it?!?" he asked angrily. "Fine! आप can किस this roommate good-bye!" he growled as he put Kiwi back into the drawer under his बिस्तर and stormed out of the room.
"Odd! Odd, wait!" Ulrich pleaded as Odd stormed down the hall, not looking back.

Downstairs, Jeremy and Aelita were just heading back upstairs when Odd came up and flew past them. They watched this in confusion as Yumi and William came up to शामिल होइए them.
"What's gotten into him this morning?" William queried.
"I have no idea…" Aelita replied. "Maybe he missed a meal," she chuckled.
"I'll see if I can talk to him," Yumi कहा as she started after him, but Jeremy stopped her.
"You might want to let him calm down a while first," he said. "The last time he was this mad, it took him a week before he would talk to any of us, remember?" Yumi nodded after a moment, remembering the incident. As she did, it clicked in all of their heads, and the four of them कहा at the exact same time:

Meanwhile, Jacob had arrived at the Factory, and he swung down the rope to the Lift Entrance. He hopped in quickly, and got off when the doors opened at the Laboratory. He walked over to the chair and sat down, slipping on a headset as he did. Once the screens were online, he began to traverse the different projects that the gang was working on. He made a few tweaks to maintain the Skid rebuilding before scrolling over to Antea's file to check on the decryption. He saw that a few sections had been decoded, and he scanned through them. It was mostly background information, but he did see one piece of information that intrigued him…

Coordinates: 60°0′N, 105°0′E
Status: Currently active

Jacob plugged the coordinates into a virtual map of the Earth, and it spit out a location almost immediately. "Siberia?" Jacob mused aloud as he launched the SuperScan out of curiosity. He plugged in a few vectors and started the scan. It whirred for a few moments, and then an alert message popped up. He clicked it, and was floored when a dot began to blink on the Holomap. He got up and walked to the display, manipulating it until he could see a sphere floating among the data columns in the Digital Sea. "Whoa…" he muttered as he walked back to the main computer. He saved copies of all of the results, vowing to return to this mystery at another point when he was startled द्वारा a sudden beeping from the Supercomputer. A red exclamation point appeared on his screen, and a few सेकंड्स later the SuperScan appeared with the coordinates of an Activated Tower in the Forest Sector…
"Here we go again…" he sighed.

Meanwhile, back at Kadic, Odd had finally cooled off enough to maybe go and apologize to Ulrich. He opened the door quietly, and found Ulrich sitting on his bed. "Ulrich?" he कहा quietly.
"What do आप want?" Ulrich replied heatedly, at which Odd flinched slightly before he sat down on his own bed.
"I guess I kind of need to apologize for earlier…I shouldn't have gotten so upset with you…" he admitted as Ulrich sat up and looked over at him.
"It's not just your fault. I shouldn't have gotten so upset with Kiwi. So I'm sorry too. Are we okay?" he asked as he walked over and put his arm around Odd's shoulder. Odd just smiled as he punched Ulrich playfully in the arm.
"Yeah, we're cool, buddy," Odd grinned as suddenly, they heard screaming from outside the dorms. The two rushed down to see what the matter was, and saw Yumi, William, Jeremy, and Aelita with a group of younger students being attacked द्वारा a vicious pack of dogs. The two boys quickly ran over to help, and Jeremy barely had time to hiss out, "They're possessed! It's a XANA attack!" before the कुत्ता managed to grab his shirt.
"Oh, no आप don't!" Ulrich yelled as he dragged Jeremy back, and heard the satisfying rip of his shirt, which meant Jeremy was free. "Take the girls and get to the Factory! William, Odd and I will handle things here!" he hissed as he yelped in pain. Realizing for an instant that he had been bitten द्वारा one of the dogs, Ulrich gasped, and then felt a strange sensation as his eyes flickered, and a few moments later were replaced द्वारा the Eye of XANA. Due to this, the remaining young students had also been bitten, and they were also possessed. They lined up beside Ulrich, and faced Odd and William, who looked at each other briefly.
"Well, I'm going to feel bad about this tomorrow," Odd कहा before charging Ulrich…

Meanwhile, Jeremy and the girls had managed to get to the sewer entrance in the park, and Yumi was trying to reach Jacob. His phone rang beside him, and he picked up on the third ring. "Hey, Yumi," he said.
"Where are you? XANA's launched an attack. Ulrich and a bunch of students have been possessed. XANA's using a bunch of कुत्ता to bite everyone they can."
"I know there's an activated Tower," he replied. "I'll go ahead and virtualize myself, and आप guys can meet me on Lyoko."
"Ha, no guys in this equation," she laughed. "It'll be me and Aelita. We're on our way," she finished as she hung up and grabbed her skateboard. "Jake's already at the Factory," she explained as the trio began to head quickly for the Factory. Once they arrived in the lab, Jeremy went over to the computer and punched a few keys.
"Jacob's already on Lyoko," he confirmed. "The activated Tower is in the Forest Sector," he added. "Head for the Scanners."

Transfer Yumi, Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Yumi, Scanner Aelita.

A few moments later, Aelita and Yumi virtualized onto Lyoko, and they were surprised when they saw Jacob sitting on the ground nearby. He was sitting cross-legged, and he had two fingers on each of his temples. Yumi walked slowly over to him and saw that he was shaking slightly, and she put a hand on his shoulder. Startled, he turned around, and when he saw it was her, he कहा quietly:
"Good. I was beginning to worry आप might not make it."
"Are आप sure you're up to this?" she asked him. He sighed deeply, and took a moment before replying.
"I'm sure," he finally said, his voice unwavering. "Let's do this!" he कहा as Yumi helped him to his feet. Jeremy smiled from behind his screen, and said, "Good, now the three of आप are there. I'm virtualizing your vehicles!" A few सेकंड्स later, two Overwings, one purple and one pink, and Jacob's Overwheel appeared on Lyoko. "I decided it was time I worked on a vehicle for Aelita. Sorry it's not original like the others' are, but I know आप like the feel of the Overwing, Aelita," Jeremy commented.
"It's great, Jeremy; thank you!" she grinned as the trio hopped onto their vehicles.
"The Tower is northeast of your position; hurry!" he added as they took off…

Back at Kadic…
"Urgh!" Odd groaned as Ulrich wrestled with him. "This is what I get for not taking any martial arts classes…" he yelped as Ulrich twisted Odd's arm behind his back, and then did something he would only do while under possession. He chuckled and bit Odd's arm. Odd cried out in pain, and when he looked up a few moments later, his pupils had been replaced with the Eye of XANA. He wheeled around to face William, who took a step back and chuckled nervously…
"Oh, boy…" he groaned. "I have to deal with two of them?" he sighed as they charged towards him…

Meanwhile, on Lyoko, Aelita, Yumi, and Jacob were making quick pace towards the Tower when a laser blast came out of nowhere and slammed into Jacob's vehicle, devirtualizing it and sending him crashing to the ground. He rolled a few times before coming to a stop and shaking his head quickly to clear his vision.
"Jacob!" Yumi cried as she saw a swarm of creepy bug-looking things headed straight for him. She immediately swerved around and headed back to help.
"Unh…" Jacob groaned as he got to his feet. He looked around for what had hit him, and it wasn't until he heard, "Behind you!" that he whirled around and yelled, "Energy Field!" firing an orb and destroying one of the bugs. They, however; returned fire, and he was hit twice, once in the shoulder and once in the chest.
"Jacob, आप just लॉस्ट thirty life points!" Jeremy warned. "These things don't play around," he added to himself as Jacob blasted another Energy Field at them, but the four bugs flew out of the way and fired again. This time, he jumped out of the way to avoid the shots, but almost लॉस्ट his balance as he landed on the very edge of the ground beneath him, and he had barely stabilized himself when another blast hit him in the chest, and he cried out in shock as he fell backwards and was devirtualized.
"No!" Yumi yelled as she threw her fans, slicing through the bugs' elongated bodies and wiping all four of them out in one fatal attack.

"Urgh!" Jacob yelled as he punched the दीवार of the Scanner upon his rematerialization.

Back at Kadic, William was pinned against the दीवार द्वारा Odd, and Ulrich laughed in a distorted voice as he whispered in William's ear, "You had to know I'd come after आप sooner या later, didn't you, William? I don't like losing my helpers," he added as William struggled against Odd's grip.
"You'll never take me again, XANA!" Willaim screamed as he fought Odd's grip futilely. An idea suddenly struck him, and he lashed out behind him with his booted foot, slamming into Odd's stomach and causing the grip on his wrist to release for a moment. William used this opportunity to sprint away, and Ulrich looked at Odd with fury in his eyes.
"After him!" he yelled in that distorted, staticky voice as the two of them, followed द्वारा the growing group of students that were now possessed, ran after William…

"Jeremy, we're being followed again!" Yumi hissed as she heard a swarm of Hornets tailing them as they approached the Tower.
"Shake them! Aelita has to get to the Tower!" Jeremy yelled as Jacob came up to शामिल होइए him.
"How are they doing, hotshot?" Jacob asked.
"Not well," Jeremy replied. "I don't know how much longer they can hold out…" he muttered.

"Hi-yahh!" Yumi कहा as she flew around and threw her प्रशंसकों at the Hornets, who took evasive action and returned fire, managing to clip Yumi's Overwing and devirtualize it, sending her crashing to the ground a short distance from the Tower.
"No, Yumi!" Aelita cried as she landed quickly and turned back to face the Hornets. She closed her eyes and began to sing, focusing on the Hornets as she willed the पेड़ closest to Yumi to fall. The bottom of the सूँ ढ, ट्रंक began to fragment, and when it disappeared, the पेड़ began to fall. Yumi gasped as she looked up and saw not only the पेड़ falling, but also the approaching Hornets. One of them managed to get one और laser blast off, and it was the last thing it ever did as the पेड़ came down on the swarm, crushing all five of them in one fell swoop as the पेड़ landed a few inches from Yumi. Aelita ran over to her and helped her up.
"You okay, Yumi?" she asked breathlessly.
"Yeah, Aelita, I'm—look out!" she yelled as she pushed Aelita out of the way of an oncoming laser. She took the barrage of hits and was devirtualized. Aelita looked in the direction of the Tower and saw that the lasers had come from a टारेंटयुला standing in front of the Tower. It turned to look at her, and began charging its lasers…

"Urghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" William screamed as Odd grabbed him द्वारा the throat and pinned him to the ground. Ulrich and the other students stood over him and cackled as their hands began to spark.
"You should not have defied me!!!" he growled as all of them sent electricity bolts into William's chest. He screamed in agony as pain surged through him, and spots began to appear in his vision as he struggled to stay conscious…

"You should know not to mess with my friends, XANA!" Aelita cried as she charged a massive Energy Field. "Yahh!!" she yelled as she blasted it at the Tarantula, and upon contact, it obliterated the beast into tiny bits. Aelita then ran for the Tower…

William's screams began to lessen as he weakened even further. Ulrich just cackled as they increased the surge of electricity…

Aelita entered the Tower, and began to float up to the सेकंड platform…

"You're going to pay, William. Forever…" Ulrich hissed as he watched William's struggles slow almost to a stop.
"Unh…" William moaned softly as his vision began to darken…


He couldn't do it. His body wouldn't respond to him anymore. A tear slid out of the corner of William's eye as his mind faced the inevitable. His movements all but stopped, and he closed his eyes…


"Tower deactivated," Aelita कहा as the screens fell…

"Ooh…" Ulrich moaned as XANA's specters flew out of him. He, Odd, and all of the possessed students and townspeople collapsed to the ground, passed out. Across town, the कुत्ता that had been possessed whimpered as the Eye of XANA left their pupils, and they fell onto their sides, sound asleep… William moaned softly as he finally gave up the struggle to maintain consciousness, and allowed his mind to black out knowing that the attack had been thwarted in time…

"Whew…" Jacob sighed as he watched the scene on Lyoko unfold from Aelita's visual.
"That was too close…" Jeremy breathed as he punched in a command quickly. "Return to the Past, now!" he yelled as the familiar white bubble enveloped everything; Kadic City, William, Odd, Ulrich, the mass of Kadic students, and all of the affected townspeople…

"Ungh…" Ulrich groaned as he felt something wet on his face. He turned onto his side and saw Kiwi staring him in the face! The little dog almost looked as if he was grinning, and Ulrich growled as he sat up. Odd was still asleep, and Ulrich sat and thought for a moment as he remembered flashes of what had happened. He then looked at Kiwi with the slightest of smiles, and rubbed the little dog's head.
"I'd rather have आप any दिन of the week over one of those brutes I dealt with today," he smiled as the little dog looked at him and let out one bark in happiness…

LW94: Aww…how sweet, Ulrich!
Ulrich: Oh, hush! Usually I'm not that nice!
LW94: Hah! Usually आप don't say that much either! Anyways…we're getting closer to the first-ever two-part episode of my fanfic! It will be big! No spoilers; but expect sweeping changes! And of course, to get there आप must READ AND REVIEW!!!!! LOL…
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This is my video about the couples of code lyoko :D hope आप liked!!
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