*Peskie Ponies turn around*
Fuse:Welcome Tennysons,And डेक्स्टर and his wimpy computer.
Dexter:DONT CALL HER COMPUTER! shes as normal as can be!
*Ben Turns jetray and zaps the pesky ponie holding him*
*Ben flys off*
Ben:Ill warn the others and tell them where आप are!
Fuse:Bens gone, now it will be easier to take u down.Muhahhahahahahahahaah!
*Fusion Eduardio and fusion coco come from behind them being held द्वारा Fusion डेक्स्टर and Fusion tetrax*
Gwen:Let them... *she turns full anodite form* GOOOOO!!!!!
*she zaps pesky ponie and tehy turn to tiny tiny marbles of fusion matter*
Gwen: Ill give u one chance...
continue reading...