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added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: Bauer Griffin / Zimbio.com
added by dacastinson
Source: tumblr
added by Kev206
added by JenniferDempsey
Source: Yahoo
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: fyeahbones
added by oth-rocks
Source: not mine
added by angiii7
added by angiii7
added by jlhfan624
Source: लोमड़ी, फॉक्स
Ok so i found this artice in a newspaper! I was sooo shocked!
David Boreanaz has admitted that he often struggles to get along with his बोन्स co-star Emily Deschanel.

The actor, who plays F.B.I. Special Agent Seeley Booth on the crime drama, revealed that Emily (Temperance Brennan) is sometimes too outspoken for his liking.

“We drive each other crazy and tell each other so. There are days when we दिखाना up and don’t get on too well, but we use it in the scenes,” Boreanaz told Metro.

Asked why they sometimes annoy each other, David explained: “I’m constantly poking her shoulder and getting under her skin. I think it’s part of my job. She’s very opinionated. I could be talking to a director या producer and she’ll put her two cents in. It’s annoying and I’ve told her about it, but she keeps on doing it.”
added by chel1395
Source: chel1395.livejournal.com
added by housemdfreak
posted by girly_girl
Just though I'd add this part of the dialogue from one of my fave episodes in Season One,
" A man on death row".

'Bones' Season One
Episode: 107
“A man on Death Row”

(Booth and बोन्स are sitting at a तालिका, टेबल in the FBI offices and Booth is filling out a form)

Booth - Name?

Bones - आप know my name?

Booth - Bones, you're making an offical request to the FBI to be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. I have to follow protocol.

Bones - Its ridiculous. (Mutters to self)

Booth - Fine. We're done. आप wanna get some coffee?( Booth pushes the application sheet away from him.)

Bones - My name is Dr. Temperence...
continue reading...
added by bibi88
Source: even-the-best-fall-down.tumblr.com
added by jelenabones
Source: tumblr.com
added by Elizabeth90luv
added by Paddiefan2
added by boothnbones13
added by rorymariano
Source: tumblr